Turkey's only ancient aDNA laboratory dedicated to analyses of ancient DNA. Pioneering studies are carried out to better understand the past via genomic studies by isolating ancient DNA preserved in human, animal and sediment remains from Turkey and other parts of the world. We focus on the transition to sedentizm, domestication of plants and animals, urbanization, mobility, cultural diffusion, family structure and kinship, microbes, hereditary diseases, infections, animal-human relations, etc.
• Clean room
• Positive pressure system
• Ventilation
• Camera system and television
• Biosafety cabinets
• PCR and its cabinets
• UV boxes
• Distilled water machine
• Centrifuge
• Mini vortex
• -80°C Cabinet
• Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Selim Erdal
• Dr. Instructor Member Füsun Ozer
• Lect. Dr. Nefize Ezgi Altinışık
• Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Somel
• PhD Student Duygu Deniz Kazancı (Department of Biology)
• PhD Student Ayça Aydoğan, Ekin Sağlıcan (METU)
• MSc Student Arda Sevkar
• Archaeogenomic analysis of genetic and cultural interactions in Neolithic Anatolian societies. Archaeogenomic analysis of genetic and cultural interaction in Neolithic Anatolian Societies-NEOGENE (ERC Project – Executive Mehmet Somel ODT Researchers, Yılmaz Selim Erdal, Füsun Özer)
• Horse Archaeogenomics and Population Demographics in Anatolia (TÜBİTAK 1001 – Executive Füsun Özer H.Ü.)
• Investigation of Social Structure in Central Anatolian Neolithic Settlements by Ancient Gernom Analysis (TÜBİTAK 1001 - Executive Mehmet Somel METU; Researcher Ö. Dilek Erdal)
• Key., F.M. …Erdal, Y.S. Alikhan, F. Zhou, Z. Achtman, M., Bos, K. Reinhold, S. Haak, W., Kühnert, D., Herbig, A., and Krause J., 2020. Emergence of human-adapted Salmonella enterica
• is linked to the Neolithization process. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4 : March 2020: 324–333.
• Skourtanioti, E., Erdal, Y.S, Frangipane, M., ..., Stockhammer, P.W., Haak, W., Krause, J. 2020. Genomic History of Neolithic to Bronze Age Anatolia, Northern Levant, and Southern Caucasus. Cell 181, 1158–1175.
• Kılınç, G.M., Omrak, A., Özer, F., Günther, T., Büyükkarakaya, A.M., Bıçakçı, E., Baird, D., Dönertaş, H.M., Ghalichi, A., Yaka, R., Koptekin, K., Açan, S.C., Parvizi, P., Krzewińska, M., Daskalaki, E., Yüncü, E., Dağtaş, N.D., Fairbairn, A., Pearson, J., Mustafaoğlu, G., Erdal, Y.S., Çakan, Y.G., Togan, T., Somel, M., Stora, J., Jakobsson, M., Götherström, A. 2016. The Demographic Development of the First Farmers in Anatolia. Current Biology 26: 1-8.
• Donoghue HD, Michael Taylor G, Marcsik A ….. Erdal, Y.S. et al., 2015. A migration-Driven model for the historical spread of leprosy in medieval eastern and central Europe. Infect Genet Evol. 2015 Apr;31:250-6. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2015.02.001.
• Flegontov, P., Altınışık, N. E., Changmai, P., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Adamski, N., ... & Flegontova, O. (2019). Palaeo-Eskimo genetic ancestry and the peopling of Chukotka and Northamerica. Nature, 570(7760), 236-240.
• Ancient genomics in Neolithic Central Anatolia and Çatalhöyük (N. Ezgi Altınışık, Füsun Özer, Y. S. Erdal)
• Ceballos, F. C., Gurun, K., Altinisik, N. E., Gemici, H. C., Karamurat, C., Koptekin, D., Ö.D Erdal; Y.S. Erdal... and Ozer, F.(2020). Human inbreeding has decreased in time through the Holocene. bioRxiv.
• Yurtman, E., Özer, O., Yüncü, E., Dağtaş, N. D., Koptekin, D., Çakan, Y. G., ... Y.S. Erdal and Özer, F., Vural, K. B. (2020). Archaeogenetic analysis of Neolithic sheep from Anatolia suggests a complex demographic history since domestication. BioRxiv.
• Variable Kinship Patterns in Neolithic Anatolia Revealed by Ancient Genomes Ancient genomics in Neolithic Central Anatolia and Çatalhöyük. Yaka, R. …N. E. Altınışık, Y.S. Erdal, E. Sürer, F. Özer, Ç. Atakuman, M. Somel