Geohydrology Laboratory


Research Infrastructure

•   The tools and equipment required to determine the particle size distribution of soil materials.
•    Beckman Air Pycnometer: It is used to measure the volumes of powder, unconsolidated grained, porous and non-uniform geometrical samples.
•   The mechanism for determining the hydraulic conductivity coefficient of unconsolidated samples by constant-Level Permeameter test.
•   The mechanism for determining the hydraulic conductivity coefficient of unconsolidated samples by Falling Level Permeameter test.
•   The tools and equipment required for the determination of the specific gravity of unconsolidated samples using the pycnometer method.
•   Ruska Gas Permeometer: It is used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of hardened core samples.
•   The tools and equipment required to determine the equivalent moisture content in unconsolidated samples.


•    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ekmekçi
•    Doç. Dr. Harun Aydın
•    Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Şükran Açıkel

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

•   ALACER-ANAGOLD- Dewatering and Groundwater Control to Optimize Slope Stability in Kapakler Gold Mine (2018)


•    Argunhan C., Yazıcıgil, H., Ekmekçi, M., 2020. Assessment of Performance of Horizontal Drains in an Open Pit Mine in Eastern Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences (under review)
•   Tesema, FW, Ekmekci, M., 2019. Use of Packer Test Results in Hydrogeological Characterization: A Comparison of Calculation Methods for a Representative Value. Momona Ethiopian Journal Of Science, Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Pages: 52-69, DOI: 10.4314/mejs.v11i1.4


Research Infrastructure

•   The tools and equipment required to determine the particle size distribution of soil materials.
•    Beckman Air Pycnometer: It is used to measure the volumes of powder, unconsolidated grained, porous and non-uniform geometrical samples.
•   The mechanism for determining the hydraulic conductivity coefficient of unconsolidated samples by constant-Level Permeameter test.
•   The mechanism for determining the hydraulic conductivity coefficient of unconsolidated samples by Falling Level Permeameter test.
•   The tools and equipment required for the determination of the specific gravity of unconsolidated samples using the pycnometer method.
•   Ruska Gas Permeometer: It is used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of hardened core samples.
•   The tools and equipment required to determine the equivalent moisture content in unconsolidated samples.


•    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ekmekçi
•    Doç. Dr. Harun Aydın
•    Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Şükran Açıkel

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

•   ALACER-ANAGOLD- Dewatering and Groundwater Control to Optimize Slope Stability in Kapakler Gold Mine (2018)


•    Argunhan C., Yazıcıgil, H., Ekmekçi, M., 2020. Assessment of Performance of Horizontal Drains in an Open Pit Mine in Eastern Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences (under review)
•   Tesema, FW, Ekmekci, M., 2019. Use of Packer Test Results in Hydrogeological Characterization: A Comparison of Calculation Methods for a Representative Value. Momona Ethiopian Journal Of Science, Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Pages: 52-69, DOI: 10.4314/mejs.v11i1.4