Swallowing Disorders Unit Laboratory


Research Infrastructure

• Swallowing station
• 3 adjustable beds
• 2 computers
• 1 TV screen
• 2 printers
• 1 witness electrotherapy device
• 5 instruments vital-stim instrument
• 1 IOPI device
• 2 stabilizer pressure biofeedback units
• 1 digital caliper for mouth opening measurement


• Assoc. Dr. Numan DEMIR
• Assoc. Dr. Selen SEREL ARSLAN
• Exp. Fzt. Omer Faruk YASAROGLU
• Exp Fzt. Emre CENGIZ
• Exp. Fzt. Ayşe Kübra SOYLER
• Fzt. Oguzhan SIMSEK
• Fzt. Mahmut SEVİM
• Fzt. Sena Nur BEGEN
• Fzt. Fatih ÖZDER

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

• Accreditation Study of Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Undergraduate Education Program
Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Completed – 02.11.2019
• Objective Test Methods in Swallowing Disorder
Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Completed – 12.08.2016
• Creation of Black Smoke Chewing Performance Scale
Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Completed –04.03.2016


• Özsürekci, C., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Çalışkan, H., Şengül Ayçiçek, G., Kılınç, H. E., ... & Sümer, F. (2020). Timing of dysphagia screening in alzheimer's dementia. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 44(3), 516-524.
• Sayaca, C., Serel-Arslan, S., Sayaca, N., Demir, N., Somay, G., Kaya, D., & Karaduman, A. (2020). Is the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique superior to Shaker exercises in swallowing rehabilitation?. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 277(2), 497-504.
• Kılınç, H. E., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. (2020). The effects of different exercise trainings on suprahyoid muscle activation, tongue pressure force and dysphagia limit in healthy subjects. Dysphagia, 35(4), 717-724.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2020). The functional chewing training for chewing dysfunction in children with repaired EA-TEF. Journal of pediatric surgery, 55(4), 635-638.
• Topaloglu, R., Keser, A. G., Gulhan, B., Ozaltin, F., Demir, H., Ciftci, T., ... & Akhan, O. (2020). Cystinosis beyond kidneys: gastrointestinal system and muscle involvement. BMC gastroenterology, 20(1), 1-8.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., & Soyer, T. (2020). Dysphagia in children with ea pediatric-tef from the perspective of surgeons in clinical settings. Dysphagia, 1-6.
• Şahan, A. K., Sevim, M., & Arslan, S. S. (2020). Clinical evaluation steps in feeding and swallowing disorders in the pediatric population. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 157-165.
• Arslan, S. S. (2020). Oral motor dysfunction and evaluation in pediatric neuromuscular diseases. Turkey Clinics Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation-Special Topics, 6(1), 77-81.
• Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., Serel Arslan, S. E. L. E. N., Kılınç, H. E., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2020). An evaluation of swallowing function in head and neck cancer patıents after cancer treatment. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Online), 31(2), 196-201.
• Necati, E., Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., Amber, E. K. E. R., District Governor, B., & Karaduman, A. A. (2020). The effect of kinesio taping on swallowing function in Parkinson's patients: a superficial electromyographic swallowing study. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 31(2), 202-209.
• Kilinc, H. E. K., Gürbüz, İ. A., Bulut, N., Arslan, S. S., Karaduman, A. A., & Yılmaz, Ö. T. (2020). A description of oral and swallowing characteristics in pediatric patients with neuromuscular diseases. clinical and experimental health sciences, 10(3), 292-296.
• Türer, Ö. B., Demir, N., Ciecieraga, T., Günaydın, R. Ö., & Soyer, T. (2019). Assessment of pediatric cricopharyngeal achalasia with high resolution manometry. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 61(5), 804-809.
• Ünlüer, N. Ö., Temuçin, Ç. M., Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., & Karaduman, A. A. (2019). Effects of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on swallowing function and quality of life of post-stroke patients. Dysphagia, 34(3), 360-371.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2019). turkish version of the mastication observation and evaluation (moe) instrument: A reliability and validity study in children. Dysphagia, 1-6.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2019). Assessment of the concerns of caregivers of children with repaired esophageal atresia–tracheoesophageal fistula related to feeding–swallowing difficulties. Dysphagia, 1-5.
• Kilinc, H. E., Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Topçuoğlu, M. A., & Karaduman, A. (2019). Comparison of normalized muscle activation effects of three different exercises on suprahyoid muscles in healthy subjects. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 30(1), 48-57.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2019). The relationship between patient reported dysphagia symptom severity and swallowing related quality of life in patients with disorders. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(1), 53-56.
• Alemdaroglu-Gurbuz, I., Bulut, N., Bozgeyik, S., Ulug, N., Arslan, S. S., Yilmaz, O., & Karaduman, A. (2019). Reliability and validity of the turkish translation of pedsqlTM multidimensional fatigue scale in duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neurosciences (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), 24(4), 302-310.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2018). Chewing function in children with repaired esophageal atresia–tracheoesophageal fistula. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 28(06), 534-538.
• Serel Arslan, S., Demir, N., İnal, Ö., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). The severity of chewing disorders is related to gross motor function and trunk control in children with cerebral palsy. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 35(3-4), 178-182.
• Serel Arslan, S., Kılınç, H. E., Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). The eating assessment tool10 has discriminant ability to detect aspiration in children with impaired version of neuropathy. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 30(11), e13432.
•    Serel Arslan, S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., & Belafsky, P. C. (2018). The pediatric version of the eating assessment tool: A caregiver administered dyphagia-specific outcome instrument for children. Disability and rehabilitation, 40(17), 2088-2092.
• Tenekeci, E. G., Kara, B., Cetiz, A., Demirkaya, S., Demir, N., & Acikel, C. (2018). Validity and reliability of the turkish version of the questionnaire for the assessment of dysphagia in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 55(3), 243.
• Serel Arslan, S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Both pharyngeal and esophageal phases of swallowing are associated with recurrent pneumonia in pediatric patients. The clinical respiratory journal, 12(2), 767-771.
• Sipal, M. S., Demir, N., Serel Arslan, S., & Karaduman, A. (2018). An investigation of drooling and salivation in children with spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation-Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 29(3), 85-94.
• Şipal, M. S., Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., & Karaduman, A. (2018). Investigation of saliva control problem and salivation in children with spastic and dyskinetic type cerebral palsy. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 29(3), 85-94.
• Demir, N., & Arslan, S. S. (2018). Dysphagia in head and neck cancers. Turkiye Klinikleri Medical Oncology-Special Topics, 11(2), 212-216.
• Arslan, S. S., Kılınç, H. E., Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., İnal, Ö., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the feeding/swallowing impact survey. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30(6), 723-733.
• Serel Arslan, S., Azola, A., Sunday, K., Vose, A., Plowman, E., Tabor, L., ... & Humbert, I. A. (2018). Effects of submental surface electrical stimulation on swallowing kinematics in healthy adults: An error-based learning paradigm. American journal of speech-language pathology, 27(4), 1375-1384.
• Kilinc, H. E., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Gunaydin, R. O., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Swallowing Therapy for a case of congenital absence of the epiglottis/congenital absence of epiglottis. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 8(1), 70-73.
• Arslan, S. S., Ilgaz, F., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). The effect of the inability to intake chewable food texture on growth, dietary intake and feeding behaviors of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30(2), 205-214.
• Serel Arslan, S., Aydın, G., Alemdaroğlu, İ., Tunca Yılmaz, Ö., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Blackdust Chewing Performance Scale in paediatric neuromuscular diseases: A system for classification of chewing disorders. Journal of oral rehabilitation, 45(7), 526-531.
• Soyer, T., Yalçın, S., Demir, N., Karhan, A. N., Saltik-Temizel, I. N., Demir, H., & Tanyel, F. C. (2017). Does Nissen fundoplication improve deglutition in children?. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 59(1), 28-34.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). The anxiety level of caregivers of patients with dysphagia. Dysphagia, 32(4), 570-574.
• Serel Arslan, S., İnal, Ö., Demir, N., Ölmez, M. S., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). Chewing side preference is associated with hemispheric laterality in healthy adults. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 34(2), 92-95.
• Akcaboy, M., Zorlu, P., Demir, N., Acoglu, E. A., Oguz, M. M., & Şenel, S. (2017). A rare cause of dysphagia in children: primary cricopharyngeal achalasia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53(8), 827-828.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Kılınç, H. E., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). The ability of the Eating Assessment Tool-10 to detect aspiration in patients with disorders. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, 23(4), 550.
• Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., Yalcin, S., Karaduman, A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2017). Alterations in hyolaryngeal elevation after esophageal anastomosis: A possible mechanism for airway aspiration. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 52(10), 1580-1582.
• Soyer, T., Yalcin, S., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Tanyel, F. C. (2017). Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool-10 as an indicator to predict aspiration in children with esophageal atresia. Journal of pediatric surgery, 52(10), 1576-1579.
• Arslan, S. S., Soyer, T., Demir, N., Yalcın, S., Karaduman, A., Karnak, I., & Tanyel, F. C. (2017). Effect of swallowing rehabilitation protocol on swallowing function in patients with esophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 27(06), 526-532.
• Ilgaz, F., Arslan, S. S., Özel, H. G., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). SUN-P132: thickener use in pediatric dysphagia: Treatment results and family experiences. Clinical Nutrition, 36, P103.
• Arslan, S. S., Ilgaz, F., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). The effect of growth failure and diet on parental anxiety in children with cerebral palsy with swallowing disorders. Journal of Nutrition and Diet, 45(1), 28-34.
• Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., İnal, Ö., & Karaduman, A. A. (2016). Reliability and validity of the Turkish eating assessment tool (T-EAT-10). Dysphagia, 31(5), 644-649.
• Gollu, G., Demir, N., Ates, U., Aslan, S. S., Ergun, E., Kucuk, G., & Yagmurlu, A. (2016). Effective management of cricopharyngeal achalasia in infants and children with dilatation alone. Journal of pediatric surgery, 51(11), 1751-1754.
• Senirli, R. T., Kuşçu, O., Akyol, U., Topçu, M., Yiğit, Ö., Aksoy, S., & Demir, N. (2016). Otorhinolaryngological, audiovestibular and swallowing manifestations of patients with Niemann-Pick disease type C. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 80, 1-4.
• Arslan, S. S., Alemdaroğlu, İ., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2016). Clinical characteristics of oral structures and feeding function in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 27(3), 116-120.
• Kaymaz, N., Özçelik, U., Demir, N., Cinel, G., Yalcin, E., Ersöz, D. D., & Kiper, N. (2015). Swallowing dysfunction as a factor that should be remembered in recurrent pneumonia: videofluoroscopic swallow study. Minerva pediatrica, 69(5), 396-402.
• Yalcin, S., Demir, N., Serel, S., Soyer, T., & Tanyel, F. C. (2015). The evaluation of deglutition with videofluoroscopy after repair of esophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 50(11), 1823-1827.
• Aslan, S. S. (2015). Swallowing and quality of life outcomes early after radiation therapy in head and neck cancer patients. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 26(3).



Research Infrastructure

• Swallowing station
• 3 adjustable beds
• 2 computers
• 1 TV screen
• 2 printers
• 1 witness electrotherapy device
• 5 instruments vital-stim instrument
• 1 IOPI device
• 2 stabilizer pressure biofeedback units
• 1 digital caliper for mouth opening measurement


• Assoc. Dr. Numan DEMIR
• Assoc. Dr. Selen SEREL ARSLAN
• Exp. Fzt. Omer Faruk YASAROGLU
• Exp Fzt. Emre CENGIZ
• Exp. Fzt. Ayşe Kübra SOYLER
• Fzt. Oguzhan SIMSEK
• Fzt. Mahmut SEVİM
• Fzt. Sena Nur BEGEN
• Fzt. Fatih ÖZDER

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

• Accreditation Study of Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Undergraduate Education Program
Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Completed – 02.11.2019
• Objective Test Methods in Swallowing Disorder
Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Completed – 12.08.2016
• Creation of Black Smoke Chewing Performance Scale
Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Completed –04.03.2016


• Özsürekci, C., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Çalışkan, H., Şengül Ayçiçek, G., Kılınç, H. E., ... & Sümer, F. (2020). Timing of dysphagia screening in alzheimer's dementia. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 44(3), 516-524.
• Sayaca, C., Serel-Arslan, S., Sayaca, N., Demir, N., Somay, G., Kaya, D., & Karaduman, A. (2020). Is the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique superior to Shaker exercises in swallowing rehabilitation?. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 277(2), 497-504.
• Kılınç, H. E., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. (2020). The effects of different exercise trainings on suprahyoid muscle activation, tongue pressure force and dysphagia limit in healthy subjects. Dysphagia, 35(4), 717-724.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2020). The functional chewing training for chewing dysfunction in children with repaired EA-TEF. Journal of pediatric surgery, 55(4), 635-638.
• Topaloglu, R., Keser, A. G., Gulhan, B., Ozaltin, F., Demir, H., Ciftci, T., ... & Akhan, O. (2020). Cystinosis beyond kidneys: gastrointestinal system and muscle involvement. BMC gastroenterology, 20(1), 1-8.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., & Soyer, T. (2020). Dysphagia in children with ea pediatric-tef from the perspective of surgeons in clinical settings. Dysphagia, 1-6.
• Şahan, A. K., Sevim, M., & Arslan, S. S. (2020). Clinical evaluation steps in feeding and swallowing disorders in the pediatric population. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 157-165.
• Arslan, S. S. (2020). Oral motor dysfunction and evaluation in pediatric neuromuscular diseases. Turkey Clinics Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation-Special Topics, 6(1), 77-81.
• Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., Serel Arslan, S. E. L. E. N., Kılınç, H. E., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2020). An evaluation of swallowing function in head and neck cancer patıents after cancer treatment. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Online), 31(2), 196-201.
• Necati, E., Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., Amber, E. K. E. R., District Governor, B., & Karaduman, A. A. (2020). The effect of kinesio taping on swallowing function in Parkinson's patients: a superficial electromyographic swallowing study. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 31(2), 202-209.
• Kilinc, H. E. K., Gürbüz, İ. A., Bulut, N., Arslan, S. S., Karaduman, A. A., & Yılmaz, Ö. T. (2020). A description of oral and swallowing characteristics in pediatric patients with neuromuscular diseases. clinical and experimental health sciences, 10(3), 292-296.
• Türer, Ö. B., Demir, N., Ciecieraga, T., Günaydın, R. Ö., & Soyer, T. (2019). Assessment of pediatric cricopharyngeal achalasia with high resolution manometry. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 61(5), 804-809.
• Ünlüer, N. Ö., Temuçin, Ç. M., Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., & Karaduman, A. A. (2019). Effects of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on swallowing function and quality of life of post-stroke patients. Dysphagia, 34(3), 360-371.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2019). turkish version of the mastication observation and evaluation (moe) instrument: A reliability and validity study in children. Dysphagia, 1-6.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2019). Assessment of the concerns of caregivers of children with repaired esophageal atresia–tracheoesophageal fistula related to feeding–swallowing difficulties. Dysphagia, 1-5.
• Kilinc, H. E., Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Topçuoğlu, M. A., & Karaduman, A. (2019). Comparison of normalized muscle activation effects of three different exercises on suprahyoid muscles in healthy subjects. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 30(1), 48-57.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2019). The relationship between patient reported dysphagia symptom severity and swallowing related quality of life in patients with disorders. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(1), 53-56.
• Alemdaroglu-Gurbuz, I., Bulut, N., Bozgeyik, S., Ulug, N., Arslan, S. S., Yilmaz, O., & Karaduman, A. (2019). Reliability and validity of the turkish translation of pedsqlTM multidimensional fatigue scale in duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neurosciences (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), 24(4), 302-310.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2018). Chewing function in children with repaired esophageal atresia–tracheoesophageal fistula. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 28(06), 534-538.
• Serel Arslan, S., Demir, N., İnal, Ö., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). The severity of chewing disorders is related to gross motor function and trunk control in children with cerebral palsy. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 35(3-4), 178-182.
• Serel Arslan, S., Kılınç, H. E., Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). The eating assessment tool10 has discriminant ability to detect aspiration in children with impaired version of neuropathy. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 30(11), e13432.
•    Serel Arslan, S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A. A., & Belafsky, P. C. (2018). The pediatric version of the eating assessment tool: A caregiver administered dyphagia-specific outcome instrument for children. Disability and rehabilitation, 40(17), 2088-2092.
• Tenekeci, E. G., Kara, B., Cetiz, A., Demirkaya, S., Demir, N., & Acikel, C. (2018). Validity and reliability of the turkish version of the questionnaire for the assessment of dysphagia in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 55(3), 243.
• Serel Arslan, S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Both pharyngeal and esophageal phases of swallowing are associated with recurrent pneumonia in pediatric patients. The clinical respiratory journal, 12(2), 767-771.
• Sipal, M. S., Demir, N., Serel Arslan, S., & Karaduman, A. (2018). An investigation of drooling and salivation in children with spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation-Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 29(3), 85-94.
• Şipal, M. S., Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., & Karaduman, A. (2018). Investigation of saliva control problem and salivation in children with spastic and dyskinetic type cerebral palsy. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 29(3), 85-94.
• Demir, N., & Arslan, S. S. (2018). Dysphagia in head and neck cancers. Turkiye Klinikleri Medical Oncology-Special Topics, 11(2), 212-216.
• Arslan, S. S., Kılınç, H. E., Yaşaroğlu, Ö. F., İnal, Ö., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the feeding/swallowing impact survey. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30(6), 723-733.
• Serel Arslan, S., Azola, A., Sunday, K., Vose, A., Plowman, E., Tabor, L., ... & Humbert, I. A. (2018). Effects of submental surface electrical stimulation on swallowing kinematics in healthy adults: An error-based learning paradigm. American journal of speech-language pathology, 27(4), 1375-1384.
• Kilinc, H. E., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Gunaydin, R. O., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Swallowing Therapy for a case of congenital absence of the epiglottis/congenital absence of epiglottis. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 8(1), 70-73.
• Arslan, S. S., Ilgaz, F., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). The effect of the inability to intake chewable food texture on growth, dietary intake and feeding behaviors of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30(2), 205-214.
• Serel Arslan, S., Aydın, G., Alemdaroğlu, İ., Tunca Yılmaz, Ö., & Karaduman, A. A. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Blackdust Chewing Performance Scale in paediatric neuromuscular diseases: A system for classification of chewing disorders. Journal of oral rehabilitation, 45(7), 526-531.
• Soyer, T., Yalçın, S., Demir, N., Karhan, A. N., Saltik-Temizel, I. N., Demir, H., & Tanyel, F. C. (2017). Does Nissen fundoplication improve deglutition in children?. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 59(1), 28-34.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). The anxiety level of caregivers of patients with dysphagia. Dysphagia, 32(4), 570-574.
• Serel Arslan, S., İnal, Ö., Demir, N., Ölmez, M. S., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). Chewing side preference is associated with hemispheric laterality in healthy adults. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 34(2), 92-95.
• Akcaboy, M., Zorlu, P., Demir, N., Acoglu, E. A., Oguz, M. M., & Şenel, S. (2017). A rare cause of dysphagia in children: primary cricopharyngeal achalasia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53(8), 827-828.
• Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., Kılınç, H. E., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). The ability of the Eating Assessment Tool-10 to detect aspiration in patients with disorders. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, 23(4), 550.
• Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., Yalcin, S., Karaduman, A., Tanyel, F. C., & Soyer, T. (2017). Alterations in hyolaryngeal elevation after esophageal anastomosis: A possible mechanism for airway aspiration. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 52(10), 1580-1582.
• Soyer, T., Yalcin, S., Arslan, S. S., Demir, N., & Tanyel, F. C. (2017). Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool-10 as an indicator to predict aspiration in children with esophageal atresia. Journal of pediatric surgery, 52(10), 1576-1579.
• Arslan, S. S., Soyer, T., Demir, N., Yalcın, S., Karaduman, A., Karnak, I., & Tanyel, F. C. (2017). Effect of swallowing rehabilitation protocol on swallowing function in patients with esophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 27(06), 526-532.
• Ilgaz, F., Arslan, S. S., Özel, H. G., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). SUN-P132: thickener use in pediatric dysphagia: Treatment results and family experiences. Clinical Nutrition, 36, P103.
• Arslan, S. S., Ilgaz, F., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2017). The effect of growth failure and diet on parental anxiety in children with cerebral palsy with swallowing disorders. Journal of Nutrition and Diet, 45(1), 28-34.
• Demir, N., Arslan, S. S., İnal, Ö., & Karaduman, A. A. (2016). Reliability and validity of the Turkish eating assessment tool (T-EAT-10). Dysphagia, 31(5), 644-649.
• Gollu, G., Demir, N., Ates, U., Aslan, S. S., Ergun, E., Kucuk, G., & Yagmurlu, A. (2016). Effective management of cricopharyngeal achalasia in infants and children with dilatation alone. Journal of pediatric surgery, 51(11), 1751-1754.
• Senirli, R. T., Kuşçu, O., Akyol, U., Topçu, M., Yiğit, Ö., Aksoy, S., & Demir, N. (2016). Otorhinolaryngological, audiovestibular and swallowing manifestations of patients with Niemann-Pick disease type C. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 80, 1-4.
• Arslan, S. S., Alemdaroğlu, İ., Demir, N., & Karaduman, A. A. (2016). Clinical characteristics of oral structures and feeding function in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 27(3), 116-120.
• Kaymaz, N., Özçelik, U., Demir, N., Cinel, G., Yalcin, E., Ersöz, D. D., & Kiper, N. (2015). Swallowing dysfunction as a factor that should be remembered in recurrent pneumonia: videofluoroscopic swallow study. Minerva pediatrica, 69(5), 396-402.
• Yalcin, S., Demir, N., Serel, S., Soyer, T., & Tanyel, F. C. (2015). The evaluation of deglutition with videofluoroscopy after repair of esophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 50(11), 1823-1827.
• Aslan, S. S. (2015). Swallowing and quality of life outcomes early after radiation therapy in head and neck cancer patients. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, 26(3).
