Çok Fazlı Akış Laboratuvarı


Çok fazlı akış laboratuvarında gaz-katı çok fazlı akışlar, akışkan ve taşkın yatak sistemleri ile ilgili temel ve uygulamalı araştırmalar yürütülmektedir. 

Araştırma Olanakları

•    Optik sonda (parçacık hız ve konsantrasyon ölçümü için)
•    Kızıl ötesi gaz analiz cihazı (CO2)
•    İzleyici gaz analiz sistemi
•    Debi ölçerler, basınç ölçerler, nem ölçerler, sıcaklık ölçerler
•    Veri toplama kartları
•    Farklı boyutlarda akışkan ve taşkın yataklar
•    Taşkın yatak kurutucu
•    Hızlı kamera


  • Prof. Dr. Murat Köksal (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği)
  • Prof. Dr. Görkem Külah (ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliği)
  • Neslin Doğan, Doktora Öğrencisi, (ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliği)

Devam Eden Projeler

Development of a Spouted Bed Receiver for Concentrated Solar Energy Systems, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Project No: MAG 122M514, 2022-2025 (PI: Görkem Külah, METU; Co-PI: Murat Köksal)

Tamamlanan Projeler

  • Taşkın Akışkan Yataklarda Gaz Parçacık Akış Dinamiği ve Yatak Yüzey Isı Transferi, TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, Köksal M. (Yürütücü) , Külah G. (Araştırmacı), 2015-2018.
  • Doğal Zeolit Klinoptilolitin Akış Borulu Taşkın Akışkan Yatakta Kurutulması, TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, Köksal M. (Araştırmacı) , Külah G. (Yürütücü), 2012-2015.
  • Taşkın yatak nükleer yakıt kaplayıcılarının hidrodinamik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, Köksal M. (Yürütücü) , Külah G. (Araştırmacı), 2009-2011. 


Dergi Makaleleleri (WOS)


  1. Dogan, N*., Koksal, N., Kulah, G., Gas Velocity Distributions in Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v.99(2), 1607-1615, 2021.
  2. Yaman, O*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., “Comment on “Deciphering Conical Spouted Bed Hydrodynamics Using High Intensity Microphone””, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 110242, 2019.
  3. Savari, C*., Satudeh-Gharebagh, R., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., Mostoufi, N., “Detecting stability of conical spouted beds based on information entropy theory”, Powder Technology, v.343, 185-193, 2019.
  4. Yaman, O*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., “Surface-to-Bed Heat Transfer for High Density Particles in Conical Spouted and Spout-Fluid Beds”, Particuology, v. 42, 35-47, 2019.
  5. Golshan, S*., Yaman, O*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., Zarghami, R., Mostoufi, N., “A New Correlation for Minimum Spouting Velocity for Conical Spouted Beds Operating with High Density Particles”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 96, p. 358–370, 2018.
  6. Savari, C*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Zarghamia, R., Mostoufi, N., “Monitoring of Liquid Sprayed Conical Spouted Beds by Recurrence Plots”, Powder Technology, vol. 316, p. 148-156, 2017.
  7. Savari, C*., Kulah, G., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Mostoufi, N., Koksal, M., “Early Detection of Agglomeration in Conical Spouted Beds using Recurrence Plots”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v.55 (26), p. 7179−7190, 2016.
  8. Kulah, G., Sari, S*., Koksal, M., “Particle Velocity, Solids Hold-Up and Flux Distributions in Conical Spouted Beds Operating with Heavy Particles", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v.55, p. 3131-3138, 2016.
  9. Senturk-Lule, S*., Colak, U., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., "CFD Simulations of Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Bed Nuclear Fuel Coaters", Chemical Vapor Deposition, v.21, p. 122-132, 2015. (featured on the cover page of the journal).
  10. Mostoufi, N., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., "Flow Structure Characterization in Conical Spouted Beds Using Pressure Fluctuation Signals", Powder Technology, v.269, p. 392-400, 2015.
  11. Sari, S*., Kulah, G., and Koksal, M., “Characterization of Gas-Solid Flow in Conical Spouted Beds Operating with Heavy Particles”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 40, p. 132-139, 2012.

Konferans Makaleleri



  1. Golshan S*., Zarghami R., Mostoufi N., Koksal M., Kulah G., “CFD-DEM Simulation of a Conical Spouted Bed Operating with High Density Particles”, In: Li X., Feng Y., Mustoe G. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, DEM 2016, Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 188, p. 947 – 955, Springer, Singapore, 2017.
  2. Sari, S*., Polat, A*., Zaglanmis, D*., Kulah, G., and Koksal, M., "Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles", International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB-10, Oregon, USA, May 2011.




  1. Guler*, N., Kulah, G., Koksal, M, “Gas Velocity Distributions in Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles”, Fluidization XVI, Guilin, China, May 2019.
  2. Yaman O*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., "Surface-to-Bed Heat Transfer in Conical Spout-Fluid Beds with High Density Particles", 7th International Symposium on Spouted Beds (10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering), Barcelona, Spain, October 2017.
  3. Golshan, S*., Yeniceri, A*., Zarghami, R., Mostoufi, N., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., "Effects of Particle Density and Gas Inlet Diameter on Particle Velocity, Solids Hold-up and Flux Distributions  in Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles", 7th International Symposium on Spouted Beds (10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering), Barcelona, Spain, October 2017.
  4. Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R.,Savari, C*., Mostoufi, N., Zarghami, R., Kulah, G., and Koksal, M., "Monitoring of the hydrodynamic instabilities in conical spouted beds by recurrence plot analysis of pressure fluctuations and acoustic emission signals" in "Fluidization XV", Jamal Chaouki, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada Franco Berruti, Western University, Canada, Xiaotao Bi, UBC, Canada Ray Cocco, PSRI Inc. USA, Eds, ECI Symposium Series, 2016.
  5. Nasirimarekani, V*., Koksal, M., Karabiyik AG*., Kulah, G., "Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Fine Zeolite Particles in a Conical Spout-fluid Bed with a Draft Tube", 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, 2014.
  6. Nasirimarekani, V*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., Savari, C*., Mostoufi, N., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., "Simultaneous Analyses of Pressure, Vibration and Acoustic Signals from a Conical Spouted Bed with High Density Particles", 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, 2014.
  7. Ocal, C*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., “Characterization of Gas-Solid Flow in Vibrated Fluidized Bed Operated with Natural Zeolite Powders”, 62nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, 2012.
  8. Cangal, P*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., “Gas Mixing in Conical Spouted Beds with Heavy Particles”, 62nd  Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (6th International Symposium on Spouted Beds), Vancouver, 2012.




Resmi Web Adresi


Çok fazlı akış laboratuvarında gaz-katı çok fazlı akışlar, akışkan ve taşkın yatak sistemleri ile ilgili temel ve uygulamalı araştırmalar yürütülmektedir. 

Araştırma Olanakları

•    Optik sonda (parçacık hız ve konsantrasyon ölçümü için)
•    Kızıl ötesi gaz analiz cihazı (CO2)
•    İzleyici gaz analiz sistemi
•    Debi ölçerler, basınç ölçerler, nem ölçerler, sıcaklık ölçerler
•    Veri toplama kartları
•    Farklı boyutlarda akışkan ve taşkın yataklar
•    Taşkın yatak kurutucu
•    Hızlı kamera


  • Prof. Dr. Murat Köksal (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği)
  • Prof. Dr. Görkem Külah (ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliği)
  • Neslin Doğan, Doktora Öğrencisi, (ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliği)

Devam Eden Projeler

Development of a Spouted Bed Receiver for Concentrated Solar Energy Systems, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Project No: MAG 122M514, 2022-2025 (PI: Görkem Külah, METU; Co-PI: Murat Köksal)

Tamamlanan Projeler

  • Taşkın Akışkan Yataklarda Gaz Parçacık Akış Dinamiği ve Yatak Yüzey Isı Transferi, TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, Köksal M. (Yürütücü) , Külah G. (Araştırmacı), 2015-2018.
  • Doğal Zeolit Klinoptilolitin Akış Borulu Taşkın Akışkan Yatakta Kurutulması, TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, Köksal M. (Araştırmacı) , Külah G. (Yürütücü), 2012-2015.
  • Taşkın yatak nükleer yakıt kaplayıcılarının hidrodinamik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, Köksal M. (Yürütücü) , Külah G. (Araştırmacı), 2009-2011. 


Dergi Makaleleleri (WOS)


  1. Dogan, N*., Koksal, N., Kulah, G., Gas Velocity Distributions in Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v.99(2), 1607-1615, 2021.
  2. Yaman, O*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., “Comment on “Deciphering Conical Spouted Bed Hydrodynamics Using High Intensity Microphone””, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 110242, 2019.
  3. Savari, C*., Satudeh-Gharebagh, R., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., Mostoufi, N., “Detecting stability of conical spouted beds based on information entropy theory”, Powder Technology, v.343, 185-193, 2019.
  4. Yaman, O*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., “Surface-to-Bed Heat Transfer for High Density Particles in Conical Spouted and Spout-Fluid Beds”, Particuology, v. 42, 35-47, 2019.
  5. Golshan, S*., Yaman, O*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., Zarghami, R., Mostoufi, N., “A New Correlation for Minimum Spouting Velocity for Conical Spouted Beds Operating with High Density Particles”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 96, p. 358–370, 2018.
  6. Savari, C*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Zarghamia, R., Mostoufi, N., “Monitoring of Liquid Sprayed Conical Spouted Beds by Recurrence Plots”, Powder Technology, vol. 316, p. 148-156, 2017.
  7. Savari, C*., Kulah, G., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Mostoufi, N., Koksal, M., “Early Detection of Agglomeration in Conical Spouted Beds using Recurrence Plots”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v.55 (26), p. 7179−7190, 2016.
  8. Kulah, G., Sari, S*., Koksal, M., “Particle Velocity, Solids Hold-Up and Flux Distributions in Conical Spouted Beds Operating with Heavy Particles", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v.55, p. 3131-3138, 2016.
  9. Senturk-Lule, S*., Colak, U., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., "CFD Simulations of Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Bed Nuclear Fuel Coaters", Chemical Vapor Deposition, v.21, p. 122-132, 2015. (featured on the cover page of the journal).
  10. Mostoufi, N., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., "Flow Structure Characterization in Conical Spouted Beds Using Pressure Fluctuation Signals", Powder Technology, v.269, p. 392-400, 2015.
  11. Sari, S*., Kulah, G., and Koksal, M., “Characterization of Gas-Solid Flow in Conical Spouted Beds Operating with Heavy Particles”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 40, p. 132-139, 2012.

Konferans Makaleleri



  1. Golshan S*., Zarghami R., Mostoufi N., Koksal M., Kulah G., “CFD-DEM Simulation of a Conical Spouted Bed Operating with High Density Particles”, In: Li X., Feng Y., Mustoe G. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, DEM 2016, Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 188, p. 947 – 955, Springer, Singapore, 2017.
  2. Sari, S*., Polat, A*., Zaglanmis, D*., Kulah, G., and Koksal, M., "Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles", International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB-10, Oregon, USA, May 2011.




  1. Guler*, N., Kulah, G., Koksal, M, “Gas Velocity Distributions in Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles”, Fluidization XVI, Guilin, China, May 2019.
  2. Yaman O*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., "Surface-to-Bed Heat Transfer in Conical Spout-Fluid Beds with High Density Particles", 7th International Symposium on Spouted Beds (10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering), Barcelona, Spain, October 2017.
  3. Golshan, S*., Yeniceri, A*., Zarghami, R., Mostoufi, N., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., "Effects of Particle Density and Gas Inlet Diameter on Particle Velocity, Solids Hold-up and Flux Distributions  in Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles", 7th International Symposium on Spouted Beds (10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering), Barcelona, Spain, October 2017.
  4. Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R.,Savari, C*., Mostoufi, N., Zarghami, R., Kulah, G., and Koksal, M., "Monitoring of the hydrodynamic instabilities in conical spouted beds by recurrence plot analysis of pressure fluctuations and acoustic emission signals" in "Fluidization XV", Jamal Chaouki, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada Franco Berruti, Western University, Canada, Xiaotao Bi, UBC, Canada Ray Cocco, PSRI Inc. USA, Eds, ECI Symposium Series, 2016.
  5. Nasirimarekani, V*., Koksal, M., Karabiyik AG*., Kulah, G., "Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Fine Zeolite Particles in a Conical Spout-fluid Bed with a Draft Tube", 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, 2014.
  6. Nasirimarekani, V*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., Savari, C*., Mostoufi, N., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., "Simultaneous Analyses of Pressure, Vibration and Acoustic Signals from a Conical Spouted Bed with High Density Particles", 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, 2014.
  7. Ocal, C*., Koksal, M., Kulah, G., “Characterization of Gas-Solid Flow in Vibrated Fluidized Bed Operated with Natural Zeolite Powders”, 62nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, 2012.
  8. Cangal, P*., Kulah, G., Koksal, M., “Gas Mixing in Conical Spouted Beds with Heavy Particles”, 62nd  Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (6th International Symposium on Spouted Beds), Vancouver, 2012.




Resmi Web Adresi