In our laboratory, human development studies are carried out with a broad perspective including different life stages. Our research team are recently studying childhood, adolescence and emerging adulthood, as well as the concepts of parenting, peer bullying, cyberbullying, family and culture.
• HLM Scientific Software International
• Desktop Computer
• Laptop
• Samsung Tablet SM-T510
• Apple Tablet
• Optoma X342E Projection
• Xerox Workcentre 3215 Printer
• Canon EOS M3 Camera
• Philips BM5W / 10 Wireless Multiroom Speaker
• SONY Voice Recorder ICD-PX240
• Sanyo VPC-TH1 Digital Dual HD Handheld Camera
• Prof. Dr. Zehra Uçanok
• Dr. Faculty Member Berna Aytaç
• Res. Assist. Ayse Vildan Acar Bayraktar
• Res. Assist. Gülpembe Yüceol Aksit
• Res. Assist. Suzan Çen Yağız
• Res. Assist. Zeynep Cakmak
• Lecturer Assist. Esin Sener
• Aytaç, A., Bayraktar, AV A, Çakmak, Z., Cen-Yagiz, S., Şener, E., and Yüceol, G. (2017-cont.) examination. Research Project, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
• Cen-Yagiz, S., & Aytac, B. (2019-ongoing). Examination of beliefs and attitudes towards mental disability. Research Project, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
• Investigation of developmental disorders in the context of family systems theory (TÜBİTAK, SOBAG, Project No: 116K376, 2016-2019) B. Aytaç (Project Manager), D. Demirtepe (Assistant Researcher).
• Past and Present of Developmental Psychology in Turkey (Hacettepe University BAP Unit, Project No: SBT-2017-14746, 16.05.2017-16.02.2018) Z. Uçanok (Project Manager), B. Aytaç (Assistant Researcher).
• Different sources, different trajectories: A three-year longitudinal study of academic achievement as a function of adolescent's class and family characteristics (TÜBİTAK, SOBAG, Project No: 114K815, 2015-2018) A. Mouratidis (Project Manager), M. Sayıl, A Michou (Researchers), A. Koçak (Fellow.
• Examination of control, autonomy and conflict in parent-adolescent relationships in the context of social field theory and social change: Results for parents and adolescents (TÜBİTAK, SOBAG, Project No: 113K208, 2013-2016) M. Sayıl (Project Manager), Y. Kındap ( Assistant Researcher) (This project has been moved to TED University since 2015.)
Research Articles:
• Cen-Yagiz, S., & Aytac, B. (2021). A multi-informant study: mother – child relationship and children with learning disability, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 68 (2), 206-221, DOI: 10.1080 / 1034912X.2019.1671579
• Çakmak, Z., & Güre, A. (2020). Economic hardship, conflict between partners and adolescents' problem behavior: A follow-up study. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 35 (85), 1-16. DOI: 10.31828 / tpd1300443320181003m000013.
• Koçak, A. Mouratidis, A., Uçanok, Z., Selçuk, E., and Davies, P. T. (2020). Need satisfaction as a mediator of associations between interparental relationship dimensions and autonomy supportive parenting: A Weekly diary study. Family Process, 59 (4), 1874-1890. DOI: 10.1111 / famp.12523
• Kurt, D., & Uçanok, Z. (2020). Examination of control strategies within the framework of motivation theory in lifelong development. Psychology Studies, 40 (1), 187-215.
• Selçuk, Ş., And Aytaç, B. (2020). Congruence between sibling relationship and parenting practices across older and younger siblings. Object, 8 (16), 16-30. DOI: 10.7816 / object-08-16-02
• Yüceol, G., Aytaç, B., & Uçanok, Z. (2020). Turkish adaptation of Early Period Positive Social Behavior Scale and its psychometric properties. Object, 8 (16), 82-94. DOI: 10.7816 / object-08-16-06
• Acar ‐ Bayraktar, A. V., Cakmak, Z., and Saritas ‐ Atalar, D. (2019). Parenting and children’s prosocial and problem behaviors in middle childhood: The role of Turkish mothers ’emotion socialization practices. Social Development, 28 (2), 333-346.
• Kurt, D., & Uçanok, Z. (2019). Developmental goals and examination of well-being in emerging adults. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 11 (Research special issue 1), 118-135.
• Aytaç, B., Çen, S., & Yüceol, G. P. (2018). Validity and reliability study of the Parent-Child Relationship Scale. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 25 (3), 209-221.
• Aytac, B., & Pike, A. (2018). The mother-child relationship and child behavior: A multilevel analysis in two countries. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLIX (1), 45--72.
• Çakmak, Z. (2018). Ethics in research conducted with the participation of children. Turkish Psychology Articles, 21 (41), 30-37.
• Çakmak, Z., Acar Bayraktar, A. V., & Sarıtaş-Atalar, D. (2018). Measuring values with picture-based values screening in middle childhood: Age, gender and maternal education-related changes. Object, 6 (12), 1-26.
• Cen, S., & Aytac, B. (2017). Ecocultural perspective in learning disability: Family support resources, values, child problem behaviors. Learning Disability Quarterly, 40 (2), 114-127.
• Koçak, A., Selçuk, Ş., Mouratidis, A., Michou, A. ve Sayıl, M. (2016, August). Perceived maternal psychological control and adolescent adjustment: The mediating role of basic psychological needs. 15th International Conference on Motivation, Poster Presentation, Thesselonike, Greece.
• Akçayüzlü, Z. (2016, July). A qualitative study: Examination the relationships between in carcerated mothers and their infants who live with them in prison. 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Poster Presentation, Vilnius, Lithuania.
• Selçuk, Ş., Şener, E., Sayıl, M., Tığrak, A., Bayar, Y., Kurt, D. (2016, July) The relationship between filial piety and psychosocial adjustment among Turkish adolescents. 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Poster Presentation, Vilnius, Lithuania.
• Şener, E., Sayıl, M. ve Kındap-Tepe, Y. (2016, June). Antecedents of autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting. 6th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Poster Presentation, Victoria, Canada.• Çen, S., & Aytaç, B. (2016, March). Learning difficulties from an ecocultural perspective: Family's support resources, parent-child relationship. 2. Brain Development Symposium, Poster Presentation, Ankara, Turkey.
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