• USG cihazı
• EMG cihazı
• Sanal gerçeklik cihazı
• EKG cihazı
• Denge platformu
• Doç. Dr. A. Ruhi Soylu
• Dr Gökçe Naz Küçükbaş (uzaktan çalışıyor)
• Bir doktora tezi
• Çeşitli kişisel projeler
• Bir doktora tezi
• İki Master Tezi
• Combined Effects of Mirror Therapy and Exercises on the Upper Extremities in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. OK Kara, BN Yardimci, S Sahin, C Orhan, A Livanelioglu, AR Soylu. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 23 (4), 253-264, 2020.
• STAR-sonographicthighadjustmentratio: a golden formulaforthediagnosis of sarcopenia. Murat Kara, Bayram Kaymak, Ayse Merve Ata, Özden Özkal, Özgür Kara, Aysun Baki, Gözde Sengül Ayçiçek, Semra Topuz, Sevilay Karahan, Abdullah Ruhi Soylu, Banu Çakir, Meltem Halil, Levent Özçakar. Americanjournal of physicalmedicine&rehabilitation, 99 (10), 902-908, 2020.
• Alterations in for earmmuscleactivationpatternsafterscapholunateinterosseousligament injury: A dynamic electromyography study. Journal of Hand Therapy, İ Eraktas, C Ayhan, M Hayran, AR Soylu, 2020.
• Developmental differences of kinematic and muscular activation patterns in instepsoccerkick. AO Cerrah, D Şimsek, AR Soylu, H Nunome, H Ertan. Sports Biomechanics, 1-16, 2020.
• Artifacts and Artistic Facts: A Visual Simulation for Ultrasound Training. V Ricci, AR Soylu, L Özçakar. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 98 (6), 521-525, 2019.
• Innervation zone targeted botulinum toxin injections. B Kaymak, M Kara, AR Soylu, L Özçakar. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54 (1), 100-109, 2018.
• Shear wave elastography is a reliable and repeatable method for measuring the elastic modulus of the rectus femoris muscle and patellar tendon. S Taş, MR Onur, S Yılmaz, AR Soylu, F Korkusuz. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 36 (3), 565-570, 2017.
• Effect of gender on the quadriceps-to-ham strings coactivation ratio during different exercises. G Harput, AR Soylu, H Ertan, N Ergun, CG Mattacola. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 23 (1), 36-43, 2014.
• Examination of touch-coordinate errors of adolescents with unilateral spastic cerebralpalsy at an aiming-tappingtask. OK Kara, BN Yardımcı, A Livanelioglu, AR Soylu. Journal of Backand Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 1-9, 2019.
• A comparison of the ground reaction forces of archers with different levels of expertise during the arrow shooting. D Simsek, AO Cerrah, H Ertan, AR Soylu. Science & Sports, 34 (2), e137-e145, 2019.
• The effects of functional progressive strength and power training in children with unil ateral cerebralpalsy. OK Kara, A Livanelioglu, BN Yardimci, AR Soylu. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 31 (3), 286-295, 2019.
• Muscular coordination of movements associated with arrow release in archery. Deniz Simsek, Ali O Cerrah, Hayri Ertan, Ruhi A Soylu. South AfricanJournalforResearch in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 40 (1), 141-155, 2018.
• Patellar tendon mechanical properties change with gender, body mass index and quadricepsfemoris muscle strength. S Taş, S Yılmaz, MR Onur, AR Soylu, O Altuntaş, F Korkusuz. Actaorthopaedica et traumatologicaturcica, 51 (1), 54-59, 2017.
• Effect of touch coordinate display as a form of augmented, concurrent visual feedback on theaccuracy of single-handed typing via smartphone virtual keyboards. AR Soylu, B Ergin, G Yavaş, S Keçeli. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering&ComputerSciences, 25,1724-1732, 2017.
• Prompt sonographic scanning and quantification of lumbarmuscles: seeing the butterfly. E Gürçay, M Kara, B Kaymak, AR Soylu, L Özçakar. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 28 (3), 1314-1314, 2018
• Coremuscles' contractionand rest size and relationship with posturals way in fully ambulatory multiple sclerosispatients: an ultrasound imaging study. Y Salci, E Karanfil, E Dulger, AN Ceren, B Cetin, A Fil Balkan, K Armutlu, AR Soylu, R Karabudak. Multiple Sclerozis, 24, 737-737, 2018.
• Theeffect of kicktype on the relationship between kicking legmuscle activation and ball velocity. AO Cerrah, AR Soylu, H Ertan, A Lees. Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med.7, 1: 39-44, 2018.
• What is the Optimal Frequency for Ankle Muscles During Whole-Body Vibration Exercises? ÖB Tor, ZB Ecemiş, G Çobanoğlu, S Suner-Keklik, N Kafa, R Soylu et al. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 8 (3), 2019.
• Determination of Electromyography-BasedCoordinated Fatigue Levels in Agonistand Antagonist Muscles of the Thigh during Squat Press Exercise. Sözen H, Erdoğan E, Ince A, Soylu AR. Annals of AppliedSportScience, e713,2019.
• An examination of Thigh Muscle Activations in Brifge-Plank Exercises Performed on Different Grounds. Fahri Safa ÇINARLI, Sevim Beyza ÖLMEZ, Seda NAMALDI, Ecem KARANFİL, Kerem GÜLLÜ, Abdullah Ruhi SOYLU. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 31 (2), 156-162, 2020.
• A preliminary study for evaluating immediate post-vibration effects of whole body vibration on postural control. İ KIRKAYA, D SİMSEK, AR SOYLU. Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 19 (2), 269-272, 2017.