Mineral Processing Laboratory


Research Infrastructure

•   Wet Magnetic Separation
•   Dry Magnetic Separation
•   Overhead Crane
•   Vertical stirred mill
•   Filter
•   Vertical stirred mill
•   Flotation Machine
•   Precision Balance
•   Davis tube
•   Compressor
•   pH meter
•  Ersel (ball mill)
•   Elutrator
•   Sieve shaker machine
•   Hot plate
•    Bakery
•   Thermolyre (coal analysis machine)
•   Shaking table
•   Jigs
•   Heavy environment tank
•   Hydrocyclone
•   Hydrosizer
•   Cyclosizer
•   Hydraulic classifier
•   Sanicator Vibrating bath
•   Falcon
•   Los Angeles mill
•   Bond mill
•    Rod mill
•   Rotap sieve machine (dry)
•   Ring mill
•   Cone crusher
•   Jaw crusher
•   Industrial sieve
•   Weighing
•    hammer crusher
•   Multi-layer sieve
•    Roll crusher
•   Air separator
•   Russell sieve
•   Cyclone
•   Dust holding device
•   Compressor
•   Spiral
•   Head correction machine
•   Forklift
•   Lathe machine
•    Bakery
•   Drill (fixed)
•   Precision Balance
•   LECO TGA Moisture-ash-volatile matter analyzer
•   LECO calorimeter device
•   Computer
•   Centrifuge device
•   Air Cyclone
•   Ceramic mill
•    Bakery
•   Agat Mill
•   Magnetic stirrer
•   Hot plate
•   pH meter
•   Wet magnetic separator
•   Permoll magnetic separator
•   Dropweight
•   Compressor
•   Band
•   AAS Varian
•   ICP-OES Thermo
•   Ion Chromatography
•   Precision Balance
•   Oven
•   UV-VIS Spectrophometer
•   Microscope (Clemex)
•   Zeta-meter
•   CV-Cyclic voltammetry
•   Polishing device
•   Fume Hood
•   Precision Balance
•   Oven
•   Pure water purifier
•   Laser measuring device (dry and wet)
•   Electronic scale
•   Alpin air jet vacuum sieve machine
•   Blaine surface area measuring device
•   BET surface area measuring device
•   Particle counting device (Coulter Counter)


•    Prof.Dr. Zafir EKMEKÇİ
•    Prof.Dr. Abdullah OBUT
•    Prof.Dr. Ş. Levent ERGÜN
•    Prof.Dr. A. Hakan BENZER
•    Prof.Dr. Özcan Y. GÜLSOY
•    Prof.Dr. İsmail GİRGİN (Emekli oldu)
•    Doç.Dr. İlkay B. CAN
•    Doç.Dr. Namık AYDOĞAN
•    Doç.Dr. N. Metin CAN
•    Doç. Dr. Okay ALTUN
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hakan DÜNDAR
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özlem BIÇAK
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayşe ÜÇYILDIZ
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ergin GÜLCAN
•    Dr. E. Caner ORHAN
•    Dr. Özgür ÖZCAN
•    Dr. N. Alper TOPRAK
•    Dr. Deniz ALTUN
•    Dr. Damla İZERDEM
•    Yük. Müh. İlhan EHSANİ
•    Öğr.Gör. Dr. Yasemin ÖZTÜRK

Ongoing Projects

•    "Optik Filtreleme ile Desteklenen Sensor Temelli Ayırıcıların Bor Cevheri Zenginleştirilmesinde ve Ambalaj Atıklarının Geri Dönüşümünde Kullanımının Araştırılması", Ergin Gülcan (Dr. Öğr. Üyesi), TÜBITAK 3001 Başlangıç AR-GE Projesi, 118M226, 15.06.2018-15.06.2019.
•    “ETİ Bakır Cerrattepe Cevherinin Flotasyonla Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları”, Zafir Ekmekçi (Prof.Dr., Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri), Nisan 2019, ETİ Bakır A.Ş.
•    “İnce öğütme tekniğinin çimento devresindeki kullanım olanaklarının kalite verileri baz alınarak değerlendirilmesi”, Okay Altun (Doç.Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 216M394, 2019.
•    “Netzsch-Bursa Çimento, Implementation of Sphero Mill in Cement Milling Circuit”, Hakan Benzer.

Completed Projects

•    “Kuru karıştırmalı değirmende bilya boyu dağılımının enerji, ürün tane boyu ve şekli üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılması Proje Türü: Hızlı Destek Projesi Proje Grubu: Fen ve Mühendisli”, BAP proje ID 17437
•    “Farklı Öğütme Mekanizmalarının Bileşen Davranımı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Araştırılması”, Okay Altun (Doç. Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 119M850, 2019-başlangıç.
•    Prof. Dr. Hakan Benzer AMIRA-P9Q HPGR Multicomponent Modelling-Implementation Stage
•    “Chryso France, Effect of Grinding Aids on Grinding-Classification-Modelling Aspects”, Hakan Benzer (Prof. Dr.)
•    “Loesche GMBH, Bed Breakage System Material Characterization Technique”, Hakan Benzer (Prof. Dr.)
•    “GCC Anglo American Core 2 Projesi”.
•    “Modelling of Vertical Roller Milling”.
•    "Metallurgical Assesment of Hot Maden Au-Cu Sulfide Ore”, Zafir EKMEKÇİ, (Prof. Dr.), Artmin Madencilik.
•    “Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Zinkgruvan (Sweden) Flotation Plant”, Zafir EKMEKÇİ, (Prof. Dr.), Lundin Mining.
•    “Cu-Fe Cevheri Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları” (Miryıldız), Prof. Dr. Ş. Levent ERGÜN, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2018
•    “Endüstriyel Elemenin Sayısal Modellemesi”, E. Caner Orhan (Dr.), TÜBİTAK, Proje No: 215M368. (tamamlandı)
•    “Qualifying the Ash and Comparison of Performance between the Ash Recovered from Landfills with Fresh Dry Ash”, Kentucky Üniversitesi CAER Bünyesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir, Ocak, 2018.
•    "Study of Fly Ash Waste and the Practical Uses of it as a Component in Construction Materials", Tom Robl, EPRI (Energy Power Research Institute of USA) ve Kentucky Üniversitesi ortaklığında, 10006881, 2017.
•     “Evaluating and Processing VISUAL and NIR Images of Minerals”, Ergin GULCAN, Bursiyer, TÜBİTAK-2214/A Yurt Dışı Doktora Sırası Araştırma Burs Programı, 20.04.2017-20.09.2017.
•    “Tane Boyu Dağılımının Falcon Zenginleştirici (Geliştirilmiş Yerçekimi Zenginleştiricisi) Verimine Etkisi Ve Bakır Geri Dönüşüm Tesislerine Uygulanabilirliğinin Araştırılması”, KADEMLİ Murat (Yrd.Doç.Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 215M144
•    “Kömür Yıkama Tesisi Atıkları Değerlendirilmesi Çalışmaları”, Prof. Dr. Ş. Levent ERGÜN, Türkiye Kömür İşletmeleri, Temmuz 2017.
•    Concentration of HOT Maden Au-Cu Ore, Polimetal Madencilik, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2016.
•    ETİ Elektrometalurji Krom Cevherlerinin Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları, ETİ Elektrometalurji A.Ş., Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2017.
•    “Yerçekimi ile Zenginleştirme Ekipmanlarında Tane Boyunun Etkisinin İncelenmesi”, ERGÜN, Ş. Levent (Prof. Dr.), (Yük. Müh.) Damla İzerdem, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi, Proje No: FHD-2017-13234.
•    “Pilot Ölçekte Yürütülen Susuzlandırma Hidrosiklonu Denemelerinin Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi”, ALTUN (Yrd.Doç.Dr.), Çayeli Bakış İşletmeleri
•    T. Robl, R. Jewell, E. Gulcan, A. Oberlink, T. Duvallet; “Laboratory Assessment of Fly Ash Recovered from Ponds and Landfills for Use in Concrete”, University of Kentucky ve Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: August, 2017.
•    “Cevher hazırlamada kullanılan sensör temelli ayırıcılarda optik filtrelemenin etkisinin belirlenmesi”, Çelik, İlkay Bengü, TÜBİTAK, MAG Proje No:214M635, Nisan 2016
•    “AKSU Madencilik-Yellice Krom Cevherinin Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015.
•    “Pilot Plant Production of Acid Grade Fluorite Concentrate”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, Kasım 2015.
•    ERGÜN, Levent, (Prof.Dr.) TRAKYA SARAY-VİZE KÖMÜR HAVZASI Yerli Kömür Kaynaklarının Optimum Şekilde Ülke Ekonomisine Kazandırılması Modelinin Oluşturulması Projesi
•    “Triboelektrostatik Ayırıcı”, Özcan Y. Gulsoy (Prof.Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 115M729
•    “Su Kimyasının Flotasyon Performansına Etkisi”, İZERDEM, Damla (Araş. Gör.), Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti. (HMT)
•    Optimisation of IGCC Technologies for Use with High Ash Content Coal (OPTIMASH)”, Proje Koordinatörü: GÖKALP, İskender (Dr.), Avrupa Birliği FP7 Projesi. (tamamlandı)
•    AKSU Madencilik-Yellice Krom Cevherinin Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015, (Tamamlandı).
•    Akarşen ve Çakmakkaya Konsantratörlerinden Altın Kazanımı Çalışmaları”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, ETİ Bakır A.Ş., 2015 (Tamamlandı).
•    Pandermit Pasalarının Zenginleştirilmesi”, Eti Maden İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri Ltd. Proje Koordinatörü: Prof.Dr. Özcan Gülsoy. (tamamlandı)
•    The Concentration of Fluorspar Ore from Yozgat, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2014, (Tamamlandı).
•    Su Kimyasının Flotasyon Performansına Etkisi, EKMEKÇİ, Zafir (Prof. Dr.), TÜBİTAK Proje No 111M690 (tamamlandı)
•    Triboelektrik Ayırıcı Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Özcan Y. Gülsoy, TÜBİTAK, 2015
•    Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcıların Silis Kumu için Sınıflandırma Performanslarının İncelenmesi, ÖZCAN, Özgür (Dr.), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, FED-2015-7390.
•    Kömür Dışı Uygulamalarda Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcıların Performansının İncelenmesi, ERGÜN, Levent (Prof. Dr.), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, FDK-2015-5957.
•    Process Mineralogy Study for Chelopech Floation Plant”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, Dundee Metals, Bulgaria, 2014, (Tamamlandı).


•    H.H. Gharehgheshlagh, A.T. Cebeci ve Ş. L. Ergün, Laboratuvar çalışmaları sonuçları ve benzetim (simülasyon) yöntemi kullanılarak altın cevheri öğütme devreleri ile ilgili seçeneklerin değerlendirilmesi; örnek olay incelemesi: İran Gold Co., MTA Dergisi, 159, 2019, 223-238.
•    E. Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, İ.B. Can, M. Özyurt, E Tuncer, Bir demir cevherinden manyetit ve bakır kazanımı amacıyla entegre bir akım şeması geliştirme stratejileri, Yerbilimleri/Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, cilt.40, no.1, ss.1-34, 2019 (ULAKBİM).
•    İ.B. Can, Z. Ekmekçi, N.M. Can, Proses Mineralojisinin Flotasyon Tesis Performans Analizinde Kullanımı, Yerbilimleri, Cilt 39, Sayı 3, 2018, 177-193.
•    E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, Ş.L. Ergün, Endüstriyel Elemenin Sayısal Modellemesi (1. Bölüm): AEY Modelinin Geliştirilmesi ve Sınanması, Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 17-29.
•    E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, Ş. L. Ergün, Endüstriyel Elemenin Sayısal Modellemesi (2. Bölüm): Tasarım ve İşletme Değişkenlerinin Eleme Performansı Üzerine Etkileri, Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 31-44.
•    Ö. Özcan, Murgul Bakır Cevherinin Ön Zenginleştirmesinde Alternatif Yaklaşımlar, Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, Cilt 57, Sayı 3, 2018, s.149-162.
•    Ö. Özcan, Polimetalik Bir Cevherden Falcon Santrifüj Zenginleştirici Kullanarak Altın Kazanımı Olanaklarının Araştırılması, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol.21, 2019.
•    O. Bicak, A technique to determine ore variability in a sulphide ore, Minerals Engineering Volume 142, 2019, 105927 (SCI)
•    Bahrami, E. Gülcan, Investigating the high ash lignite processing with teetered bed separator, International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 39:4, 169-182, 2019. (SCI)
•    N. M. CAN, O. Altun, Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit, Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing, cilt.55, ss.552-564, 2019. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp18167. (SCI)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, H. Benzer, The use of impact bed breakage procedure in model fitting of dry stirred mill, Partıculate Scıence and Technology, 1-8, 2019. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, S. Zencirci, Developing a methodology to model and predict the grinding performance of the dry stirred mill, Minerals Engineering, 139, 2019, 1-9. 105867. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, H. Benzer, Modelling of pilot scale vertical roller mill operated in overflow mode, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 1-9, 2019. (SCI)
•    E. Gülcan, İ.B. Can, N.M. Can, L.Ş. Ergün, Concentration characteristics of a complex antimony ore, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp19003, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 823-839. (SCI)
•    Ergin Sarp Zencirci, Okay Altun, Ahmet Hakan Benzer, Levent Onat, Osman Nemli,  Improving early-age strength of fly ash cement and increasing fly ash content by inter-grinding, ZKG International, 71 (10), 52-63, 201.
•    E.Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, Evaluation of complex copper ore sorting: Effect of optical filtering on particle recognition, Minerals Engineering, vol.127, pp.208-223, 2018. (SCI)
•    Ö.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, A new method for gravity separation: Vibrating table gravity concentrator, Separation And Purification Technology, vol.211, pp.124-134, 2019. (SCI)
•    Ehsani, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, Leaching Behaviour Of Zinc From A Smithsonite Ore In Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2019, 55(2), 407-416. (SCI Expanded)
•    İ.B. Can, B. Özsoy, Ş.L. Ergün, Developing an optimum beneficiation route for a low-grade chromite ore, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. doi: 10.5277/ppmp19006, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 865-878. (SCI)
•    İ. Ehsani, A. Obut, Conversion Behaviours Of Sr- And Ca-Containing Solids In Dissolved Carbonate Containing Alkaline Pregnant Zinc Leaching Solutions, Minerals Engineering, 135, 2019, 9-12 (Short Communication). (SCI)
•    M. Kademli, N.A. Aydogan, An Extraction Of Copper From Recycling Plant Slag By Using Falcon Concentrator, Gospodarka Surowcamı Mıneralnymı-Mıneral Resources Management, Cilt 35, Sayı 1, 2019, Sayfa 117-128. (SCI)
•    N.A. Toprak, A.H. Benzer, Effects of grinding aids on model parameters of a cement ball mill and an air classifier, Powder Technology, 344, 2019, 706-718. (SCI)
•    Ö. Özcan, Performance comparison of a hydrocyclone and crossflow separator – a plant study, Separation Science and Technology, 2019. (SCI)
•    A.H. Benzer, D. Altun, Ö. Özal, V. Cebeci,“Sı̇nterlı̇k demı̇r cevherı̇ konsantresı̇nı̇n DRI pelet kekı̇ üretı̇mı̇nı̇nde kullanılabı̇lı̇rlı̇ğı̇nı̇n araştırılması (Investigation of usability of sintering iron ore concentrate in DRI pellet cake production)” , 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey, Belek April 2019, 991-997.
•    Sönmez, S. Lynch-Watson, S. Villalobos, H. Dündar, H. Benzer,  Optimisation of the crushing circuit in a copper operation, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 937-943
•    C.E. Karahan, T. Sert, O. Altun, Variation in the wear characteristics and the grinding performance of different balls, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E. Yılmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, Tektelli Kesme Parametrelerinin Çamur Tane Boyuna Etkileri, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E. Yilmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, The effects of monowire cutting parameters on mean size of swarf [Tek telli kesme parametrelerinin çamur tane boyuna etkileri], 26. International Mining Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E.C. Orhan, Cevher Hazırlamada Bilgisayar Uygulamaları, Madenlerde Arama, İşletme, Cevher Hazırlama Safhalarında Bilgisayar Kullanımı, Eğitim Semineri, Yurt Madenciliğini Geliştirme Vakfı, 24-25 Aralık 2018, İstanbul.
•    E.C. Orhan, “Kömür Yıkama Tesis Atıklarının (Şlamların) Termik Santralde Yakıt Olarak Kullanılması”, 2019 Atık Yönetimi Zirvesi, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı, 24-28 Şubat 2019, Antalya.
•    E. Gülcan, "A novel approach for sensor based sorting performance determination", Physical Separation'19, Cornwall, İngiltere, 13-14 Haziran 2019, pp.1-40
•    Ö.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, "Vibrating table gravity concentrator: A brief comparison with shaking table", 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 October 2018, Antalya, Türkiye, 67-74
•    İ. B. Can, Ş. L. Ergün, N.M. Can, Ö. Özcan, A. Aghlmandi, “Influence of Mineralogy of Chrome Ores on their Enrichment Behaviours”, 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 October 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 43.
•    O. Altun, C.E. Karahan, E.S. Zencirci, N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer.  Proposed flowsheet design for a cement grinding circuit by considering fine grinding technology. 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
•    Ö. Bıçak, E. Özdemir, İ. B. Can, H. Hassoy, H. Boz, Z. Ekmekçi, “Effects of Two-Stage Grinding on Flotation Performance of an Au-Cu Sulphide Ore”, SME 2019 Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, 2019.
•    Ö. Genç, A.H. Benzer,  Effect of operational conditions on energy efficiencies of air-swept ball mill and classification circuits in cement raw material production, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 806-812.
•    Ö. Bıçak, Prediction of Closed Circuit Performance by Simulation, 31 Ekim- 2 Kasım 2019 Antalya, IMPC 2019 Eurasia.
•    Izerdem, S.L. Ergun, Size-by-size evaluation of the concentration process in spiral concentrators, 29th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2018), Moscow - Russia, 2018, Proceedings,  ss. 229-236.
•    O. Bicak, “Sülfürlü Cevherlerde Flotasyon Davranımını Belirlemek İçin JKMSI ve Oksidasyon İndeksinin Entegrasyonu”, Yerbilimleri, 39 (1), 2018, 79-88
•    O. Altun, “Bir Bakır/Çinko cevheri öğütme devresinde enerji optimizasyonunun sağlanması”, ÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg.7, 1, 2018, 284-296
•    Ö. Özcan, N.A. Toprak, İ. Göktaş, “Bir Kırma Eleme Tesisinin Performansının Değerlendirilmesi Ve Optimizasyonu”, Bilimsel Madencilik, 57, 2, 2018, 95-108
•    S.S. Çolak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, Z. Gencer, H. Koçak, “Development of a preliminary media wear measurement test procedure for cement ball milling applications, Powder Technology”, 325, 2018, 678-686. (SCI)
•    N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “The effects of grinding aids on modelling of air classification of cement, Construction and Building Materials”, 160, 564-574. (SCI)
•    Y. Öztürk, Ö. Bıçak, E. Özdemir, Z. Ekmekçi, “Mitigation negative effects of thiosulfate on flotation performance of a Cu-Pb-Zn sulfide ore”, Minerals Engineering, 122, 2018, 142-147. (SCI)
•    O. Bicak, Y. Ozturk, E. Ozdemir,Z. Ekmekci, “Modelling effects of dissolved ions in process water on flotation performance”. Minerals Engineering 128, 2018, 84–91. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behavior around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International 10, 2017, 58-67. (SCI)
•    O. Altun, “Energy and cement quality optimization of a cement grinding circuit”, Advanced Powder Technology, 29, 1713-1723. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behaviour around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International, 10, 58-67. (SCI)
•    Aghlmandi Harzanagh, E.C. Orhan, L. Ergün, “Discrete element modelling of vibrating screens”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 107-121.
•    D. Izerdem, E.C. Orhan, O. Ozcan ve E. Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2018.02.022; WOS: 000431156600005 ; ISSN: 0892-6875  (SCI)
•    Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, "Optical sorting of lignite and its effects on process economics", Internatıonal Journal Of Coal Preparatıon And Utılızatıon, 38, 2018, 107-126. (SCI)
•    T.O. Dizdar, G. Kocausta, E. Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, "A new method to produce high voltage static electric load for electrostatic separation – Triboelectric charging", Powder Technology, 2018, 89-95. (SCI)
•    E. Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, "Performance evaluation of optical sorting in mineral processing - A case study with quartz, magnesite, hematite, lignite, copper and gold ores", Internatıonal Journal Of Mıneral Processıng, 169, 2017, 129-141. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Effects of Bed Dimensions on Fine Particle Breakage”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 Nisan 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•    Altun, W. Little, H. Benzer,  A. Mainza, M. Becker, C. Gerold, “Comparing Vertical Roller Mill performance on two different precious metal ores”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 Nisan 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika
•    Benzer ve C. Gerold, “First application of a Vertical-Roller-Mill in a sulfide copper-gold ore Project”,  Comminution 2018, 16-19 Nisan 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•    D. Altun, N. Aydogan, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “Performance Evaluation of Vertical Roller Mill in Cement Grinding: Case Study ESCH Cement Plant”, 15. European Symposium on Comminution Classification, İzmir -Turkey, September 2017.
•    Sönmez, H. Benzer, H. Dündar ve S.-L. Watson, “Prediction of the pilot HPGR product size distribution by using population balance model”, Comminution 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-19 Nisan 2018.
•    Ehsani, N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, “A Comparative Dry Grinding Study Of A Natural And A Heated Vermiculite”, Proceedings Of The 3.International Porous And Powder Materials Symposium And Exhibition, Kusadasi-Turkey, 2017, 6-11.
•    Ucyildiz, C.T. Unaldi, A. Obut, I. Girgin, “Effect Of Sulphuric Acid Addition On Thermal Behaviour Of A Limonitic Nickel Laterite Ore”, Proceedings Of The 17.Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey, 2017, 477-486.
•    N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer, “ Effects of grinding aid dosage on cement grinding circuit”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification, İzmir, Turkey, 11-14 September 2017.
•    Ucyildiz, I. Girgin, “Leaching of Nickel From A Limonitic Laterite Ore In Aqueous H2SO4 Solutions”, Proceedings Of The 17. Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey,  2017, 467-475
•    ÖZCAN, Ö; "Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcı ile Farklı Minerallerin Zenginleştirilmesi", YERBİLİMLERİ, Ağustos 2017, Hacettepe YUVAM, 13s.
•    Benzer, H. Dündar, O. Altun, L.M. Tavares, M. Powell, D.B. Mazzinghy, J.F. Russo, HPGR simulation from piston-die tests with an itabirite ore, REM, Int. Eng. J. vol.70 no.1 Ouro Preto Jan./Mar. 2017, pp.99-107
•    Deniz ALTUN (Dr.), Hakan Benzer (Prof Dr) , Namık Aydogan (Doç. Dr.), Carsten Gerold, “Operational parameters affecting the vertical roller mill performance”, Minerals Engineering, 2017/4/30, 5s.
•    Ozcan, O; Ergun, S.L, "Performance of teetered bed separator for non-coal applications", Separation Science and Technology Feb. 2017, Taylor and Francis, 9s.
•    Gharehgheshlagh ,Hojjat H., Ergun, Levent , Chehreghani, Sajjad, Investigation of laboratory conditions effect on prediction accuracy of size distribution of industrial ball mill discharge by using a perfect mixing model. A case study: Ozdogu copper-molybdenum plant, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 53(2), 2017, 1175−1187.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ERGUN, S. Levent, GÜLCAN, E., Beneficiation of oxide ores using dense medium cyclones. A simulation study, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 53(1), 2017, 379−393.
•    E.Turianicová, M.Kaňuchová, A.Zorkovská, M.Holub, Z.Bujňáková, E.Dutková, M.Baláž, L.Findoráková, M.Balintová, Abdullah Obut (Prof.Dr.), CO2 utilization for fast preparation of nanocrystalline hydrozincite, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016, 16, 328-335.
•    Altun, O., 2016. Simulation aided flow sheet optimization of a cement grinding circuit by considering the quality measurements, Powder Technology (301) pp. 1242-1251.
•    Dündar, N.A. Aydoğan and H. Benzer, High Pressure Grinding Rolls: Moving From Cement to Minerals, 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 2017
•    Ehsani, Arman; Ehsani, İlhan, “A Brief Overview of Pyrometallurgical Treatments of Marine Ores” 18th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC 2016), İstanbul, 29 Eylül - 1 Ekim 2016, (Kongre Bildiri Kitabı, 2016)
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Numerical study of parameters affecting industrial screening performance, 25th International Mining Congress of Turkey.
•    GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.Dr.), Gizem Kocausta, Tahsin O. Dizdar, Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Recep Kaya, “Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore”, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, İstanbul-Turkey, 19-21 October 2016.
•    KUMAŞ, Cavit, Zehra Ebru Sayın, “Activated Carbon Production From Hazelnut Shells Using Phosphoric Acid and Boron”, 16. International Symposium on Enviromental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Production, İstanbul, Turkey, 5-7 October 2016.
•    Ekmekçi, Z., Biçak, Ö.,Can, M., Çelik, I.B., Öztürk, Y., Kocabiyik, B., Şahin, N., 2017, Flotation of problematic Cu-Zn Ores in Çbi (Turkey), SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment pp. 324-328.
•    ERGÜN, L. (Prof. Dr.), CELİK, I.B. (Doç. Dr.), GULSOY, Ö.Y. (Prof. Dr.), 2017, Development of flowsheet for a low grade chromite ore in Turkey, SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment, Feb. 19-22, Denver, CO, pp. 205-207.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Discrete Element Modelling of Vibrating Screens, Computational Modeling17, 13-14 Haziran 2017, Falmouth, Cornwall, İngiltere,
•    GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.Dr.), Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Effect of optical filtering on ash content determination, World of Coal Ash Conference (WOCA), May 8-11, 2017, Lexington, Kentucky.
•    İZERDEM, Damla (Yük. Müh.), (Dr.) E. Caner Orhan, (Dr.) Özgür Özcan, Erhan Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Physical Separation’17, Falmouth, 15 – 16 Haziran 2017.
•    Çolak, S., Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., 2016., Media Wear Measurements in a Laboratory Scale Ball Mill, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 19-21 October 2016, İstanbul
•    Ozgur OZCAN, "Performance Comparison of Different Types of Classifiers and Their Effects on Circuit", Physical Separation 17, Falmouth/Great Britain, 15-16 June 2017, İngiltere, Minerals Engineering International, 2017 6s.
•    Özgür ÖZCAN; Levent ERGÜN, "Yıkama Suyu Miktarının Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcı Performansı Üzerine Etkisi", IMCET 2017, Antalya/Türkiye, 11-14 Nisan 2017, Türkiye TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, Sayfa, 2017, 9s.
•    İlhan Ehsani, Erika Turianicová, Matej Baláž, Abdullah Obut, “Effects of sulphuric acid dissolution on the physical and chemical properties of a natural and a heated vermiculite”, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2015, Sayı 20(2), s110-115.
•    Ertekin, Zeliha (Ar.Gör), Kadir Pekmez (Prof. Dr.), Zafir Ekmekçi (Prof. Dr.), “Evaluation of collector adsorption by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Elsevier, 2016, No:154,16-23s.
•    Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., Darilmaz, O., 2016. Multi component modelling of an air classifier, Minerals Engineering (93), 50-56s
•    Altun, O., Benzer, H., Toprak, N.A.,Enderle, U., 2015. Utilization of grinding aids in dry horizontal stirred milling, Powder Technology (286), 610-615s.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Arş. Gör. Dr.), ÇELİK, İlkay Bengü (Yrd. Doç Dr.), “Beneficiation routes for upgrading iron ore tailings with a teetered bed separator” Separation Science and Technology, 11 Ağustos 2016, 12s.
•    E.C. Orhan, E. Gulcan, O. Gulsoy, L. Ergun, M. Can, A. Aghlmandi, M. Ersoy; 2015;  Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, October 5 - 8, Pittsburgh, PA USA
•    Orhan, E.C., Can, M., Olgun, Z., Ozer, A., (2016), “Performance evaluation practices at dense medium separation circuits”, 18th International Coal Preparation Congress, June 28- July 01 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia.
•    Gulcan, Ergin (Araş. Gör.), Gulsoy, Gulsoy (Prof.Dr.) Çelik, İlkay B. (Yrd. Doç. Dr.) Olgun, Zeki (TKİ), Karaoğuz, Selda (TKİ), Investigation of Dry Coal Beneficiation with Optical Sorter, XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2016, 1155-1160.
•    Altun, Deniz; Hakan Benzer, Namik Aydogan, Carsten Gerold, “OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE VERTICAL ROLLER MILL PERFORMANCE”, Comminution’16, Cape Town, 11-14 Nisan 2016.
•    Altun, Okay, H. Benzer and H. Dundar (Hacettepe University, Turkey), Closed circuiting the HPGRs: air classification-their operations and efficiencies Comminution 16, Cape Town/South Africa, 11-14 Nisan 2016.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Arş. Gör. Dr.), ERGÜN, Levent (Prof. Dr.), “Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand” , 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg İSVEÇ, 7-10 Eylül 2015, ESCC 2015, Sempozyum bildiri kitabı, Chalmers University of technology, 11 Eylül 2015, 5s
•    ERGÜN, LEVENT (Prof.Dr.), Ataallah Bahrami (Dr.), Mustafa Ziypak, Ayşe Özer, 2016, XVIII. International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 28 June-1 July, Springer,849-854.
•    O. Y. Gülsoy, G. Kocausta, T. O. Dizdar, E. Gülcan, R. Kaya, Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey, October 19-21, 2016, pp 549-560
•    Altun, D., Gerold, C., Benzer, H., Altun, O., 2015. Copper ore grinding in a mobile vertical roller mill pilot plant. International Journal of Mineral Processing (136), 32-36s.
•    Altun, O., Benzer, H., Enderle, U., 2014. The Effects of Chamber Diameter and Stirrer Design on Dry Horizontal Stirred Mill Performance, Minerals Engineering (69), 24-28s
•    Çelik, I. B., “Mineralogical Interpretation of the Collector Dosage Change on the Sphalerite Flotation Performance”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015, Vol. 135, 11-19s.
•    Dundar, H., Benzer, H., 2015, Investigating multicomponent breakage in cement grinding, Minerals Engineering, Volume 77, June 2015, Pages 131-136.
•    Ergin Gulcan, Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, Prof. Dr. Levent S. Ergun (2014), “Comparison of Color and NIR Camera in Sorting of Lignites”, Sensor-Based Sorting 2014, pp.193-201, Heft 135 der Schriftenreihe der GDMB
•    Namık A. Aydogan, “A simple sampling method for VRMs”, ZKG International 3-2015, 51-55
•    Ozgur Ozcan , Namık A. Aydogan, Hakan Benzer,”Effect of operational parameters and recycling load on the high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) performance” International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 136, 10 March (2015), 20–25
•    Toprak, N.A., Altun, O., Aydogan, N., Benzer, H., 2014. The Influences and Selection of Grinding Chemicals in Cement Grinding Circuits, Construction and Building Materials (68) 15, 199-205s.
•    N. Metin CAN, Effect of microwave radiation on processing characteristics of sulphide minerals in inert atmosphere, Separation Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2015.1107582
•    Altun, O, Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Toprak, N.A., Arslan A., Sahin, N., 2014. Simulation aided energy optimization of a copper grinding circuit, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kuşadası, Türkiye
•    Bıçak, Özlem, Bahrami, Ataallah, Özdemir, Elif, Çelik, İlkay B., Can, N. Metin, Ekmekçi, Zafir, “Effects of Different Collector Types and Mixtures on a Porphyry Copper Molybdenum Sulphide Ore Flotation”, Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 2014, 287-292.
•    Bicak, Ö., Altun, O., Celik, I.B., Öztürk, Y., Can, N.M., Ekmekçi, Z., Concentration of Yozgat Yenipazar Ore with Flotation. XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 10-12, 2012, Bodrum, TURKEY.
•    Cebeci, T., Ergun, S.L., 2015, Simulation studies to increase throughput of the ETI Bakir Murgul copper mine AG-Pebble Mill grinding circuit, SAG Conference 2015, UBC, Canada.
•    Celik I., Can M, Bradshaw D., “Integration of Process Mineralogy into the Undergraduate Education of Mineral Processors at Hacettepe Unıversity”, IMA 2014, 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September, 2014, South Africa, p369.  
•    E. Caner Orhan, Özcan Gülsoy, Levent Ergün, Metin Can and Ayşe Özer, (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler Coal Washing Plant Performance Using Density Tracers”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 157-165
•    EHSANİ, İ. (Araş.Gör.), TURIANICOVÁ, E. (Dr.), BALÁŽ, M. (Dr.) and OBUT, A. (Doç.Dr.), “Leaching of a commercial vermiculite in H2SO4 solutions”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 757-763 (2014).
•    Ergin Gülcan and Özcan Gülsoy (2014), “NIR Sorting of Lignites”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 831-837
•    Ertekin, Z., Pekmez, K. and Ekmekçi, Z., Surface characterization of pyrite using electrochemical techniques. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 409-415.
•    Gucbilmez D., Ergun, S. L. and Weitkämper L., 2015. A study on gravity separation of coarse and fine sizes separately, 16th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress Proceedings, Belgrade.
•    Güçbilmez, D., Özcan, Ö. and Ekmekçi, Z., Beneficiation of gold from sulfide ore with high clay content. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 695-702.
•    H. Dundar, A. Kalugin, M. Delgado, A. Palomino, A. Turkistanlı, B. Aquino, A. Lynch, 2014, Screens and cyclones in closed grinding circuits, IMPC 2014, abstract book, vol II, pp.571, 20-24 October 2014, Santiago, Chile
•    Nasuh, A., Girgin, İ., 2014. Synthesis and Characterization of Mg3B2O6 Using MgO and H3BO3, Proceedings of the 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 853-859.
•    OBUT, A. (Doç.Dr.) and GİRGİN, İ. (Prof.Dr.), “Effects of different initial magnesium compounds on the preparation of magnesium orthoborate”, Proceedings of the 9.International Industrial Minerals Symposium, İzmir-Turkey, 533-542 (2015).
•    OBUT, A. (Doç.Dr.), “Preparation of strontium hexaferrite powders using SrSO4 and Fe3O4”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 787-792 (2014).
•    Orhan, E.C., Gulcan, E., Gulsoy, O., Ergun, S.L., Can, M., Aghlmandi, A., Ersoy, M., (2015), Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA
•    Orhan, E.C., Gülsoy, Ö., Ergün, L., Can, M., Özer, A., (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler coal washing plant performance using density tracers”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, Kuşadası, Turkey.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, L., “Separation Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg/Sweden, 7-11 September 2015, İsveç, Chalmers University of Technology, 2015, 383s.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, S.L., "Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand", 2015, Proceedings of 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg, pp 240-244.
•    Ozcan, O., Güçbilmez D., Ekmekçi Z., “Beneficiation of gold from sulphide ore with high clay content”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kuşadası/TÜRKİYE, 15-17 October 2014.
•    Özdemir, E., Bıçak, Ö., Bahrami, A., Öztürk, Y., Ekmekçi, Z., Screening Types of Dissolved Ions Affecting Flotation Performance. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 393-399.
•    Toprak, N.A., Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Altun, O., Dundar, H., Ozcan, O., Altun, D., 2014. Optimization alternatives in cement grinding circuits, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kuşadası, Türkiye.
•    Tuba, Ç., Girgin, İ. 2014. Comparative H2SO4 and H2SO4 + H2O2 Leaching of a Turkish Lateritic Nickel Ore, XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress, 20-24 October, Sheraton Hotel, Santiago, Chile, Chapter-19, 89-98

European Union FP7 Project. (Completed)
•   AKSU Mining-Yellice Chromium Ore Enrichment Studies, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015, (Completed).
•   Gold Recovery Studies from Akarşen and Çakmakkaya Concentrators”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, ETİ Bakır A.Ş., 2015 (Completed).
•   Enrichment of Pandermit Passes”, Eti Maden Operations General Directorate, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies Ltd. Project Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Ozcan Gulsoy. (Completed)
•   The Concentration of Fluorspar Ore from Yozgat, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, 2014, (Completed).
•   The Effect of Water Chemistry on Flotation Performance, EKMEKÇİ, Zafir (Prof. Dr.), TÜBİTAK Project No 111M690 (completed)
•   Triboelectric Separator Executor: Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, TUBITAK, 2015
•   Investigation of Classification Performance of Swelling Bed Separators for Silica Sand, ÖZCAN, Özgür (Dr.), Hacettepe University, FED-2015-7390.
•    Examination of Performance of Swelling Bed Separators in Non-Coal Applications, ERGÜN, Levent (Prof.), Hacettepe University, FDK-2015-5957.
•    Process Mineralogy Study for Chelopech Floation Plant”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, Dundee Metals, Bulgaria, 2014, (Completed).

Publications (Last 5 Years)
•   H.H. Gharehgheshlagh, A.T. Cebeci and S. L. Ergün, Evaluation of options related to gold ore grinding circuits by using the results of laboratory studies and simulation method; case study: Iran Gold Co., MTA Magazine, 159, 2019, 223-238.
•    E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gulsoy, I.B. Can, M. Özyurt, E Tuncer, Strategies for developing an integrated flow chart for the recovery of magnetite and copper from an iron ore, Journal of Geosciences/Hacettepe University Geosciences Application and Research Center, vol.40, no.1, pp.1-34, 2019 (ULAKBIM).
•   I.B. Can, Z. Ekmekçi, N.M. Can, The Use of Process Mineralogy in Flotation Plant Performance Analysis, Geosciences, Vol 39, No 3, 2018, 177-193.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S.L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 1): Developing and Testing the AEY Model, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 17-29.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S. L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 2): Effects of Design and Operation Variables on Screening Performance, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 31-44.
•    HE. Özcan, Alternative Approaches to the Pre-Concentration of Murgul Copper Ore, Scientific Mining Journal, Vol 57, No 3, 2018, pp.149-162.
•    HE. Özcan, Investigation of Gold Recovery Possibilities from a Polymetallic Ore Using Falcon Centrifugal Enrichment, Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.21, 2019.
•   O. Bicak, A technique to determine ore variability in a sulphide ore, Minerals Engineering Volume 142, 2019, 105927 (SCI)
•   Bahrami, E. Gülcan, Investigating the high ash lignite processing with teetered bed separator, International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 39:4, 169-182, 2019. (SCI)
•    N. M. CAN, O. Altun, Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit, Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing, vol.55, ss.552-564, 2019. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp18167. (SCI)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, H. Benzer, The use of impact bed breakage procedure in model fitting of dry stirred mill, Particulate Science and Technology, 1-8, 2019. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, S. Zencirci, Developing a methodology to model and predict the grinding performance of the dry stirred mill, Minerals Engineering, 139, 2019, 1-9. 105867. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, H. Benzer, Modeling of pilot scale vertical roller mill operated in overflow mode, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 1-9, 2019. (SCI)
•    E. Gulcan, I.B. Can, N.M. Can, L.S. Ergün, Concentration characteristics of a complex antimony ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp19003, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 823-839. (SCI)
•   Ergin Sarp Zencirci, Okay Altun, Ahmet Hakan Benzer, Levent Onat, Osman Nemli, Improving early-age strength of fly ash cement and increasing fly ash content by inter-grinding, ZKG International, 71 (10), 52-63, 201 .
•    E.Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, Evaluation of complex copper ore sorting: Effect of optical filtering on particle recognition, Minerals Engineering, vol.127, pp.208-223, 2018. (SCI)
•   O.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, A new method for gravity separation: Vibrating table gravity concentrator, Separation And Purification Technology, vol.211, pp.124-134, 2019. (SCI)
• Ehsani, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, Leaching Behavior Of Zinc From A Smithsonite Ore In Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2019, 55(2), 407-416. (SCI Expanded)
•   I.B. Can, B. Ozsoy, S.L. Ergün, Developing an optimum beneficiation route for a low-grade chromite ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. doi: 10.5277/ppmp1900

European Union FP7 Project. (Completed)
•   AKSU Mining-Yellice Chromium Ore Enrichment Studies, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015, (Completed).
•   Gold Recovery Studies from Akarşen and Çakmakkaya Concentrators”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, ETİ Bakır A.Ş., 2015 (Completed).
•   Enrichment of Pandermit Passes”, Eti Maden Operations General Directorate, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies Ltd. Project Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Ozcan Gulsoy. (Completed)
•   The Concentration of Fluorspar Ore from Yozgat, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, 2014, (Completed).
•   The Effect of Water Chemistry on Flotation Performance, EKMEKÇİ, Zafir (Prof. Dr.), TÜBİTAK Project No 111M690 (completed)
•   Triboelectric Separator Executor: Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, TUBITAK, 2015
•   Investigation of Classification Performance of Swelling Bed Separators for Silica Sand, ÖZCAN, Özgür (Dr.), Hacettepe University, FED-2015-7390.
•    Examination of Performance of Swelling Bed Separators in Non-Coal Applications, ERGÜN, Levent (Prof.), Hacettepe University, FDK-2015-5957.
•    Process Mineralogy Study for Chelopech Floation Plant”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, Dundee Metals, Bulgaria, 2014, (Completed).

Publications (Last 5 Years)
•   H.H. Gharehgheshlagh, A.T. Cebeci and S. L. Ergün, Evaluation of options related to gold ore grinding circuits by using the results of laboratory studies and simulation method; case study: Iran Gold Co., MTA Magazine, 159, 2019, 223-238.
•    E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gulsoy, I.B. Can, M. Özyurt, E Tuncer, Strategies for developing an integrated flow chart for the recovery of magnetite and copper from an iron ore, Journal of Geosciences/Hacettepe University Geosciences Application and Research Center, vol.40, no.1, pp.1-34, 2019 (ULAKBIM).
•   I.B. Can, Z. Ekmekçi, N.M. Can, The Use of Process Mineralogy in Flotation Plant Performance Analysis, Geosciences, Vol 39, No 3, 2018, 177-193.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S.L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 1): Developing and Testing the AEY Model, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 17-29.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S. L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 2): Effects of Design and Operation Variables on Screening Performance, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 31-44.
•    HE. Özcan, Alternative Approaches to the Pre-Concentration of Murgul Copper Ore, Scientific Mining Journal, Vol 57, No 3, 2018, pp.149-162.
•    HE. Özcan, Investigation of Gold Recovery Possibilities from a Polymetallic Ore Using Falcon Centrifugal Enrichment, Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.21, 2019.
•   O. Bicak, A technique to determine ore variability in a sulphide ore, Minerals Engineering Volume 142, 2019, 105927 (SCI)
•   Bahrami, E. Gülcan, Investigating the high ash lignite processing with teetered bed separator, International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 39:4, 169-182, 2019. (SCI)
•    N. M. CAN, O. Altun, Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit, Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing, vol.55, ss.552-564, 2019. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp18167. (SCI)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, H. Benzer, The use of impact bed breakage procedure in model fitting of dry stirred mill, Particulate Science and Technology, 1-8, 2019. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, S. Zencirci, Developing a methodology to model and predict the grinding performance of the dry stirred mill, Minerals Engineering, 139, 2019, 1-9. 105867. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, H. Benzer, Modeling of pilot scale vertical roller mill operated in overflow mode, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 1-9, 2019. (SCI)
•    E. Gulcan, I.B. Can, N.M. Can, L.S. Ergün, Concentration characteristics of a complex antimony ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp19003, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 823-839. (SCI)
•   Ergin Sarp Zencirci, Okay Altun, Ahmet Hakan Benzer, Levent Onat, Osman Nemli, Improving early-age strength of fly ash cement and increasing fly ash content by inter-grinding, ZKG International, 71 (10), 52-63, 201 .
•    E.Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, Evaluation of complex copper ore sorting: Effect of optical filtering on particle recognition, Minerals Engineering, vol.127, pp.208-223, 2018. (SCI)
•   O.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, A new method for gravity separation: Vibrating table gravity concentrator, Separation And Purification Technology, vol.211, pp.124-134, 2019. (SCI)
• Ehsani, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, Leaching Behavior Of Zinc From A Smithsonite Ore In Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2019, 55(2), 407-416. (SCI Expanded)
•   I.B. Can, B. Ozsoy, S.L. Ergün, Developing an optimum beneficiation route for a low-grade chromite ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. doi: 10.5277/ppmp19006, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 865-878. (SCI)
•    I. Ehsani, A. Obut, Conversion Behaviors Of Sr- And Ca-Containing Solids In Dissolved Carbonate Containing Alkaline Pregnant Zinc Leaching Solutions, Minerals Engineering, 135, 2019, 9-12 (Short Communication). (SCI)
•   M. Kademli, N.A. Aydogan, An Extraction Of Copper From Recycling Plant Slag By Using Falcon Concentrator, Gospodarka Surowcamı Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management, Vol 35, Issue 1, 2019, Page 117-128. (SCI)
•   N.A. Toprak, A.H. Benzer, Effects of grinding aids on model parameters of a cement ball mill and an air classifier, Powder Technology, 344, 2019, 706-718. (SCI)
•    HE. Özcan, Performance comparison of a hydrocyclone and crossflow separator – a plant study, Separation Science and Technology, 2019. (SCI)
•   A.H. Benzer, D. Altun, O. Özal, V. Cebeci,“Investigation of usability of sintering iron ore concentrate in DRI pellet cake production in DRI pellet cake production”, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey, 26. International Mininig 2019-9 9
•   Sönmez, S. Lynch-Watson, S. Villalobos, H. Dündar, H. Benzer, Optimization of the crushing circuit in a copper operation, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 937-943
•   C.E. Karahan, T. Sert, O. Altun, Variation in the wear characteristics and the grinding performance of different balls, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E. Yılmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, Effects of Single Wire Cutting Parameters on Sludge Grain Length, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey .
•    E. Yilmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, The effects of monowire cutting parameters on mean size of swarf Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•   E.C. Orhan, Computer Applications in Mineral Processing, Exploration in Mines, Operation, Computer Use in Mineral Processing, Training Seminar, Yurt Mining Development Foundation, 24-25 December 2018, Istanbul.
•   E.C. Orhan, “Using Coal Washing Facility Wastes (Slams) as Fuel in Thermal Power Plant”, 2019 Waste Management Summit, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, 24-28 February 2019, Antalya.
•    E. Gülcan, "A novel approach for sensor based sorting performance determination", Physical Separation'19, Cornwall, UK, 13-14 June 2019, pp.1-40
•   O.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, "Vibrating table gravity concentrator: A brief comparison with shaking table", 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 ​​October 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 67-74
•    I. B. Can, S. L. Ergun, N.M. Can, O. Özcan, A. Aghlmandi, “Influence of Mineralogy of Chrome Ores on their Enrichment Behaviors”, 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 ​​October 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 43.
•    O. Altun, C.E. Karahan, E.S. Zencirci, N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer. Proposed flowsheet design for a cement grinding circuit by considering fine grinding technology. 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
•    HE. Knife, E. Ozdemir, I. B. Can, H. Hassoy, H. Boz, Z. Ekmekçi, “Effects of Two-Stage Grinding on Flotation Performance of an Au-Cu Sulphide Ore”, SME 2019 Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, 2019.
•    HE. Young, A.H. Benzer, Effect of operational conditions on energy efficiencies of air-swept ball mill and classification circuits in cement raw material production, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 806-812.
•    HE. Bıçak, Prediction of Closed Circuit Performance by Simulation, 31 October - 2 November 2019 Antalya, IMPC 2019 Eurasia.
•   Izerdem, S.L. Ergun, Size-by-size evaluation of the concentration process in spiral concentrators, 29th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2018), Moscow - Russia, 2018, Proceedings,  ss. 229-236.
•    O. Bicak, “The Integration of JKMSI and Oxidation Index to Determine Flotation Behavior in Sulphide Ores”, Geosciences, 39 (1), 2018, 79-88
•    O. Altun, “Ensuring energy optimization in a Copper/Zinc ore grinding circuit”, ÖHÜ Eng. Science. Journal.7, 1, 2018, 284-296
•    HE. Ozcan, N.A. Soil, I. Göktaş, “Evaluation and Optimization of the Performance of a Crushing and Screening Plant”, Scientific Papermining, 57, 2, 2018, 95-108
•   S.S. Çolak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, Z. Gencer, H. Koçak, “Development of a preliminary media wear measurement test procedure for cement ball milling applications, Powder Technology”, 325, 2018, 678-686. (SCI)
•   N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “The effects of grinding aids on modeling of air classification of cement, Construction and Building Materials”, 160, 564-574. (SCI)
•    Y. Öztürk, Ö. Bıçak, E. Özdemir, Z. Ekmekçi, “Mitigation negative effects of thiosulfate on flotation performance of a Cu-Pb-Zn sulfide ore”, Minerals Engineering, 122, 2018, 142-147. (SCI)
•    O. Bicak, Y. Ozturk, E. Ozdemir, Z. Ekmekci, “Modelling effects of dissolved ions in process water on flotation performance”. Minerals Engineering 128, 2018, 84–91. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behavior around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International 10, 2017, 58-67. (SCI)
•    O. Altun, “Energy and cement quality optimization of a cement grinding circuit”, Advanced Powder Technology, 29, 1713-1723. (SCI)
•   Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behavior around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International, 10, 58-67. (SCI)
•   Aghlmandi Harzanagh, E.C. Orhan, L. Ergün, “Discrete element modeling of vibrating screens”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 107-121.
•    D. Izerdem, E.C. Orhan, O. Ozcan and E. Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2018.02.022; WOS: 000431156600005 ; ISSN: 0892-6875 (SCI)
•   Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, "Optical sorting of lignite and its effects on process economics", International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 38, 2018, 107-126. (SCI)
•   T.O. Dizdar, G. Kocausta, E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, "A new method to produce high voltage static electric load for electrostatic separation – Triboelectric charging", Powder Technology, 2018, 89-95. (SCI)
•    E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, "Performance evaluation of optical sorting in mineral processing - A case study with quartz, magnesite, hematite, lignite, copper and gold ores", International Journal Of Mineral Processing, 169, 2017, 129-141. (SCI)
•   Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Effects of Bed Dimensions on Fine Particle Breakage”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•   Altun, W. Little, H. Benzer, A. Mainza, M. Becker, C. Gerold, “Comparing Vertical Roller Mill performance on two different precious metal ores”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Cape Town G. Africa
•    Benzer and C. Gerold, “First application of a Vertical-Roller-Mill in a sulfide copper-gold ore Project”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•    D. Altun, N. Aydogan, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “Performance Evaluation of Vertical Roller Mill in Cement Grinding: Case Study ESCH Cement Plant”, 15. European Symposium on Comminution Classification, İzmir -Turkey, September 2017.
•    Sonmez, H. Benzer, H. Dundar, and S.-L. Watson, “Prediction of the pilot HPGR product size distribution by using population balance model”, Comminution 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-19 April 2018.
•    Ehsani, N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, “A Comparative Dry Grinding Study Of A Natural And A Heated Vermiculite”, Proceedings Of The 3.International Porous And Powder Materials Symposium And Exhibition, Kusadasi-Turkey, 2017, 6 -11th.
•    Ucyildiz, C.T. Unaldi, A. Obut, I. Girgin, “Effect Of Sulfuric Acid Addition On Thermal Behavior Of A Limonitic Nickel Laterite Ore”, Proceedings Of The 17th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey, 2017, 477-486.
•   N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer, “Effects of grinding aid dosage on cement grinding circuit”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification, İzmir, Turkey, 11-14 September 2017.
•    Ucyildiz, I. Girgin, “Leaching of Nickel From A Limonitic Laterite Ore In Aqueous H2SO4 Solutions”, Proceedings Of The 17th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey, 2017, 467-475
•   ÖZCAN, Ö; "Enrichment of Different Minerals with a Swelling Bed Separator", YERBİLİMLERİ, August 2017, Hacettepe YUVAM, 13p.
•    Benzer, H. Dundar, O. Altun, L.M. Tavares, M. Powell, D. B. Mazzinghy, J.F. Russo, HPGR simulation from piston-die tests with an itabirite ore, REM, Int. Eng. J. vol.70 no.1 Ouro Preto Jan./Mar. 2017, pp.99-107
•    Deniz ALTUN (Dr.), Hakan Benzer (Prof. Dr.), Namık Aydogan (Assoc.
•   Ozcan, O; Ergun, S.L, "Performance of teetered bed separator for non-coal applications", Separation Science and Technology Feb. 2017, Taylor and Francis, 9p.
•    Gharehgheshlagh ,Hojjat H., Ergun, Levent , Chehreghani, Sajjad, Investigation of laboratory conditions effect on prediction accuracy of size distribution of industrial ball mill discharge by using a perfect mixing model. A case study: Ozdogu copper-molybdenum plant, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. 53(2), 2017, 1175−1187.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ERGUN, S. Levent, GÜLCAN, E., Beneficiation of oxide ores using dense medium cyclones. A simulation study, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. 53(1), 2017, 379−393.
•    E.Turianicová, M.Kaňuchová, A.Zorkovská, M.Holub, Z.Bujňáková, E.Dutková, M.Baláž, L.Findoráková, M.Balintová, Abdullah Obut (Prof.Dr.), CO2 utilization for fast preparation of nanocrystalline hydrozincite, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016, 16, 328-335.
•    Altun, O., 2016. Simulation aided flow sheet optimization of a cement grinding circuit by considering the quality measurements, Powder Technology (301) pp. 1242-1251.
•    Dundar, N.A. Aydoğan and H. Benzer, High Pressure Grinding Rolls: Moving From Cement to Minerals, 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 2017
•    Ehsani, Arman; Ehsani, İlhan, “A Brief Overview of Pyrometallurgical Treatments of Marine Ores” 18th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC 2016), Istanbul, 29 September - 1 October 2016, (Congress Proceedings, 2016)
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Numerical study of parameters affecting industrial screening performance, 25th International Mining Congress of Turkey.
•    GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.), Gizem Kocausta, Tahsin O. Dizdar, Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Recep Kaya, “Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore”, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey, 19-21 October 2016.
•    KUMAŞ, Cavit, Zehra Ebru Sayın, “Activated Carbon Production From Hazelnut Shells Using Phosphoric Acid and Boron”, 16. International Symposium on Enviromental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Production, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-7 October 2016.
•    Ekmekçi, Z., Biçak, Ö.,Can, M., Çelik, IB, Öztürk, Y., Kocabiyik, B., Şahin, N., 2017, Flotation of problematic Cu-Zn Ores in Çbi (Turkey), SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment pp. 324-328.
•    ERGÜN, L. (Prof. Dr.), CELIK, I.B. (Assoc. Prof.), GULSOY, O.Y. (Prof. Dr.), 2017, Development of flowsheet for a low grade chromite ore in Turkey, SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment, Feb. 19-22, Denver, CO, pp. 205-207.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Discrete Element Modeling of Vibrating Screens, Computational Modeling17, 13-14 June 2017, Falmouth, Cornwall, England,
•   GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.Dr.), Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Effect of optical filtering on ash content determination, World of Coal Ash Conference (WOCA), May 8-11, 2017, Lexington, Kentucky.
•     İZERDEM, Damla (Master Eng.), (Dr.) E. Caner Orhan, (Dr.) Özgür Özcan, Erhan Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Physical Separation'17 , Falmouth, 15 – 16 June 2017.
•    Çolak, S., Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., 2016., Media Wear Measurements in a Laboratory Scale Ball Mill, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 19-21 October 2016, Istanbul
•    Ozgur OZCAN, "Performance Comparison of Different Types of Classifiers and Their Effects on Circuit", Physical Separation 17, Falmouth/Great Britain, 15-16 June 2017, England, Minerals Engineering International, 2017 6p.
•   Ozgur ÖZCAN; Levent ERGÜN, "The Effect of Washing Water Amount on Swelling Bed Separator Performance", IMCET 2017, Antalya/Turkey, 11-14 April 2017, Turkey TMMOB Chamber of Mining Engineers, Page, 2017, 9p.
•    İlhan Ehsani, Erika Turianicová, Matej Baláž, Abdullah Obut, “Effects of sulphuric acid dissolution on the physical and chemical properties of a natural and a heated vermiculite”, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2015, Issue 20(2), p110-115.
•    Ertekin, Zeliha (Researcher), Kadir Pekmez (Prof. Dr.), Zafir Ekmekçi (Prof. Dr.), “Evaluation of collector adsorption by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Elsevier, 2016, No :154,16-23s.
•    Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., Darilmaz, O., 2016. Multi component modeling of an air classifier, Minerals Engineering (93), 50-56s
•   Altun, O., Benzer, H., Toprak, N.A.,Enderle, U., 2015. Utilization of grinding aids in dry horizontal stirred milling, Powder Technology (286), 610-615s.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Res. Assist.), ÇELİK, İlkay Bengü (Assist. Prof. Dr.), “Beneficiation routes for upgrading iron ore tailings with a teetered bed separator” Separation Science and Technology, 11 August 2016, 12s.
•   E.C. Orhan, E. Gulcan, O. Gulsoy, L. Ergun, M. Can, A. Aghlmandi, M. Ersoy; 2015; Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, October 5 - 8, Pittsburgh, PA USA
•   Orhan, E.C., Can, M., Olgun, Z., Ozer, A., (2016), “Performance evaluation practices at dense medium separation circuits”, 18th International Coal Preparation Congress, June 28- July 01 2016, St. St. Petersburg, Russia.
•    Gulcan, Ergin (Research Assistant), Gulsoy, Gulsoy (Prof.Dr.) Çelik, İlkay B. (Assist. Prof. Dr.) Olgun, Zeki (TKİ), Karaoğuz, Selda (TKİ), Investigation of Dry Coal Beneficiation with Optical Sorter, XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2016, 1155-1160.
•   Altun, Deniz; Hakan Kendi, Namik Aydogan, Carsten Gerold, “OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE VERTICAL ROLLER MILL PERFORMANCE”, Comminution’16, Cape Town, 11-14 April 2016.
•    Altun, Okay, H. Benzer and H. Dundar (Hacettepe University, Turkey), Closed circuiting the HPGRs: air classification-their operations and efficiencies Comminution 16, Cape Town/South Africa, 11-14 April 2016.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Res. Assist. Dr.), ERGÜN, Levent (Prof. Dr.), “Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand” , 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg SWEDEN, 7- September 10, 2015, ESCC 2015, Proceedings of the Symposium, Chalmers University of technology, September 11, 2015, 5s
•    ERGÜN, LEVENT (Prof.Dr.), Ataallah Bahrami (Dr.), Mustafa Ziypak, Ayşe Özer, 2016, XVIII. International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 28 June-1 July, Springer, 849-854.
•    O. Y. Gülsoy, G. Kocausta, T. O. Dizdar, E. Gülcan, R. Kaya, Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey, October 19-21, 2016, pp 549-560
•    Altun, D., Gerold, C., Benzer, H., Altun, O., 2015. Copper ore grinding in a mobile vertical roller mill pilot plant. International Journal of Mineral Processing (136), 32-36pp.
•   Altun, O., Benzer, H., Enderle, U., 2014. The Effects of Chamber Diameter and Stirrer Design on Dry Horizontal Stirred Mill Performance, Minerals Engineering (69), 24-28s
•   Çelik, I. B., “Mineralogical Interpretation of the Collector Dosage Change on the Sphalerite Flotation Performance”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015, Vol. 135, 11-19s.
•    Dundar, H., Benzer, H., 2015, Investigating multicomponent breakage in cement grinding, Minerals Engineering, Volume 77, June 2015, Pages 131-136.
•   Ergin Gulcan, Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, Prof. Dr. Levent S. Ergun (2014), “Comparison of Color and NIR Camera in Sorting of Lignites”, Sensor-Based Sorting 2014, pp.193-201, Heft 135 der Schriftenreihe der GDMB
•   Namik A. Aydogan, “A simple sampling method for VRMs”, ZKG International 3-2015, 51-55
•     Ozgur Ozcan , Namık A. Aydogan, Hakan Benzer”Effect of operational parameters and recycling load on the high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) performance” International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 136, 10 March (2015), 20–25
•    Toprak, N.A., Altun, O., Aydogan, N., Benzer, H., 2014. The Influences and Selection of Grinding Chemicals in Cement Grinding Circuits, Construction and Building Materials (68) 15, 199-205s.
•    N. Metin CAN, Effect of microwave radiation on processing characteristics of sulphide minerals in inert atmosphere, Separation Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2015.1107582
•    Altun, O, Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Toprak, NA, Arslan A., Sahin, N., 2014. Simulation aided energy optimization of a copper grinding circuit, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kusadasi, Turkey
•   Bıçak, Özlem, Bahrami, Ataallah, Özdemir, Elif, Çelik, İlkay B., Can, N. Metin, Ekmekçi, Zafir, “Effects of Different Collector Types and Mixtures on a Porphyry Copper Molybdenum Sulphide Ore Flotation”, Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 2014, 287-292.
•    Bicak, Ö., Altun, O., Celik, I.B., Öztürk, Y., Can, N.M., Ekmekçi, Z., Concentration of Yozgat Yenipazar Ore with Flotation. XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 10-12, 2012, Bodrum, TURKEY.
•    Cebeci, T., Ergun, S.L., 2015, Simulation studies to increase throughput of the ETI Bakir Murgul copper mine AG-Pebble Mill grinding circuit, SAG Conference 2015, UBC, Canada.
•   Celik I., Can M, Bradshaw D., “Integration of Process Mineralogy into the Undergraduate Education of Mineral Processors at Hacettepe University”, IMA 2014, 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September, 2014, South Africa , p369.
•    E. Caner Orhan, Özcan Gülsoy, Levent Ergün, Metin Can and Ayşe Özer, (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler Coal Washing Plant Performance Using Density Tracers”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 157-165
•    EhSANI, I. (Res.Assist.), TURIANICOVÁ, E. (Dr.), BALÁŽ, M. (Dr.) and OBUT, A. (Assoc.Dr.), “Leaching of a commercial vermiculite in H2SO4 solutions”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 757-763 (2014).
•   Ergin Gülcan and Özcan Gülsoy (2014), “NIR Sorting of Lignites”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 831-837
•   Ertekin, Z., Pekmez, K. and Ekmekçi, Z., Surface characterization of pyriteusing electrochemical techniques. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 409-415.
•    Gucbilmez D., Ergun, S. L. and Weitkämper L., 2015. A study on gravity separation of coarse and fine sizes separately, 16th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress Proceedings, Belgrade.
•   Güçbilmez, D., Özcan, Ö. and Ekmekçi, Z., Beneficiation of gold from sulfide ore with high clay content. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 695-702.
•    H. Dundar, A. Kalugin, M. Delgado, A. Palomino, A. Turkistanlı, B. Aquino, A. Lynch, 2014, Screens and cyclones in closed grinding circuits, IMPC 2014, abstract book, vol II, pp. 571, 20-24 October 2014, Santiago, Chile
•   Nasuh, A., Girgin, İ., 2014. Synthesis and Characterization of Mg3B2O6 Using MgO and H3BO3, Proceedings of the 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 853-859.
•   OBUT, A. (Assoc.Prof.Dr.) and GİRGİN, İ. (Prof.Dr.), “Effects of different initial magnesium compounds on the preparation of magnesium orthoborate”, Proceedings of the 9.International Industrial Minerals Symposium, İzmir-Turkey, 533-542 (2015).
•   OBUT, A. (Assoc.Prof.), “Preparation of strontium hexaferrite powders using SrSO4 and Fe3O4”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 787-792 (2014).
•   Orhan, EC, Gulcan, E., Gulsoy, O., Ergun, SL, Can, M., Aghlmandi, A., Ersoy, M., (2015), Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA
•    Orhan, EC, Gülsoy, Ö., Ergün, L., Can, M., Özer, A., (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler coal washing plant performance using density tracers”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15 -17, Kusadasi, Turkey.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, L., “Separation Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg/Sweden, 7-11 September 2015, Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology, 2015, 383s.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, S.L., "Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand", 2015, Proceedings of 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg, pp 240-244.
•    Ozcan, O., Güçlübilmez D., Ekmekçi Z., “Beneficiation of gold from sulphide ore with high clay content”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kuşadası/TURKEY, 15-17 October 2014.
•    Özdemir, E., Bıçak, Ö., Bahrami, A., Öztürk, Y., Ekmekçi, Z., Screening Types of Dissolved Ions Affecting Flotation Performance. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 393-399.
•     Toprak, NA, Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Altun, O., Dundar, H., Ozcan, O., Altun, D., 2014. Optimization alternatives in cement grinding circuits, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kusadasi, Turkey.
•    Tuba, Ç., Girgin, İ. 2014. Comparative H2SO4 and H2SO4 + H2O2 Leaching of a Turkish Lateritic Nickel Ore, XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress, 20-24 October, Sheraton Hotel, Santiago, Chile, Chapter-19, 89-98



Research Infrastructure

•   Wet Magnetic Separation
•   Dry Magnetic Separation
•   Overhead Crane
•   Vertical stirred mill
•   Filter
•   Vertical stirred mill
•   Flotation Machine
•   Precision Balance
•   Davis tube
•   Compressor
•   pH meter
•  Ersel (ball mill)
•   Elutrator
•   Sieve shaker machine
•   Hot plate
•    Bakery
•   Thermolyre (coal analysis machine)
•   Shaking table
•   Jigs
•   Heavy environment tank
•   Hydrocyclone
•   Hydrosizer
•   Cyclosizer
•   Hydraulic classifier
•   Sanicator Vibrating bath
•   Falcon
•   Los Angeles mill
•   Bond mill
•    Rod mill
•   Rotap sieve machine (dry)
•   Ring mill
•   Cone crusher
•   Jaw crusher
•   Industrial sieve
•   Weighing
•    hammer crusher
•   Multi-layer sieve
•    Roll crusher
•   Air separator
•   Russell sieve
•   Cyclone
•   Dust holding device
•   Compressor
•   Spiral
•   Head correction machine
•   Forklift
•   Lathe machine
•    Bakery
•   Drill (fixed)
•   Precision Balance
•   LECO TGA Moisture-ash-volatile matter analyzer
•   LECO calorimeter device
•   Computer
•   Centrifuge device
•   Air Cyclone
•   Ceramic mill
•    Bakery
•   Agat Mill
•   Magnetic stirrer
•   Hot plate
•   pH meter
•   Wet magnetic separator
•   Permoll magnetic separator
•   Dropweight
•   Compressor
•   Band
•   AAS Varian
•   ICP-OES Thermo
•   Ion Chromatography
•   Precision Balance
•   Oven
•   UV-VIS Spectrophometer
•   Microscope (Clemex)
•   Zeta-meter
•   CV-Cyclic voltammetry
•   Polishing device
•   Fume Hood
•   Precision Balance
•   Oven
•   Pure water purifier
•   Laser measuring device (dry and wet)
•   Electronic scale
•   Alpin air jet vacuum sieve machine
•   Blaine surface area measuring device
•   BET surface area measuring device
•   Particle counting device (Coulter Counter)


•    Prof.Dr. Zafir EKMEKÇİ
•    Prof.Dr. Abdullah OBUT
•    Prof.Dr. Ş. Levent ERGÜN
•    Prof.Dr. A. Hakan BENZER
•    Prof.Dr. Özcan Y. GÜLSOY
•    Prof.Dr. İsmail GİRGİN (Emekli oldu)
•    Doç.Dr. İlkay B. CAN
•    Doç.Dr. Namık AYDOĞAN
•    Doç.Dr. N. Metin CAN
•    Doç. Dr. Okay ALTUN
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hakan DÜNDAR
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özlem BIÇAK
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayşe ÜÇYILDIZ
•    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ergin GÜLCAN
•    Dr. E. Caner ORHAN
•    Dr. Özgür ÖZCAN
•    Dr. N. Alper TOPRAK
•    Dr. Deniz ALTUN
•    Dr. Damla İZERDEM
•    Yük. Müh. İlhan EHSANİ
•    Öğr.Gör. Dr. Yasemin ÖZTÜRK

Ongoing Projects

•    "Optik Filtreleme ile Desteklenen Sensor Temelli Ayırıcıların Bor Cevheri Zenginleştirilmesinde ve Ambalaj Atıklarının Geri Dönüşümünde Kullanımının Araştırılması", Ergin Gülcan (Dr. Öğr. Üyesi), TÜBITAK 3001 Başlangıç AR-GE Projesi, 118M226, 15.06.2018-15.06.2019.
•    “ETİ Bakır Cerrattepe Cevherinin Flotasyonla Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları”, Zafir Ekmekçi (Prof.Dr., Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri), Nisan 2019, ETİ Bakır A.Ş.
•    “İnce öğütme tekniğinin çimento devresindeki kullanım olanaklarının kalite verileri baz alınarak değerlendirilmesi”, Okay Altun (Doç.Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 216M394, 2019.
•    “Netzsch-Bursa Çimento, Implementation of Sphero Mill in Cement Milling Circuit”, Hakan Benzer.

Completed Projects

•    “Kuru karıştırmalı değirmende bilya boyu dağılımının enerji, ürün tane boyu ve şekli üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılması Proje Türü: Hızlı Destek Projesi Proje Grubu: Fen ve Mühendisli”, BAP proje ID 17437
•    “Farklı Öğütme Mekanizmalarının Bileşen Davranımı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Araştırılması”, Okay Altun (Doç. Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 119M850, 2019-başlangıç.
•    Prof. Dr. Hakan Benzer AMIRA-P9Q HPGR Multicomponent Modelling-Implementation Stage
•    “Chryso France, Effect of Grinding Aids on Grinding-Classification-Modelling Aspects”, Hakan Benzer (Prof. Dr.)
•    “Loesche GMBH, Bed Breakage System Material Characterization Technique”, Hakan Benzer (Prof. Dr.)
•    “GCC Anglo American Core 2 Projesi”.
•    “Modelling of Vertical Roller Milling”.
•    "Metallurgical Assesment of Hot Maden Au-Cu Sulfide Ore”, Zafir EKMEKÇİ, (Prof. Dr.), Artmin Madencilik.
•    “Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Zinkgruvan (Sweden) Flotation Plant”, Zafir EKMEKÇİ, (Prof. Dr.), Lundin Mining.
•    “Cu-Fe Cevheri Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları” (Miryıldız), Prof. Dr. Ş. Levent ERGÜN, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2018
•    “Endüstriyel Elemenin Sayısal Modellemesi”, E. Caner Orhan (Dr.), TÜBİTAK, Proje No: 215M368. (tamamlandı)
•    “Qualifying the Ash and Comparison of Performance between the Ash Recovered from Landfills with Fresh Dry Ash”, Kentucky Üniversitesi CAER Bünyesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir, Ocak, 2018.
•    "Study of Fly Ash Waste and the Practical Uses of it as a Component in Construction Materials", Tom Robl, EPRI (Energy Power Research Institute of USA) ve Kentucky Üniversitesi ortaklığında, 10006881, 2017.
•     “Evaluating and Processing VISUAL and NIR Images of Minerals”, Ergin GULCAN, Bursiyer, TÜBİTAK-2214/A Yurt Dışı Doktora Sırası Araştırma Burs Programı, 20.04.2017-20.09.2017.
•    “Tane Boyu Dağılımının Falcon Zenginleştirici (Geliştirilmiş Yerçekimi Zenginleştiricisi) Verimine Etkisi Ve Bakır Geri Dönüşüm Tesislerine Uygulanabilirliğinin Araştırılması”, KADEMLİ Murat (Yrd.Doç.Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 215M144
•    “Kömür Yıkama Tesisi Atıkları Değerlendirilmesi Çalışmaları”, Prof. Dr. Ş. Levent ERGÜN, Türkiye Kömür İşletmeleri, Temmuz 2017.
•    Concentration of HOT Maden Au-Cu Ore, Polimetal Madencilik, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2016.
•    ETİ Elektrometalurji Krom Cevherlerinin Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları, ETİ Elektrometalurji A.Ş., Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2017.
•    “Yerçekimi ile Zenginleştirme Ekipmanlarında Tane Boyunun Etkisinin İncelenmesi”, ERGÜN, Ş. Levent (Prof. Dr.), (Yük. Müh.) Damla İzerdem, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi, Proje No: FHD-2017-13234.
•    “Pilot Ölçekte Yürütülen Susuzlandırma Hidrosiklonu Denemelerinin Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi”, ALTUN (Yrd.Doç.Dr.), Çayeli Bakış İşletmeleri
•    T. Robl, R. Jewell, E. Gulcan, A. Oberlink, T. Duvallet; “Laboratory Assessment of Fly Ash Recovered from Ponds and Landfills for Use in Concrete”, University of Kentucky ve Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: August, 2017.
•    “Cevher hazırlamada kullanılan sensör temelli ayırıcılarda optik filtrelemenin etkisinin belirlenmesi”, Çelik, İlkay Bengü, TÜBİTAK, MAG Proje No:214M635, Nisan 2016
•    “AKSU Madencilik-Yellice Krom Cevherinin Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015.
•    “Pilot Plant Production of Acid Grade Fluorite Concentrate”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, Kasım 2015.
•    ERGÜN, Levent, (Prof.Dr.) TRAKYA SARAY-VİZE KÖMÜR HAVZASI Yerli Kömür Kaynaklarının Optimum Şekilde Ülke Ekonomisine Kazandırılması Modelinin Oluşturulması Projesi
•    “Triboelektrostatik Ayırıcı”, Özcan Y. Gulsoy (Prof.Dr.), TÜBİTAK, 115M729
•    “Su Kimyasının Flotasyon Performansına Etkisi”, İZERDEM, Damla (Araş. Gör.), Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti. (HMT)
•    Optimisation of IGCC Technologies for Use with High Ash Content Coal (OPTIMASH)”, Proje Koordinatörü: GÖKALP, İskender (Dr.), Avrupa Birliği FP7 Projesi. (tamamlandı)
•    AKSU Madencilik-Yellice Krom Cevherinin Zenginleştirme Çalışmaları, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015, (Tamamlandı).
•    Akarşen ve Çakmakkaya Konsantratörlerinden Altın Kazanımı Çalışmaları”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, ETİ Bakır A.Ş., 2015 (Tamamlandı).
•    Pandermit Pasalarının Zenginleştirilmesi”, Eti Maden İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri Ltd. Proje Koordinatörü: Prof.Dr. Özcan Gülsoy. (tamamlandı)
•    The Concentration of Fluorspar Ore from Yozgat, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, 2014, (Tamamlandı).
•    Su Kimyasının Flotasyon Performansına Etkisi, EKMEKÇİ, Zafir (Prof. Dr.), TÜBİTAK Proje No 111M690 (tamamlandı)
•    Triboelektrik Ayırıcı Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Özcan Y. Gülsoy, TÜBİTAK, 2015
•    Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcıların Silis Kumu için Sınıflandırma Performanslarının İncelenmesi, ÖZCAN, Özgür (Dr.), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, FED-2015-7390.
•    Kömür Dışı Uygulamalarda Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcıların Performansının İncelenmesi, ERGÜN, Levent (Prof. Dr.), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, FDK-2015-5957.
•    Process Mineralogy Study for Chelopech Floation Plant”, Hacettepe Mineral Teknolojileri, Dundee Metals, Bulgaria, 2014, (Tamamlandı).


•    H.H. Gharehgheshlagh, A.T. Cebeci ve Ş. L. Ergün, Laboratuvar çalışmaları sonuçları ve benzetim (simülasyon) yöntemi kullanılarak altın cevheri öğütme devreleri ile ilgili seçeneklerin değerlendirilmesi; örnek olay incelemesi: İran Gold Co., MTA Dergisi, 159, 2019, 223-238.
•    E. Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, İ.B. Can, M. Özyurt, E Tuncer, Bir demir cevherinden manyetit ve bakır kazanımı amacıyla entegre bir akım şeması geliştirme stratejileri, Yerbilimleri/Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, cilt.40, no.1, ss.1-34, 2019 (ULAKBİM).
•    İ.B. Can, Z. Ekmekçi, N.M. Can, Proses Mineralojisinin Flotasyon Tesis Performans Analizinde Kullanımı, Yerbilimleri, Cilt 39, Sayı 3, 2018, 177-193.
•    E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, Ş.L. Ergün, Endüstriyel Elemenin Sayısal Modellemesi (1. Bölüm): AEY Modelinin Geliştirilmesi ve Sınanması, Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 17-29.
•    E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, Ş. L. Ergün, Endüstriyel Elemenin Sayısal Modellemesi (2. Bölüm): Tasarım ve İşletme Değişkenlerinin Eleme Performansı Üzerine Etkileri, Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 31-44.
•    Ö. Özcan, Murgul Bakır Cevherinin Ön Zenginleştirmesinde Alternatif Yaklaşımlar, Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, Cilt 57, Sayı 3, 2018, s.149-162.
•    Ö. Özcan, Polimetalik Bir Cevherden Falcon Santrifüj Zenginleştirici Kullanarak Altın Kazanımı Olanaklarının Araştırılması, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol.21, 2019.
•    O. Bicak, A technique to determine ore variability in a sulphide ore, Minerals Engineering Volume 142, 2019, 105927 (SCI)
•    Bahrami, E. Gülcan, Investigating the high ash lignite processing with teetered bed separator, International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 39:4, 169-182, 2019. (SCI)
•    N. M. CAN, O. Altun, Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit, Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing, cilt.55, ss.552-564, 2019. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp18167. (SCI)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, H. Benzer, The use of impact bed breakage procedure in model fitting of dry stirred mill, Partıculate Scıence and Technology, 1-8, 2019. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, S. Zencirci, Developing a methodology to model and predict the grinding performance of the dry stirred mill, Minerals Engineering, 139, 2019, 1-9. 105867. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, H. Benzer, Modelling of pilot scale vertical roller mill operated in overflow mode, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 1-9, 2019. (SCI)
•    E. Gülcan, İ.B. Can, N.M. Can, L.Ş. Ergün, Concentration characteristics of a complex antimony ore, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp19003, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 823-839. (SCI)
•    Ergin Sarp Zencirci, Okay Altun, Ahmet Hakan Benzer, Levent Onat, Osman Nemli,  Improving early-age strength of fly ash cement and increasing fly ash content by inter-grinding, ZKG International, 71 (10), 52-63, 201.
•    E.Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, Evaluation of complex copper ore sorting: Effect of optical filtering on particle recognition, Minerals Engineering, vol.127, pp.208-223, 2018. (SCI)
•    Ö.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, A new method for gravity separation: Vibrating table gravity concentrator, Separation And Purification Technology, vol.211, pp.124-134, 2019. (SCI)
•    Ehsani, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, Leaching Behaviour Of Zinc From A Smithsonite Ore In Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2019, 55(2), 407-416. (SCI Expanded)
•    İ.B. Can, B. Özsoy, Ş.L. Ergün, Developing an optimum beneficiation route for a low-grade chromite ore, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. doi: 10.5277/ppmp19006, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 865-878. (SCI)
•    İ. Ehsani, A. Obut, Conversion Behaviours Of Sr- And Ca-Containing Solids In Dissolved Carbonate Containing Alkaline Pregnant Zinc Leaching Solutions, Minerals Engineering, 135, 2019, 9-12 (Short Communication). (SCI)
•    M. Kademli, N.A. Aydogan, An Extraction Of Copper From Recycling Plant Slag By Using Falcon Concentrator, Gospodarka Surowcamı Mıneralnymı-Mıneral Resources Management, Cilt 35, Sayı 1, 2019, Sayfa 117-128. (SCI)
•    N.A. Toprak, A.H. Benzer, Effects of grinding aids on model parameters of a cement ball mill and an air classifier, Powder Technology, 344, 2019, 706-718. (SCI)
•    Ö. Özcan, Performance comparison of a hydrocyclone and crossflow separator – a plant study, Separation Science and Technology, 2019. (SCI)
•    A.H. Benzer, D. Altun, Ö. Özal, V. Cebeci,“Sı̇nterlı̇k demı̇r cevherı̇ konsantresı̇nı̇n DRI pelet kekı̇ üretı̇mı̇nı̇nde kullanılabı̇lı̇rlı̇ğı̇nı̇n araştırılması (Investigation of usability of sintering iron ore concentrate in DRI pellet cake production)” , 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey, Belek April 2019, 991-997.
•    Sönmez, S. Lynch-Watson, S. Villalobos, H. Dündar, H. Benzer,  Optimisation of the crushing circuit in a copper operation, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 937-943
•    C.E. Karahan, T. Sert, O. Altun, Variation in the wear characteristics and the grinding performance of different balls, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E. Yılmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, Tektelli Kesme Parametrelerinin Çamur Tane Boyuna Etkileri, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E. Yilmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, The effects of monowire cutting parameters on mean size of swarf [Tek telli kesme parametrelerinin çamur tane boyuna etkileri], 26. International Mining Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E.C. Orhan, Cevher Hazırlamada Bilgisayar Uygulamaları, Madenlerde Arama, İşletme, Cevher Hazırlama Safhalarında Bilgisayar Kullanımı, Eğitim Semineri, Yurt Madenciliğini Geliştirme Vakfı, 24-25 Aralık 2018, İstanbul.
•    E.C. Orhan, “Kömür Yıkama Tesis Atıklarının (Şlamların) Termik Santralde Yakıt Olarak Kullanılması”, 2019 Atık Yönetimi Zirvesi, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı, 24-28 Şubat 2019, Antalya.
•    E. Gülcan, "A novel approach for sensor based sorting performance determination", Physical Separation'19, Cornwall, İngiltere, 13-14 Haziran 2019, pp.1-40
•    Ö.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, "Vibrating table gravity concentrator: A brief comparison with shaking table", 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 October 2018, Antalya, Türkiye, 67-74
•    İ. B. Can, Ş. L. Ergün, N.M. Can, Ö. Özcan, A. Aghlmandi, “Influence of Mineralogy of Chrome Ores on their Enrichment Behaviours”, 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 October 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 43.
•    O. Altun, C.E. Karahan, E.S. Zencirci, N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer.  Proposed flowsheet design for a cement grinding circuit by considering fine grinding technology. 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
•    Ö. Bıçak, E. Özdemir, İ. B. Can, H. Hassoy, H. Boz, Z. Ekmekçi, “Effects of Two-Stage Grinding on Flotation Performance of an Au-Cu Sulphide Ore”, SME 2019 Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, 2019.
•    Ö. Genç, A.H. Benzer,  Effect of operational conditions on energy efficiencies of air-swept ball mill and classification circuits in cement raw material production, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 806-812.
•    Ö. Bıçak, Prediction of Closed Circuit Performance by Simulation, 31 Ekim- 2 Kasım 2019 Antalya, IMPC 2019 Eurasia.
•    Izerdem, S.L. Ergun, Size-by-size evaluation of the concentration process in spiral concentrators, 29th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2018), Moscow - Russia, 2018, Proceedings,  ss. 229-236.
•    O. Bicak, “Sülfürlü Cevherlerde Flotasyon Davranımını Belirlemek İçin JKMSI ve Oksidasyon İndeksinin Entegrasyonu”, Yerbilimleri, 39 (1), 2018, 79-88
•    O. Altun, “Bir Bakır/Çinko cevheri öğütme devresinde enerji optimizasyonunun sağlanması”, ÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg.7, 1, 2018, 284-296
•    Ö. Özcan, N.A. Toprak, İ. Göktaş, “Bir Kırma Eleme Tesisinin Performansının Değerlendirilmesi Ve Optimizasyonu”, Bilimsel Madencilik, 57, 2, 2018, 95-108
•    S.S. Çolak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, Z. Gencer, H. Koçak, “Development of a preliminary media wear measurement test procedure for cement ball milling applications, Powder Technology”, 325, 2018, 678-686. (SCI)
•    N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “The effects of grinding aids on modelling of air classification of cement, Construction and Building Materials”, 160, 564-574. (SCI)
•    Y. Öztürk, Ö. Bıçak, E. Özdemir, Z. Ekmekçi, “Mitigation negative effects of thiosulfate on flotation performance of a Cu-Pb-Zn sulfide ore”, Minerals Engineering, 122, 2018, 142-147. (SCI)
•    O. Bicak, Y. Ozturk, E. Ozdemir,Z. Ekmekci, “Modelling effects of dissolved ions in process water on flotation performance”. Minerals Engineering 128, 2018, 84–91. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behavior around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International 10, 2017, 58-67. (SCI)
•    O. Altun, “Energy and cement quality optimization of a cement grinding circuit”, Advanced Powder Technology, 29, 1713-1723. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behaviour around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International, 10, 58-67. (SCI)
•    Aghlmandi Harzanagh, E.C. Orhan, L. Ergün, “Discrete element modelling of vibrating screens”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 107-121.
•    D. Izerdem, E.C. Orhan, O. Ozcan ve E. Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2018.02.022; WOS: 000431156600005 ; ISSN: 0892-6875  (SCI)
•    Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, "Optical sorting of lignite and its effects on process economics", Internatıonal Journal Of Coal Preparatıon And Utılızatıon, 38, 2018, 107-126. (SCI)
•    T.O. Dizdar, G. Kocausta, E. Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, "A new method to produce high voltage static electric load for electrostatic separation – Triboelectric charging", Powder Technology, 2018, 89-95. (SCI)
•    E. Gülcan, Ö.Y. Gülsoy, "Performance evaluation of optical sorting in mineral processing - A case study with quartz, magnesite, hematite, lignite, copper and gold ores", Internatıonal Journal Of Mıneral Processıng, 169, 2017, 129-141. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Effects of Bed Dimensions on Fine Particle Breakage”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 Nisan 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•    Altun, W. Little, H. Benzer,  A. Mainza, M. Becker, C. Gerold, “Comparing Vertical Roller Mill performance on two different precious metal ores”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 Nisan 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika
•    Benzer ve C. Gerold, “First application of a Vertical-Roller-Mill in a sulfide copper-gold ore Project”,  Comminution 2018, 16-19 Nisan 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•    D. Altun, N. Aydogan, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “Performance Evaluation of Vertical Roller Mill in Cement Grinding: Case Study ESCH Cement Plant”, 15. European Symposium on Comminution Classification, İzmir -Turkey, September 2017.
•    Sönmez, H. Benzer, H. Dündar ve S.-L. Watson, “Prediction of the pilot HPGR product size distribution by using population balance model”, Comminution 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-19 Nisan 2018.
•    Ehsani, N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, “A Comparative Dry Grinding Study Of A Natural And A Heated Vermiculite”, Proceedings Of The 3.International Porous And Powder Materials Symposium And Exhibition, Kusadasi-Turkey, 2017, 6-11.
•    Ucyildiz, C.T. Unaldi, A. Obut, I. Girgin, “Effect Of Sulphuric Acid Addition On Thermal Behaviour Of A Limonitic Nickel Laterite Ore”, Proceedings Of The 17.Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey, 2017, 477-486.
•    N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer, “ Effects of grinding aid dosage on cement grinding circuit”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification, İzmir, Turkey, 11-14 September 2017.
•    Ucyildiz, I. Girgin, “Leaching of Nickel From A Limonitic Laterite Ore In Aqueous H2SO4 Solutions”, Proceedings Of The 17. Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey,  2017, 467-475
•    ÖZCAN, Ö; "Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcı ile Farklı Minerallerin Zenginleştirilmesi", YERBİLİMLERİ, Ağustos 2017, Hacettepe YUVAM, 13s.
•    Benzer, H. Dündar, O. Altun, L.M. Tavares, M. Powell, D.B. Mazzinghy, J.F. Russo, HPGR simulation from piston-die tests with an itabirite ore, REM, Int. Eng. J. vol.70 no.1 Ouro Preto Jan./Mar. 2017, pp.99-107
•    Deniz ALTUN (Dr.), Hakan Benzer (Prof Dr) , Namık Aydogan (Doç. Dr.), Carsten Gerold, “Operational parameters affecting the vertical roller mill performance”, Minerals Engineering, 2017/4/30, 5s.
•    Ozcan, O; Ergun, S.L, "Performance of teetered bed separator for non-coal applications", Separation Science and Technology Feb. 2017, Taylor and Francis, 9s.
•    Gharehgheshlagh ,Hojjat H., Ergun, Levent , Chehreghani, Sajjad, Investigation of laboratory conditions effect on prediction accuracy of size distribution of industrial ball mill discharge by using a perfect mixing model. A case study: Ozdogu copper-molybdenum plant, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 53(2), 2017, 1175−1187.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ERGUN, S. Levent, GÜLCAN, E., Beneficiation of oxide ores using dense medium cyclones. A simulation study, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 53(1), 2017, 379−393.
•    E.Turianicová, M.Kaňuchová, A.Zorkovská, M.Holub, Z.Bujňáková, E.Dutková, M.Baláž, L.Findoráková, M.Balintová, Abdullah Obut (Prof.Dr.), CO2 utilization for fast preparation of nanocrystalline hydrozincite, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016, 16, 328-335.
•    Altun, O., 2016. Simulation aided flow sheet optimization of a cement grinding circuit by considering the quality measurements, Powder Technology (301) pp. 1242-1251.
•    Dündar, N.A. Aydoğan and H. Benzer, High Pressure Grinding Rolls: Moving From Cement to Minerals, 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 2017
•    Ehsani, Arman; Ehsani, İlhan, “A Brief Overview of Pyrometallurgical Treatments of Marine Ores” 18th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC 2016), İstanbul, 29 Eylül - 1 Ekim 2016, (Kongre Bildiri Kitabı, 2016)
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Numerical study of parameters affecting industrial screening performance, 25th International Mining Congress of Turkey.
•    GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.Dr.), Gizem Kocausta, Tahsin O. Dizdar, Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Recep Kaya, “Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore”, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, İstanbul-Turkey, 19-21 October 2016.
•    KUMAŞ, Cavit, Zehra Ebru Sayın, “Activated Carbon Production From Hazelnut Shells Using Phosphoric Acid and Boron”, 16. International Symposium on Enviromental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Production, İstanbul, Turkey, 5-7 October 2016.
•    Ekmekçi, Z., Biçak, Ö.,Can, M., Çelik, I.B., Öztürk, Y., Kocabiyik, B., Şahin, N., 2017, Flotation of problematic Cu-Zn Ores in Çbi (Turkey), SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment pp. 324-328.
•    ERGÜN, L. (Prof. Dr.), CELİK, I.B. (Doç. Dr.), GULSOY, Ö.Y. (Prof. Dr.), 2017, Development of flowsheet for a low grade chromite ore in Turkey, SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment, Feb. 19-22, Denver, CO, pp. 205-207.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Discrete Element Modelling of Vibrating Screens, Computational Modeling17, 13-14 Haziran 2017, Falmouth, Cornwall, İngiltere,
•    GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.Dr.), Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Effect of optical filtering on ash content determination, World of Coal Ash Conference (WOCA), May 8-11, 2017, Lexington, Kentucky.
•    İZERDEM, Damla (Yük. Müh.), (Dr.) E. Caner Orhan, (Dr.) Özgür Özcan, Erhan Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Physical Separation’17, Falmouth, 15 – 16 Haziran 2017.
•    Çolak, S., Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., 2016., Media Wear Measurements in a Laboratory Scale Ball Mill, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 19-21 October 2016, İstanbul
•    Ozgur OZCAN, "Performance Comparison of Different Types of Classifiers and Their Effects on Circuit", Physical Separation 17, Falmouth/Great Britain, 15-16 June 2017, İngiltere, Minerals Engineering International, 2017 6s.
•    Özgür ÖZCAN; Levent ERGÜN, "Yıkama Suyu Miktarının Kabaran Yataklı Ayırıcı Performansı Üzerine Etkisi", IMCET 2017, Antalya/Türkiye, 11-14 Nisan 2017, Türkiye TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, Sayfa, 2017, 9s.
•    İlhan Ehsani, Erika Turianicová, Matej Baláž, Abdullah Obut, “Effects of sulphuric acid dissolution on the physical and chemical properties of a natural and a heated vermiculite”, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2015, Sayı 20(2), s110-115.
•    Ertekin, Zeliha (Ar.Gör), Kadir Pekmez (Prof. Dr.), Zafir Ekmekçi (Prof. Dr.), “Evaluation of collector adsorption by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Elsevier, 2016, No:154,16-23s.
•    Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., Darilmaz, O., 2016. Multi component modelling of an air classifier, Minerals Engineering (93), 50-56s
•    Altun, O., Benzer, H., Toprak, N.A.,Enderle, U., 2015. Utilization of grinding aids in dry horizontal stirred milling, Powder Technology (286), 610-615s.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Arş. Gör. Dr.), ÇELİK, İlkay Bengü (Yrd. Doç Dr.), “Beneficiation routes for upgrading iron ore tailings with a teetered bed separator” Separation Science and Technology, 11 Ağustos 2016, 12s.
•    E.C. Orhan, E. Gulcan, O. Gulsoy, L. Ergun, M. Can, A. Aghlmandi, M. Ersoy; 2015;  Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, October 5 - 8, Pittsburgh, PA USA
•    Orhan, E.C., Can, M., Olgun, Z., Ozer, A., (2016), “Performance evaluation practices at dense medium separation circuits”, 18th International Coal Preparation Congress, June 28- July 01 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia.
•    Gulcan, Ergin (Araş. Gör.), Gulsoy, Gulsoy (Prof.Dr.) Çelik, İlkay B. (Yrd. Doç. Dr.) Olgun, Zeki (TKİ), Karaoğuz, Selda (TKİ), Investigation of Dry Coal Beneficiation with Optical Sorter, XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2016, 1155-1160.
•    Altun, Deniz; Hakan Benzer, Namik Aydogan, Carsten Gerold, “OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE VERTICAL ROLLER MILL PERFORMANCE”, Comminution’16, Cape Town, 11-14 Nisan 2016.
•    Altun, Okay, H. Benzer and H. Dundar (Hacettepe University, Turkey), Closed circuiting the HPGRs: air classification-their operations and efficiencies Comminution 16, Cape Town/South Africa, 11-14 Nisan 2016.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Arş. Gör. Dr.), ERGÜN, Levent (Prof. Dr.), “Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand” , 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg İSVEÇ, 7-10 Eylül 2015, ESCC 2015, Sempozyum bildiri kitabı, Chalmers University of technology, 11 Eylül 2015, 5s
•    ERGÜN, LEVENT (Prof.Dr.), Ataallah Bahrami (Dr.), Mustafa Ziypak, Ayşe Özer, 2016, XVIII. International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 28 June-1 July, Springer,849-854.
•    O. Y. Gülsoy, G. Kocausta, T. O. Dizdar, E. Gülcan, R. Kaya, Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey, October 19-21, 2016, pp 549-560
•    Altun, D., Gerold, C., Benzer, H., Altun, O., 2015. Copper ore grinding in a mobile vertical roller mill pilot plant. International Journal of Mineral Processing (136), 32-36s.
•    Altun, O., Benzer, H., Enderle, U., 2014. The Effects of Chamber Diameter and Stirrer Design on Dry Horizontal Stirred Mill Performance, Minerals Engineering (69), 24-28s
•    Çelik, I. B., “Mineralogical Interpretation of the Collector Dosage Change on the Sphalerite Flotation Performance”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015, Vol. 135, 11-19s.
•    Dundar, H., Benzer, H., 2015, Investigating multicomponent breakage in cement grinding, Minerals Engineering, Volume 77, June 2015, Pages 131-136.
•    Ergin Gulcan, Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, Prof. Dr. Levent S. Ergun (2014), “Comparison of Color and NIR Camera in Sorting of Lignites”, Sensor-Based Sorting 2014, pp.193-201, Heft 135 der Schriftenreihe der GDMB
•    Namık A. Aydogan, “A simple sampling method for VRMs”, ZKG International 3-2015, 51-55
•    Ozgur Ozcan , Namık A. Aydogan, Hakan Benzer,”Effect of operational parameters and recycling load on the high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) performance” International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 136, 10 March (2015), 20–25
•    Toprak, N.A., Altun, O., Aydogan, N., Benzer, H., 2014. The Influences and Selection of Grinding Chemicals in Cement Grinding Circuits, Construction and Building Materials (68) 15, 199-205s.
•    N. Metin CAN, Effect of microwave radiation on processing characteristics of sulphide minerals in inert atmosphere, Separation Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2015.1107582
•    Altun, O, Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Toprak, N.A., Arslan A., Sahin, N., 2014. Simulation aided energy optimization of a copper grinding circuit, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kuşadası, Türkiye
•    Bıçak, Özlem, Bahrami, Ataallah, Özdemir, Elif, Çelik, İlkay B., Can, N. Metin, Ekmekçi, Zafir, “Effects of Different Collector Types and Mixtures on a Porphyry Copper Molybdenum Sulphide Ore Flotation”, Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 2014, 287-292.
•    Bicak, Ö., Altun, O., Celik, I.B., Öztürk, Y., Can, N.M., Ekmekçi, Z., Concentration of Yozgat Yenipazar Ore with Flotation. XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 10-12, 2012, Bodrum, TURKEY.
•    Cebeci, T., Ergun, S.L., 2015, Simulation studies to increase throughput of the ETI Bakir Murgul copper mine AG-Pebble Mill grinding circuit, SAG Conference 2015, UBC, Canada.
•    Celik I., Can M, Bradshaw D., “Integration of Process Mineralogy into the Undergraduate Education of Mineral Processors at Hacettepe Unıversity”, IMA 2014, 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September, 2014, South Africa, p369.  
•    E. Caner Orhan, Özcan Gülsoy, Levent Ergün, Metin Can and Ayşe Özer, (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler Coal Washing Plant Performance Using Density Tracers”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 157-165
•    EHSANİ, İ. (Araş.Gör.), TURIANICOVÁ, E. (Dr.), BALÁŽ, M. (Dr.) and OBUT, A. (Doç.Dr.), “Leaching of a commercial vermiculite in H2SO4 solutions”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 757-763 (2014).
•    Ergin Gülcan and Özcan Gülsoy (2014), “NIR Sorting of Lignites”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 831-837
•    Ertekin, Z., Pekmez, K. and Ekmekçi, Z., Surface characterization of pyrite using electrochemical techniques. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 409-415.
•    Gucbilmez D., Ergun, S. L. and Weitkämper L., 2015. A study on gravity separation of coarse and fine sizes separately, 16th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress Proceedings, Belgrade.
•    Güçbilmez, D., Özcan, Ö. and Ekmekçi, Z., Beneficiation of gold from sulfide ore with high clay content. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 695-702.
•    H. Dundar, A. Kalugin, M. Delgado, A. Palomino, A. Turkistanlı, B. Aquino, A. Lynch, 2014, Screens and cyclones in closed grinding circuits, IMPC 2014, abstract book, vol II, pp.571, 20-24 October 2014, Santiago, Chile
•    Nasuh, A., Girgin, İ., 2014. Synthesis and Characterization of Mg3B2O6 Using MgO and H3BO3, Proceedings of the 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 853-859.
•    OBUT, A. (Doç.Dr.) and GİRGİN, İ. (Prof.Dr.), “Effects of different initial magnesium compounds on the preparation of magnesium orthoborate”, Proceedings of the 9.International Industrial Minerals Symposium, İzmir-Turkey, 533-542 (2015).
•    OBUT, A. (Doç.Dr.), “Preparation of strontium hexaferrite powders using SrSO4 and Fe3O4”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 787-792 (2014).
•    Orhan, E.C., Gulcan, E., Gulsoy, O., Ergun, S.L., Can, M., Aghlmandi, A., Ersoy, M., (2015), Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA
•    Orhan, E.C., Gülsoy, Ö., Ergün, L., Can, M., Özer, A., (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler coal washing plant performance using density tracers”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, Kuşadası, Turkey.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, L., “Separation Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg/Sweden, 7-11 September 2015, İsveç, Chalmers University of Technology, 2015, 383s.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, S.L., "Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand", 2015, Proceedings of 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg, pp 240-244.
•    Ozcan, O., Güçbilmez D., Ekmekçi Z., “Beneficiation of gold from sulphide ore with high clay content”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kuşadası/TÜRKİYE, 15-17 October 2014.
•    Özdemir, E., Bıçak, Ö., Bahrami, A., Öztürk, Y., Ekmekçi, Z., Screening Types of Dissolved Ions Affecting Flotation Performance. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 393-399.
•    Toprak, N.A., Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Altun, O., Dundar, H., Ozcan, O., Altun, D., 2014. Optimization alternatives in cement grinding circuits, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kuşadası, Türkiye.
•    Tuba, Ç., Girgin, İ. 2014. Comparative H2SO4 and H2SO4 + H2O2 Leaching of a Turkish Lateritic Nickel Ore, XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress, 20-24 October, Sheraton Hotel, Santiago, Chile, Chapter-19, 89-98

European Union FP7 Project. (Completed)
•   AKSU Mining-Yellice Chromium Ore Enrichment Studies, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015, (Completed).
•   Gold Recovery Studies from Akarşen and Çakmakkaya Concentrators”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, ETİ Bakır A.Ş., 2015 (Completed).
•   Enrichment of Pandermit Passes”, Eti Maden Operations General Directorate, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies Ltd. Project Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Ozcan Gulsoy. (Completed)
•   The Concentration of Fluorspar Ore from Yozgat, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, 2014, (Completed).
•   The Effect of Water Chemistry on Flotation Performance, EKMEKÇİ, Zafir (Prof. Dr.), TÜBİTAK Project No 111M690 (completed)
•   Triboelectric Separator Executor: Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, TUBITAK, 2015
•   Investigation of Classification Performance of Swelling Bed Separators for Silica Sand, ÖZCAN, Özgür (Dr.), Hacettepe University, FED-2015-7390.
•    Examination of Performance of Swelling Bed Separators in Non-Coal Applications, ERGÜN, Levent (Prof.), Hacettepe University, FDK-2015-5957.
•    Process Mineralogy Study for Chelopech Floation Plant”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, Dundee Metals, Bulgaria, 2014, (Completed).

Publications (Last 5 Years)
•   H.H. Gharehgheshlagh, A.T. Cebeci and S. L. Ergün, Evaluation of options related to gold ore grinding circuits by using the results of laboratory studies and simulation method; case study: Iran Gold Co., MTA Magazine, 159, 2019, 223-238.
•    E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gulsoy, I.B. Can, M. Özyurt, E Tuncer, Strategies for developing an integrated flow chart for the recovery of magnetite and copper from an iron ore, Journal of Geosciences/Hacettepe University Geosciences Application and Research Center, vol.40, no.1, pp.1-34, 2019 (ULAKBIM).
•   I.B. Can, Z. Ekmekçi, N.M. Can, The Use of Process Mineralogy in Flotation Plant Performance Analysis, Geosciences, Vol 39, No 3, 2018, 177-193.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S.L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 1): Developing and Testing the AEY Model, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 17-29.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S. L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 2): Effects of Design and Operation Variables on Screening Performance, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 31-44.
•    HE. Özcan, Alternative Approaches to the Pre-Concentration of Murgul Copper Ore, Scientific Mining Journal, Vol 57, No 3, 2018, pp.149-162.
•    HE. Özcan, Investigation of Gold Recovery Possibilities from a Polymetallic Ore Using Falcon Centrifugal Enrichment, Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.21, 2019.
•   O. Bicak, A technique to determine ore variability in a sulphide ore, Minerals Engineering Volume 142, 2019, 105927 (SCI)
•   Bahrami, E. Gülcan, Investigating the high ash lignite processing with teetered bed separator, International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 39:4, 169-182, 2019. (SCI)
•    N. M. CAN, O. Altun, Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit, Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing, vol.55, ss.552-564, 2019. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp18167. (SCI)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, H. Benzer, The use of impact bed breakage procedure in model fitting of dry stirred mill, Particulate Science and Technology, 1-8, 2019. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, S. Zencirci, Developing a methodology to model and predict the grinding performance of the dry stirred mill, Minerals Engineering, 139, 2019, 1-9. 105867. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, H. Benzer, Modeling of pilot scale vertical roller mill operated in overflow mode, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 1-9, 2019. (SCI)
•    E. Gulcan, I.B. Can, N.M. Can, L.S. Ergün, Concentration characteristics of a complex antimony ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp19003, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 823-839. (SCI)
•   Ergin Sarp Zencirci, Okay Altun, Ahmet Hakan Benzer, Levent Onat, Osman Nemli, Improving early-age strength of fly ash cement and increasing fly ash content by inter-grinding, ZKG International, 71 (10), 52-63, 201 .
•    E.Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, Evaluation of complex copper ore sorting: Effect of optical filtering on particle recognition, Minerals Engineering, vol.127, pp.208-223, 2018. (SCI)
•   O.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, A new method for gravity separation: Vibrating table gravity concentrator, Separation And Purification Technology, vol.211, pp.124-134, 2019. (SCI)
• Ehsani, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, Leaching Behavior Of Zinc From A Smithsonite Ore In Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2019, 55(2), 407-416. (SCI Expanded)
•   I.B. Can, B. Ozsoy, S.L. Ergün, Developing an optimum beneficiation route for a low-grade chromite ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. doi: 10.5277/ppmp1900

European Union FP7 Project. (Completed)
•   AKSU Mining-Yellice Chromium Ore Enrichment Studies, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, AKSU Madencilik ve San. A.Ş., 2015, (Completed).
•   Gold Recovery Studies from Akarşen and Çakmakkaya Concentrators”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, ETİ Bakır A.Ş., 2015 (Completed).
•   Enrichment of Pandermit Passes”, Eti Maden Operations General Directorate, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies Ltd. Project Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Ozcan Gulsoy. (Completed)
•   The Concentration of Fluorspar Ore from Yozgat, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, 2014, (Completed).
•   The Effect of Water Chemistry on Flotation Performance, EKMEKÇİ, Zafir (Prof. Dr.), TÜBİTAK Project No 111M690 (completed)
•   Triboelectric Separator Executor: Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, TUBITAK, 2015
•   Investigation of Classification Performance of Swelling Bed Separators for Silica Sand, ÖZCAN, Özgür (Dr.), Hacettepe University, FED-2015-7390.
•    Examination of Performance of Swelling Bed Separators in Non-Coal Applications, ERGÜN, Levent (Prof.), Hacettepe University, FDK-2015-5957.
•    Process Mineralogy Study for Chelopech Floation Plant”, Hacettepe Mineral Technologies, Dundee Metals, Bulgaria, 2014, (Completed).

Publications (Last 5 Years)
•   H.H. Gharehgheshlagh, A.T. Cebeci and S. L. Ergün, Evaluation of options related to gold ore grinding circuits by using the results of laboratory studies and simulation method; case study: Iran Gold Co., MTA Magazine, 159, 2019, 223-238.
•    E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gulsoy, I.B. Can, M. Özyurt, E Tuncer, Strategies for developing an integrated flow chart for the recovery of magnetite and copper from an iron ore, Journal of Geosciences/Hacettepe University Geosciences Application and Research Center, vol.40, no.1, pp.1-34, 2019 (ULAKBIM).
•   I.B. Can, Z. Ekmekçi, N.M. Can, The Use of Process Mineralogy in Flotation Plant Performance Analysis, Geosciences, Vol 39, No 3, 2018, 177-193.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S.L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 1): Developing and Testing the AEY Model, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 17-29.
•   E.C. Orhan, A. Harzanagh, S. L. Ergün, Numerical Modeling of Industrial Screening (Part 2): Effects of Design and Operation Variables on Screening Performance, Scientific Mining Journal, 2019, 2564-7024, 58, 1, 31-44.
•    HE. Özcan, Alternative Approaches to the Pre-Concentration of Murgul Copper Ore, Scientific Mining Journal, Vol 57, No 3, 2018, pp.149-162.
•    HE. Özcan, Investigation of Gold Recovery Possibilities from a Polymetallic Ore Using Falcon Centrifugal Enrichment, Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.21, 2019.
•   O. Bicak, A technique to determine ore variability in a sulphide ore, Minerals Engineering Volume 142, 2019, 105927 (SCI)
•   Bahrami, E. Gülcan, Investigating the high ash lignite processing with teetered bed separator, International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 39:4, 169-182, 2019. (SCI)
•    N. M. CAN, O. Altun, Selection of the best route for column configuration in an existing copper circuit, Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing, vol.55, ss.552-564, 2019. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp18167. (SCI)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, H. Benzer, The use of impact bed breakage procedure in model fitting of dry stirred mill, Particulate Science and Technology, 1-8, 2019. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, O. Altun, S. Zencirci, Developing a methodology to model and predict the grinding performance of the dry stirred mill, Minerals Engineering, 139, 2019, 1-9. 105867. (SCI Expanded)
•    D. Altun, H. Benzer, Modeling of pilot scale vertical roller mill operated in overflow mode, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 1-9, 2019. (SCI)
•    E. Gulcan, I.B. Can, N.M. Can, L.S. Ergün, Concentration characteristics of a complex antimony ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. DOI: 10.5277/ppmp19003, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 823-839. (SCI)
•   Ergin Sarp Zencirci, Okay Altun, Ahmet Hakan Benzer, Levent Onat, Osman Nemli, Improving early-age strength of fly ash cement and increasing fly ash content by inter-grinding, ZKG International, 71 (10), 52-63, 201 .
•    E.Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, Evaluation of complex copper ore sorting: Effect of optical filtering on particle recognition, Minerals Engineering, vol.127, pp.208-223, 2018. (SCI)
•   O.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, A new method for gravity separation: Vibrating table gravity concentrator, Separation And Purification Technology, vol.211, pp.124-134, 2019. (SCI)
• Ehsani, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, Leaching Behavior Of Zinc From A Smithsonite Ore In Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2019, 55(2), 407-416. (SCI Expanded)
•   I.B. Can, B. Ozsoy, S.L. Ergün, Developing an optimum beneficiation route for a low-grade chromite ore, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. doi: 10.5277/ppmp19006, 2019, 55(4), 2019, 865-878. (SCI)
•    I. Ehsani, A. Obut, Conversion Behaviors Of Sr- And Ca-Containing Solids In Dissolved Carbonate Containing Alkaline Pregnant Zinc Leaching Solutions, Minerals Engineering, 135, 2019, 9-12 (Short Communication). (SCI)
•   M. Kademli, N.A. Aydogan, An Extraction Of Copper From Recycling Plant Slag By Using Falcon Concentrator, Gospodarka Surowcamı Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management, Vol 35, Issue 1, 2019, Page 117-128. (SCI)
•   N.A. Toprak, A.H. Benzer, Effects of grinding aids on model parameters of a cement ball mill and an air classifier, Powder Technology, 344, 2019, 706-718. (SCI)
•    HE. Özcan, Performance comparison of a hydrocyclone and crossflow separator – a plant study, Separation Science and Technology, 2019. (SCI)
•   A.H. Benzer, D. Altun, O. Özal, V. Cebeci,“Investigation of usability of sintering iron ore concentrate in DRI pellet cake production in DRI pellet cake production”, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey, 26. International Mininig 2019-9 9
•   Sönmez, S. Lynch-Watson, S. Villalobos, H. Dündar, H. Benzer, Optimization of the crushing circuit in a copper operation, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 937-943
•   C.E. Karahan, T. Sert, O. Altun, Variation in the wear characteristics and the grinding performance of different balls, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•    E. Yılmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, Effects of Single Wire Cutting Parameters on Sludge Grain Length, 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019),  April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey .
•    E. Yilmazkaya, O. Altun, Y. Özçelik, The effects of monowire cutting parameters on mean size of swarf Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey.
•   E.C. Orhan, Computer Applications in Mineral Processing, Exploration in Mines, Operation, Computer Use in Mineral Processing, Training Seminar, Yurt Mining Development Foundation, 24-25 December 2018, Istanbul.
•   E.C. Orhan, “Using Coal Washing Facility Wastes (Slams) as Fuel in Thermal Power Plant”, 2019 Waste Management Summit, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, 24-28 February 2019, Antalya.
•    E. Gülcan, "A novel approach for sensor based sorting performance determination", Physical Separation'19, Cornwall, UK, 13-14 June 2019, pp.1-40
•   O.Y. Gülsoy, E. Gülcan, "Vibrating table gravity concentrator: A brief comparison with shaking table", 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 ​​October 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 67-74
•    I. B. Can, S. L. Ergun, N.M. Can, O. Özcan, A. Aghlmandi, “Influence of Mineralogy of Chrome Ores on their Enrichment Behaviors”, 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2018), 23-25 ​​October 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 43.
•    O. Altun, C.E. Karahan, E.S. Zencirci, N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer. Proposed flowsheet design for a cement grinding circuit by considering fine grinding technology. 26th International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
•    HE. Knife, E. Ozdemir, I. B. Can, H. Hassoy, H. Boz, Z. Ekmekçi, “Effects of Two-Stage Grinding on Flotation Performance of an Au-Cu Sulphide Ore”, SME 2019 Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, 2019.
•    HE. Young, A.H. Benzer, Effect of operational conditions on energy efficiencies of air-swept ball mill and classification circuits in cement raw material production, 26. International Mininig Congress of Turkey (IMCET 2019), April 2019, Antalya-Turkey, Proceedings of the 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 806-812.
•    HE. Bıçak, Prediction of Closed Circuit Performance by Simulation, 31 October - 2 November 2019 Antalya, IMPC 2019 Eurasia.
•   Izerdem, S.L. Ergun, Size-by-size evaluation of the concentration process in spiral concentrators, 29th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2018), Moscow - Russia, 2018, Proceedings,  ss. 229-236.
•    O. Bicak, “The Integration of JKMSI and Oxidation Index to Determine Flotation Behavior in Sulphide Ores”, Geosciences, 39 (1), 2018, 79-88
•    O. Altun, “Ensuring energy optimization in a Copper/Zinc ore grinding circuit”, ÖHÜ Eng. Science. Journal.7, 1, 2018, 284-296
•    HE. Ozcan, N.A. Soil, I. Göktaş, “Evaluation and Optimization of the Performance of a Crushing and Screening Plant”, Scientific Papermining, 57, 2, 2018, 95-108
•   S.S. Çolak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, Z. Gencer, H. Koçak, “Development of a preliminary media wear measurement test procedure for cement ball milling applications, Powder Technology”, 325, 2018, 678-686. (SCI)
•   N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “The effects of grinding aids on modeling of air classification of cement, Construction and Building Materials”, 160, 564-574. (SCI)
•    Y. Öztürk, Ö. Bıçak, E. Özdemir, Z. Ekmekçi, “Mitigation negative effects of thiosulfate on flotation performance of a Cu-Pb-Zn sulfide ore”, Minerals Engineering, 122, 2018, 142-147. (SCI)
•    O. Bicak, Y. Ozturk, E. Ozdemir, Z. Ekmekci, “Modelling effects of dissolved ions in process water on flotation performance”. Minerals Engineering 128, 2018, 84–91. (SCI)
•    Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behavior around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International 10, 2017, 58-67. (SCI)
•    O. Altun, “Energy and cement quality optimization of a cement grinding circuit”, Advanced Powder Technology, 29, 1713-1723. (SCI)
•   Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Modelling of component behavior around a cement grinding circuit”, ZKG International, 10, 58-67. (SCI)
•   Aghlmandi Harzanagh, E.C. Orhan, L. Ergün, “Discrete element modeling of vibrating screens”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 107-121.
•    D. Izerdem, E.C. Orhan, O. Ozcan and E. Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Minerals Engineering, 121, 2018, 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2018.02.022; WOS: 000431156600005 ; ISSN: 0892-6875 (SCI)
•   Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, "Optical sorting of lignite and its effects on process economics", International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization, 38, 2018, 107-126. (SCI)
•   T.O. Dizdar, G. Kocausta, E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, "A new method to produce high voltage static electric load for electrostatic separation – Triboelectric charging", Powder Technology, 2018, 89-95. (SCI)
•    E. Gulcan, O.Y. Gülsoy, "Performance evaluation of optical sorting in mineral processing - A case study with quartz, magnesite, hematite, lignite, copper and gold ores", International Journal Of Mineral Processing, 169, 2017, 129-141. (SCI)
•   Altun, H. Benzer, O. Altun, “Effects of Bed Dimensions on Fine Particle Breakage”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•   Altun, W. Little, H. Benzer, A. Mainza, M. Becker, C. Gerold, “Comparing Vertical Roller Mill performance on two different precious metal ores”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Cape Town G. Africa
•    Benzer and C. Gerold, “First application of a Vertical-Roller-Mill in a sulfide copper-gold ore Project”, Comminution 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Cape Town G.Afrika.
•    D. Altun, N. Aydogan, O. Altun, H. Benzer, “Performance Evaluation of Vertical Roller Mill in Cement Grinding: Case Study ESCH Cement Plant”, 15. European Symposium on Comminution Classification, İzmir -Turkey, September 2017.
•    Sonmez, H. Benzer, H. Dundar, and S.-L. Watson, “Prediction of the pilot HPGR product size distribution by using population balance model”, Comminution 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-19 April 2018.
•    Ehsani, N.A. Toprak, O. Altun, A. Ucyildiz, A. Obut, “A Comparative Dry Grinding Study Of A Natural And A Heated Vermiculite”, Proceedings Of The 3.International Porous And Powder Materials Symposium And Exhibition, Kusadasi-Turkey, 2017, 6 -11th.
•    Ucyildiz, C.T. Unaldi, A. Obut, I. Girgin, “Effect Of Sulfuric Acid Addition On Thermal Behavior Of A Limonitic Nickel Laterite Ore”, Proceedings Of The 17th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey, 2017, 477-486.
•   N.A. Toprak, H. Benzer, “Effects of grinding aid dosage on cement grinding circuit”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification, İzmir, Turkey, 11-14 September 2017.
•    Ucyildiz, I. Girgin, “Leaching of Nickel From A Limonitic Laterite Ore In Aqueous H2SO4 Solutions”, Proceedings Of The 17th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Antalya-Turkey, 2017, 467-475
•   ÖZCAN, Ö; "Enrichment of Different Minerals with a Swelling Bed Separator", YERBİLİMLERİ, August 2017, Hacettepe YUVAM, 13p.
•    Benzer, H. Dundar, O. Altun, L.M. Tavares, M. Powell, D. B. Mazzinghy, J.F. Russo, HPGR simulation from piston-die tests with an itabirite ore, REM, Int. Eng. J. vol.70 no.1 Ouro Preto Jan./Mar. 2017, pp.99-107
•    Deniz ALTUN (Dr.), Hakan Benzer (Prof. Dr.), Namık Aydogan (Assoc.
•   Ozcan, O; Ergun, S.L, "Performance of teetered bed separator for non-coal applications", Separation Science and Technology Feb. 2017, Taylor and Francis, 9p.
•    Gharehgheshlagh ,Hojjat H., Ergun, Levent , Chehreghani, Sajjad, Investigation of laboratory conditions effect on prediction accuracy of size distribution of industrial ball mill discharge by using a perfect mixing model. A case study: Ozdogu copper-molybdenum plant, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. 53(2), 2017, 1175−1187.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ERGUN, S. Levent, GÜLCAN, E., Beneficiation of oxide ores using dense medium cyclones. A simulation study, Physicochem. probl. miner Process. 53(1), 2017, 379−393.
•    E.Turianicová, M.Kaňuchová, A.Zorkovská, M.Holub, Z.Bujňáková, E.Dutková, M.Baláž, L.Findoráková, M.Balintová, Abdullah Obut (Prof.Dr.), CO2 utilization for fast preparation of nanocrystalline hydrozincite, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016, 16, 328-335.
•    Altun, O., 2016. Simulation aided flow sheet optimization of a cement grinding circuit by considering the quality measurements, Powder Technology (301) pp. 1242-1251.
•    Dundar, N.A. Aydoğan and H. Benzer, High Pressure Grinding Rolls: Moving From Cement to Minerals, 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 2017
•    Ehsani, Arman; Ehsani, İlhan, “A Brief Overview of Pyrometallurgical Treatments of Marine Ores” 18th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC 2016), Istanbul, 29 September - 1 October 2016, (Congress Proceedings, 2016)
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Numerical study of parameters affecting industrial screening performance, 25th International Mining Congress of Turkey.
•    GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.), Gizem Kocausta, Tahsin O. Dizdar, Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Recep Kaya, “Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore”, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey, 19-21 October 2016.
•    KUMAŞ, Cavit, Zehra Ebru Sayın, “Activated Carbon Production From Hazelnut Shells Using Phosphoric Acid and Boron”, 16. International Symposium on Enviromental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Production, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-7 October 2016.
•    Ekmekçi, Z., Biçak, Ö.,Can, M., Çelik, IB, Öztürk, Y., Kocabiyik, B., Şahin, N., 2017, Flotation of problematic Cu-Zn Ores in Çbi (Turkey), SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment pp. 324-328.
•    ERGÜN, L. (Prof. Dr.), CELIK, I.B. (Assoc. Prof.), GULSOY, O.Y. (Prof. Dr.), 2017, Development of flowsheet for a low grade chromite ore in Turkey, SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment, Feb. 19-22, Denver, CO, pp. 205-207.
•    AGHLMANI HARZANAGH Ahad, ORHAN, E. Caner, ERGUN, S. Levent, Discrete Element Modeling of Vibrating Screens, Computational Modeling17, 13-14 June 2017, Falmouth, Cornwall, England,
•   GÜLSOY, Özcan Y. (Prof.Dr.), Ergin Gülcan (MSc.), Effect of optical filtering on ash content determination, World of Coal Ash Conference (WOCA), May 8-11, 2017, Lexington, Kentucky.
•     İZERDEM, Damla (Master Eng.), (Dr.) E. Caner Orhan, (Dr.) Özgür Özcan, Erhan Alpay, “Application of density tracers in a dense medium circuit: A case study”, Physical Separation'17 , Falmouth, 15 – 16 June 2017.
•    Çolak, S., Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., 2016., Media Wear Measurements in a Laboratory Scale Ball Mill, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 19-21 October 2016, Istanbul
•    Ozgur OZCAN, "Performance Comparison of Different Types of Classifiers and Their Effects on Circuit", Physical Separation 17, Falmouth/Great Britain, 15-16 June 2017, England, Minerals Engineering International, 2017 6p.
•   Ozgur ÖZCAN; Levent ERGÜN, "The Effect of Washing Water Amount on Swelling Bed Separator Performance", IMCET 2017, Antalya/Turkey, 11-14 April 2017, Turkey TMMOB Chamber of Mining Engineers, Page, 2017, 9p.
•    İlhan Ehsani, Erika Turianicová, Matej Baláž, Abdullah Obut, “Effects of sulphuric acid dissolution on the physical and chemical properties of a natural and a heated vermiculite”, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2015, Issue 20(2), p110-115.
•    Ertekin, Zeliha (Researcher), Kadir Pekmez (Prof. Dr.), Zafir Ekmekçi (Prof. Dr.), “Evaluation of collector adsorption by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Elsevier, 2016, No :154,16-23s.
•    Altun, O., Toprak, A., Benzer, H., Darilmaz, O., 2016. Multi component modeling of an air classifier, Minerals Engineering (93), 50-56s
•   Altun, O., Benzer, H., Toprak, N.A.,Enderle, U., 2015. Utilization of grinding aids in dry horizontal stirred milling, Powder Technology (286), 610-615s.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Res. Assist.), ÇELİK, İlkay Bengü (Assist. Prof. Dr.), “Beneficiation routes for upgrading iron ore tailings with a teetered bed separator” Separation Science and Technology, 11 August 2016, 12s.
•   E.C. Orhan, E. Gulcan, O. Gulsoy, L. Ergun, M. Can, A. Aghlmandi, M. Ersoy; 2015; Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, October 5 - 8, Pittsburgh, PA USA
•   Orhan, E.C., Can, M., Olgun, Z., Ozer, A., (2016), “Performance evaluation practices at dense medium separation circuits”, 18th International Coal Preparation Congress, June 28- July 01 2016, St. St. Petersburg, Russia.
•    Gulcan, Ergin (Research Assistant), Gulsoy, Gulsoy (Prof.Dr.) Çelik, İlkay B. (Assist. Prof. Dr.) Olgun, Zeki (TKİ), Karaoğuz, Selda (TKİ), Investigation of Dry Coal Beneficiation with Optical Sorter, XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2016, 1155-1160.
•   Altun, Deniz; Hakan Kendi, Namik Aydogan, Carsten Gerold, “OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE VERTICAL ROLLER MILL PERFORMANCE”, Comminution’16, Cape Town, 11-14 April 2016.
•    Altun, Okay, H. Benzer and H. Dundar (Hacettepe University, Turkey), Closed circuiting the HPGRs: air classification-their operations and efficiencies Comminution 16, Cape Town/South Africa, 11-14 April 2016.
•    ÖZCAN, Özgür (Res. Assist. Dr.), ERGÜN, Levent (Prof. Dr.), “Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand” , 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg SWEDEN, 7- September 10, 2015, ESCC 2015, Proceedings of the Symposium, Chalmers University of technology, September 11, 2015, 5s
•    ERGÜN, LEVENT (Prof.Dr.), Ataallah Bahrami (Dr.), Mustafa Ziypak, Ayşe Özer, 2016, XVIII. International Coal Preparation Congress, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 28 June-1 July, Springer, 849-854.
•    O. Y. Gülsoy, G. Kocausta, T. O. Dizdar, E. Gülcan, R. Kaya, Benefication of Kütahya Şaphane Alunite Ore, 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey, October 19-21, 2016, pp 549-560
•    Altun, D., Gerold, C., Benzer, H., Altun, O., 2015. Copper ore grinding in a mobile vertical roller mill pilot plant. International Journal of Mineral Processing (136), 32-36pp.
•   Altun, O., Benzer, H., Enderle, U., 2014. The Effects of Chamber Diameter and Stirrer Design on Dry Horizontal Stirred Mill Performance, Minerals Engineering (69), 24-28s
•   Çelik, I. B., “Mineralogical Interpretation of the Collector Dosage Change on the Sphalerite Flotation Performance”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015, Vol. 135, 11-19s.
•    Dundar, H., Benzer, H., 2015, Investigating multicomponent breakage in cement grinding, Minerals Engineering, Volume 77, June 2015, Pages 131-136.
•   Ergin Gulcan, Prof. Dr. Ozcan Y. Gulsoy, Prof. Dr. Levent S. Ergun (2014), “Comparison of Color and NIR Camera in Sorting of Lignites”, Sensor-Based Sorting 2014, pp.193-201, Heft 135 der Schriftenreihe der GDMB
•   Namik A. Aydogan, “A simple sampling method for VRMs”, ZKG International 3-2015, 51-55
•     Ozgur Ozcan , Namık A. Aydogan, Hakan Benzer”Effect of operational parameters and recycling load on the high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) performance” International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 136, 10 March (2015), 20–25
•    Toprak, N.A., Altun, O., Aydogan, N., Benzer, H., 2014. The Influences and Selection of Grinding Chemicals in Cement Grinding Circuits, Construction and Building Materials (68) 15, 199-205s.
•    N. Metin CAN, Effect of microwave radiation on processing characteristics of sulphide minerals in inert atmosphere, Separation Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2015.1107582
•    Altun, O, Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Toprak, NA, Arslan A., Sahin, N., 2014. Simulation aided energy optimization of a copper grinding circuit, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kusadasi, Turkey
•   Bıçak, Özlem, Bahrami, Ataallah, Özdemir, Elif, Çelik, İlkay B., Can, N. Metin, Ekmekçi, Zafir, “Effects of Different Collector Types and Mixtures on a Porphyry Copper Molybdenum Sulphide Ore Flotation”, Proceedings of the XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 2014, 287-292.
•    Bicak, Ö., Altun, O., Celik, I.B., Öztürk, Y., Can, N.M., Ekmekçi, Z., Concentration of Yozgat Yenipazar Ore with Flotation. XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 10-12, 2012, Bodrum, TURKEY.
•    Cebeci, T., Ergun, S.L., 2015, Simulation studies to increase throughput of the ETI Bakir Murgul copper mine AG-Pebble Mill grinding circuit, SAG Conference 2015, UBC, Canada.
•   Celik I., Can M, Bradshaw D., “Integration of Process Mineralogy into the Undergraduate Education of Mineral Processors at Hacettepe University”, IMA 2014, 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September, 2014, South Africa , p369.
•    E. Caner Orhan, Özcan Gülsoy, Levent Ergün, Metin Can and Ayşe Özer, (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler Coal Washing Plant Performance Using Density Tracers”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 157-165
•    EhSANI, I. (Res.Assist.), TURIANICOVÁ, E. (Dr.), BALÁŽ, M. (Dr.) and OBUT, A. (Assoc.Dr.), “Leaching of a commercial vermiculite in H2SO4 solutions”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 757-763 (2014).
•   Ergin Gülcan and Özcan Gülsoy (2014), “NIR Sorting of Lignites”, Proceedings of 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium- Kuşadası, pp. 831-837
•   Ertekin, Z., Pekmez, K. and Ekmekçi, Z., Surface characterization of pyriteusing electrochemical techniques. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 409-415.
•    Gucbilmez D., Ergun, S. L. and Weitkämper L., 2015. A study on gravity separation of coarse and fine sizes separately, 16th Balkan Mineral Processing Congress Proceedings, Belgrade.
•   Güçbilmez, D., Özcan, Ö. and Ekmekçi, Z., Beneficiation of gold from sulfide ore with high clay content. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 695-702.
•    H. Dundar, A. Kalugin, M. Delgado, A. Palomino, A. Turkistanlı, B. Aquino, A. Lynch, 2014, Screens and cyclones in closed grinding circuits, IMPC 2014, abstract book, vol II, pp. 571, 20-24 October 2014, Santiago, Chile
•   Nasuh, A., Girgin, İ., 2014. Synthesis and Characterization of Mg3B2O6 Using MgO and H3BO3, Proceedings of the 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-17 October, Kuşadası, Turkey, 853-859.
•   OBUT, A. (Assoc.Prof.Dr.) and GİRGİN, İ. (Prof.Dr.), “Effects of different initial magnesium compounds on the preparation of magnesium orthoborate”, Proceedings of the 9.International Industrial Minerals Symposium, İzmir-Turkey, 533-542 (2015).
•   OBUT, A. (Assoc.Prof.), “Preparation of strontium hexaferrite powders using SrSO4 and Fe3O4”, Proceedings of the 14.International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kusadasi-Turkey, 787-792 (2014).
•   Orhan, EC, Gulcan, E., Gulsoy, O., Ergun, SL, Can, M., Aghlmandi, A., Ersoy, M., (2015), Strategies For Modeling And Simulation Aided Design Of A Coal Washing Plant For Gasifier Feed Preparation, 32nd International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA
•    Orhan, EC, Gülsoy, Ö., Ergün, L., Can, M., Özer, A., (2014), “Evaluation of Ömerler coal washing plant performance using density tracers”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15 -17, Kusadasi, Turkey.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, L., “Separation Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand”, 15th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg/Sweden, 7-11 September 2015, Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology, 2015, 383s.
•    Ozcan, O., Ergun, S.L., "Classification Performance Evaluation of a Teetered Bed Separator for Silica Sand", 2015, Proceedings of 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Gothenburg, pp 240-244.
•    Ozcan, O., Güçlübilmez D., Ekmekçi Z., “Beneficiation of gold from sulphide ore with high clay content”, 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Kuşadası/TURKEY, 15-17 October 2014.
•    Özdemir, E., Bıçak, Ö., Bahrami, A., Öztürk, Y., Ekmekçi, Z., Screening Types of Dissolved Ions Affecting Flotation Performance. XIV. International Mineral Processing Symposium, October 15-17, 2014, Kuşadası, TURKEY, 393-399.
•     Toprak, NA, Benzer, H., Aydogan, N., Altun, O., Dundar, H., Ozcan, O., Altun, D., 2014. Optimization alternatives in cement grinding circuits, Proceedings of 14th IMPS, October 15-17, Kusadasi, Turkey.
•    Tuba, Ç., Girgin, İ. 2014. Comparative H2SO4 and H2SO4 + H2O2 Leaching of a Turkish Lateritic Nickel Ore, XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress, 20-24 October, Sheraton Hotel, Santiago, Chile, Chapter-19, 89-98
