1. Çip-üstü-laboratuvar ve mikro-akışkan sistemlerde uygulama ve matematiksel modelleme,
2. İleri malzemelerin üretimine veya biyolojik malzemelerin dondurulmasına yönelik ultra hızlı soğutma sonucu denge dışı katılaşma (faz dönüşümü) olaylarının anlaşılması ve modellenmesi,
3. Özellikle savunma, havacılık, enerji ve tıbbi sanayinin ihtiyaç duyduğu tungsten, nikel ve titanyum gibi sert metaller ve alaşımlarından oluşan parçaların elektro-kimyasal işleme (electrochemical machining, ECM) yöntemiyle üretilmesi
konularında deneyim sahibidir.
4. Son zamanlarda dünya için kritik öneme sahip bir biyo-polimer kompozit malzeme olan buğdayın da mekanik özelliklerine bağlı olarak kalite sınıflandırılması için çalışmalar yapılmaktadır.
Laboratuvarımızdaki cihazlar T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı ve TÜBİTAK projeleri ile temin edilmiştir.
Araştırma Olanakları
• Elektrokimyasal İşleme Tezgahı
• Dondurucu (-20 ve +4)
• Plasma Cleaner
• Çevrik Mikroskop
• Hassas Şırınga Pompa Sistemi
• PID Kontrollü Mikro Güç Sistemi
• Hassas Tartı
• Vakum Pompası
• Etüv
• Ultra Saf Su Cihazı
• Su Arıtma Sistem
• Osiloskop
• pH Ölçer
• Multimetre
Doç. Dr. Selis Önel (Yönetici)
Çip-Üstü-Lab Mikroakışkan sistemler MOF kristal yapıda malzeme sentezi:
• Prof. Dr. Burcu Akata Kurc (ODTÜ Mikro Nano Teknoloji Programı)
• Anıl Hatiboğlu (Makina müh, ODTÜ yüksek lisans öğrencisi, Tübitak bursiyeri)
• Buse Parlak (HU kimya müh. yüksek lisans öğrencisi, TÜBİTAK bursiyeri)
• Gaye Korkmaz (HU kimya müh. yüksek lisans öğrencisi, TÜBİTAK bursiyeri)
• Tijani Ahmed Ahmed (HU kimya müh. yüksek lisans öğrencisi, Nijerya devleti bursiyeri)
• Saeed Ahmad Khan (ODTÜ MNT yüksek lisans öğrencisi, TÜBİTAK bursiyeri)
• Mert Ali Civelek (HU kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi, TÜBİTAK STAR programı stajyeri)
• Ece Kurt (HU kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi)
• Arda Dal (HU kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi, TÜBİTAK BİÇABA programı stajyeri)
• Eren Acay (HU kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi, TÜBİTAK STAR programı stajyeri)
• Şaziye Dere (Fen Lİsesi Kimya Öğretmeni, TÜBİTAK STAR programı öğretmeni)
• Elif Yağmur Karaman (HU kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi)
• İhsan Doğan Karaca (HU kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi)
• Buket Üstün (ODTÜ kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi)
• Aykut Tosun (ODTÜ kimya müh. lisans öğrencisi)
Çip-Üstü-Lab Mikroakışkan sistemlerle biyomedikal uygulamalar:
• Anıl Hatiboğlu (Yüksek makina mühendisi, Tübitak bursiyeri)
• Mohammed Elmugtaba Markhi (HU kimya müh. doktora öğrencisi)
• Gökçen Dilci (HU kimya müh. yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi)
• Dr. Daver Ali (Dr. Öğretim üyesi, Karabük Üniversitesi)
Çip-Üstü-Lab Mikroakışkan sistemlerle petrol araştırma uygulamaları:
• Artuğ Türkmenoğlu (HU kimya müh. doktora öğrencisi)
Elektrokimyasal İşleme:
• Ahmet Reshat Delawary (Doktora öğrencisi, devlet bursiyeri)
Ekmeklik Buğday Kalite Araştırma Grubu:
• Prof. Dr. Altan Kayran (ODTÜ Havacılık ve Uzay Mühendisliği)
• Yasemin Okur (HU kimya müh. doktora öğrencisi)
• Samet Yıldız (HU biyomühendislik yüksek lisans öğrencisi)
• Kutay Sesli (HU kimya müh. lisans proje araştırma öğrencisi)
• Fırat Ergin (ODTÜ havacılık ve uzay mühendisliği doktora öğrencisi)
Devam Eden Projeler
Selis Önel
Principal Investigator
Apr. 1, 2021 – Jul. 31, 2023
Synthesis of Nanoparticles with Metal Organic Framework (MOF) Morphology in Uniform Picoliter Droplets in a Microfluidic Continuous System, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1001 Grant Programme, Project No: 220M002, ~$150K /31 months
Selis Önel,
Oct. 03, 2022 – Apr. 03, 2024
Development of Advanced and Functional Materials for Biotechnology, Biomedical, and Energy Applications (Biyoteknoloji Biyomedikal ve Enerji Uygulamaları için İleri ve Fonksiyonel Malzemelerin Geliştirilmesi), Hacettepe University Coordination Office for Scientific Research Projects (HU-BAB), Research Infrastructure Project Grant Programme, Project No: FAY-2022-20074, 2.813.109,81 TL/18 months
Tamamlanan Projeler
Devam Eden Projeler:
- 01 Nisan 2021 – 01 Nisan 2024
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Mikroakıskan Sürekli Bir Sistemde Esboyutlu Pikolitre Damlacıklarda Esboyutlu Metal Organik Kafes (MOF) Yapısına Sahip Nanoparçacıkların Sentezlenmesi, Devam ediyor, TUBITAK 1001 Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı, Proje No: 220M002, Bütçe: 900.000 TL
2. 03 Ekim 2022 – 03 Nisan 2024
ÖNEL, Selis (Araştırmacı), Development of Advanced and Functional Materials for Biotechnology, Biomedical, and Energy Applications (Biyoteknoloji Biyomedikal ve Enerji Uygulamaları için İleri ve Fonksiyonel Malzemelerin Geliştirilmesi), Hacettepe University Coordination Office for Scientific Research Projects (HU-BAB), Research Infrastructure Project Grant Programme, Project No: FAY-2022-20074, 2.813.109,81 TL/18 months
Tamamlanan Projeler:
- 01 Mayıs 2015 – 01 Ekim 2019
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Biyosaklama için Mikro-Akışkan bir Sistemde Eşboyutlu Sulu Mikro Damlacıkların Küçülme Hızının İncelenmesi, Matematiksel Modellenmesi ve Simulasyonu, TUBITAK 1001 Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı, Proje No: 214M323, Bütçe: 424.000 TL
- 17 Ekim 2016 – 17 Ekim 2017
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Temperature Controlled Preconcentration of Monodisperse Aqueous Micro-Droplets in Continuous Flow for Biopreservation, Fulbright Akademik Araştırma Programı, Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, Bütçe: ~30.180 $
- 08 Haziran 2015 – 09 Kasım 2015
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Biyomalzemeleri Önderiştirme İçin Geliştirilen Biyo-MEMS Cihazda Biyomalzemelerle Performans Testleri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi BAB Uluslararası Bilimsel İşbirliği Geliştirme Desteği Projeleri, Proje No: TBI-2015-6900, Bütçe: 10.000 TL
- 19 Ağustos 2015 – 19 Kasım 2015
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Biyosaklama ve Önderiştirme Yöntemlerinde İlerlemeler, Hacettepe Üniversitesi BAB Etkinlik Katılım Desteği Projeleri, Proje No: FED-2015-7782, Bütçe: 2.000 TL
- 24 Haziran 2014 – 24Kasım 2014
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Biyomalzemeleri Önderiştirme için Biyo-MEMS Cihaz Geliştirme, Hacettepe Üniversitesi BAB Uluslararası Bilimsel İşbirliği Geliştirme Desteği Projeleri, Proje No: 1627, Bütçe: 9.900 TL
- 10 Mart 2014 – 10 Mart 2015
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Biomedikal amaçlı mikro-kanallı akışkan bir sistemde kütle aktarımının matematiksel modellemesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi BAB Otomasyon ve Yazılım Desteği Programı, Proje No: 1401, Bütçe: 12.600 TL
- 14 Ocak 2012 – 14 Ocak 2013
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Elektrokimyasal İşlemede Çalışma Parametrelerinin Tungsten ve Tungsten Karbür Malzemeler için Eniyilemesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi BAB Hızlı Destek Programı, Proje No: 013D01602001, Bütçe: 9.000 TL
- 01 Haziran 2011 – 31 Ağustos 2012
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), Otomatik Kontrollü Elektrokimyasal İşleme Tezgahında Geliştirme Çalışmaları, Elektrolit Devri Tasarımı ve Modellemesi, TUBITAK 1002 Hızlı Destek Programı, Proje No: 111M226, Bütçe: 24.800 TL
- 05 Nisan 2010 – 30 Haziran 2011
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), CNC Kontrollü Elektrokimyasal İşleme Tezgahı, TC Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, Sanayi Araştırma ve Geliştirme Genel Müdürlüğü, Teknogirişim Sermayesi Desteği Programı Proje No: 621.TGSD.2010, Bütçe: 99.500 TL
- 16 Nisan 2010 – 31 Mayıs 2011
ÖNEL, Selis (Yönetici), CNC Kontrollü Elektrokimyasal İşleme Tezgahı, TC Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, KOSGEB Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı, Teknoloji Ar-Ge Destek Projesi, No: 2010/03/04, İşlik tahsisi
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Refereed Journal Publications and Submissions (in SCI/SCIE)
- Selis Onel* and Gozde Ergin, Multistep Treatment of a Complex Electrolyte for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions and Recycling in Electrochemical Machining, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (Q1, SCI Impact factor: 2.6), v 142, n 7, 2020, p 1-18. DOI: 10.1115/1.4046902, WOS:000540906200010
- Davar Ali, Mehmet Ozalp, Sébastien B G Blanquer, Selis Onel*, Permeability and Fluid Flow-Induced Wall Shear Stress in Bone Scaffolds with TPMS and Lattice Architectures: A CFD Analysis, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids (Q2 2018 Impact factor 1.9), v 79, 2020, p 376-385. DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2019.09.015, WOS:000503315100033
- Selis Önel* and Teiichi Ando, Application of a simple subregular solution model to the computation of phase boundaries and free dendritic growth in the Ag-Cu system, Acta Materialia (Q1 2016 Impact factor 5.6), v 113, 2016, p 109-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.04.049, WOS:000378670300012
- I. Emre Gunduz*, Selis Onel, C.C. Doumanidis, C. Rebholz, S. F. Son, Simulations of Nanoscale Ni/Al Multilayer Foils with Intermediate Ni2Al3 Growth, Journal of Applied Physics (Q1 2015 Impact factor 2.1), v 117, n 21, 2015, p 214904.1-214904.6. DOI: 10.1063/1.4921906, WOS:000355925600054
- Gözde Ergin and Selis Önel*, Determination and Removal of Copper (Cu+2) Ions in the Waste Electrolyte in an Electrochemical Machining Application, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University (ISSN: 1300-1884 Q4 2014 Impact factor 0.3), v 29, n 3, 2014, p 487-494. WOS:000343887100006
- Selis Önel*, Investigation and Application of Automatic Controlled Electrochemical Machining (ECM), Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University (ISSN: 1300-1884 Q4 2014 Impact factor 0.3), v 29, n 1, 2014, p 1-8. WOS:000333755200001
- Selis Önel and Teiichi Ando*, Comparison and Extension of Free Dendritic Growth Models Through Application to Ag-15mass% Cu Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions (Q1 2008 Impact factor 1.9) v 39A, Oct 2008, p 2449-2458. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-008-9568-4, WOS:000258540500018
- Selis Önel* and Güniz Gürüz, Energy Optimization of the Yankee-Hood Dryer, Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering (ISSN 0039-2480, Q4 2001), v 47, n 8, 2001, p 512-518. WOS:000173235400026
- Gonca Saglam Ozkasapoglu and Selis Onel*, Development of a New Laser Driven Flyer Plate Prototype and Investigation of System Parameters, ready for submission
- Gaye Korkmaz and Selis Onel*, Comparative Study of the Solubility of DMF in Silicone Oil for Use in a Droplet-Based Microfluidic System Towards Synthesis of MOF Nanoparticles, in progress
- Buse Parlak and Selis Onel*, Optimization of Flow Conditions in a Microfluidic System for Various Viscosities of Silicone Oil Towards Synthesis of Metal Organic Framework Structures, in progress
- Selis Onel, Ufuk Okumus, and Mehmet Toner, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Controlled CPA Loading of Cells Encapsulated in Monodisperse Aqueous Droplets in Two-Phase Flow in a Microfluidic Channel, in progress
Poster Presentations
- Ahmet Eren Acay, Zeynep Ece Kurt, Arda Fevzi Dal, Selis Önel, Sustainable Environmental Approach for Efficient Energy Storage: Smart Production of UiO66 Nanoparticle Superstructures with Microfluidic System (Verimli Enerji Depolama İçin Sürdürülebilir Çevreci Yaklaşım: UiO66 Nanoparçacık Üstyapıların Mikroakışkan Sistemle Akıllı Üretimi), 18th Hacettepe University College of Engineering Project Exhibition, 29-30 May 2023
- Sena Yağnur Kibar, Anıl Hatiboğlu, Bahar Özden, Selis Önel, Micromanufacturing the Future with microflulidics! How tiny could a reactor be?, 17th Hacettepe University College of Engineering Project Exhibition, July 2020
- Dilan Kahraman, Selis Önel, Mikro Akışkan Bir Sistemde Kriyokoruyucu İçeren Eş Boyutlu Sulu Damlacıkların Yağ Fazında Çözünürlüklerinin İncelenmesi (Investigation of the Oil Phase Solubility of Uniform Aqueous Droplets Containing Cryoprotectant in a Microfluidic System), Hacettepe University College of Engineering Project Exhibition, 16-17 May 2019
- İsmail Yafes Söyünmez, Cansu Yardımcı, Selis Önel, Buğdayın Kalite Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi (Determination of Quality Parameters of Wheat), Hacettepe University College of Engineering Project Exhibition, 16-17 May 2019
- Duygu Aydın, Muhammad Ali, Mirzahan Hızal, Selis Önel, Çip-Üstü-Lab Mikro Cihaz Üretimi İçin Yeni Bir Plazma Temizleyici Geliştirilmesi (Development of a New Plasma Cleaner for Lab on a Chip Micro Device Production), Hacettepe University College of Engineering Project Exhibition, 15-18 May 2018
- Bilgehan Çetinöz, Mehtap Akkuş, Yasemin Okur, Selis Önel, Buğdayın Rengi Ekmeği Etkiler mi? (Does the Color of Wheat Affect Bread?), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 29-30 Apr 2015
- Gürkan Bam, Nazlı Küçükosman, Selis Önel, Elektro-Kimyasal İşleme Yöntemi İle Ti-6Al-4V Alaşımını İşleme (Machining of Tİ-6Al-4V Alloy with the Electro-Chemical Machining Method), A.K.M.B.B.’15 Ankara Chemical Engineering Departments Meeting, Gazi Üniversitesi Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, 21 May 2015
- Irmak Ulucan, Burcu Doğru, Ufuk Okumuş, Selis Önel, Hücrelerin Kriyosaklama İçin Önderiştirilmesinin İncelenmesi: Petri Kabı Modeli (Investigation of Preconcentration of Cells for Cryopreservation: Petri Dish Model), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 14-16 May 2014
- Fırat Canbay, Elif Hande Arslan, Bilge Şahin, Elif Yıldırım, Yunus Kocabozdoğan, Selis Önel, Elektrokimyasal İşleme ve Tungsten Karbür Uygulaması (Electrochemical Machining and Tungsten Carbide Application), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 14-16 May 2014
- Nilgül Akkoç, Asım Karakuş, Mirzahan Hızal, Selis Önel, Isıtma-Soğutma Özelliği Olan Peltierli Sargı Sistemi (A Peltier Bandage System with Heating-Cooling Features), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 14-16 May 2014
- Esin Yılmaz, Osman Sert, Selis Önel, Böceklerin Şahitliği: Forensik Entomoloji Kapsamında Böcek Davranışlarının Araştırılması (Testimony of Bugs: Investigation of Bug Behavior Within the Scope of Forensic Entomology), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 14-16 May 2014
- Merve Şıran, Fatma Defne Kocaayan, Selis Önel, Biyosaklama Amaçlı Mikro-Akışkan Düzenekte Eş Boyutlu Sulu Damlacıklarda Kütle ve Isı Aktarımının Modellenmesi (Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling of Uniform Aqueous Droplets in a Micro-Fluidic Device for Biopreservation), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 15-17 May 2013
- Duygu Örgen, Görkem Erdoğan, Selis Önel, Yeni Bir Elektrokimyasal İşleme (EKİ) Tezgahı ve Sıcaklığın İşleme Verimine Etkisi (A Novel Electrochemical Machining (ECM) Device and the Effects of Temperature on the Efficiency of Machining), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 15-17 May 2013
- Elif Topçuoğlu, Sezin Güner, Cansu Çalışır, Selis Önel, Tungsten Karbür İçin Elektrokimyasal İşleme (EKİ) Ünitesinin Optimizasyonu (Optimization of the Electrochemical Machining (ECM) Unit for Tungsten Carbide), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 15-17 May 2013
- Buket Sinem, Selis Önel, Yol Pürüzlülüğü İçin İstatistiksel Entropi (Statistical Entropy for Road Roughness), Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering Project Exhibition, 15-17 May 2013
- Ayça Betül Bingöl, Özlem İnan, Lütfiye Seda Mut, Mirzahan Hızal, Selis Önel, Yeni Bir Elektrokimyasal İşleme Tezgâhında Tungsten Karbür İçin Elektrolit Tespiti (Identifying the Electrolyte for Tungsten Carbide in a Novel Electrochemical Machining Device), UKMK10 10th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 3-6 Sep 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
- Gözde Ergin, Altuğ Bitlislioğlu, Çağlar Başlamışlı, Selis Önel, “Conceptual Design of a Topographical Modeling Device for Visually Handicapped”, National Science Foundation (NSF) US-Turkish Workshop on Assistive Technology, 6-8 Jun 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
- Altuğ Bitlislioğlu, Gözde Ergin, Çağlar Başlamışlı, Selis Önel, Görme Engelliler İçin Topografik Modelleme Cihazı (Topographic Modeling Device for the Blind), Hacettepe University R&D Project Exhibit HÜ-ARGEPP’10, 10-11 May 2010, Ankara, Turkey, http://www.huargepatent.org/images/stories/katilimcilar/ hu_muhendislik_fakultesi.pdf, p 16
- Necdet Dalgıç, Yılmaz Şahan, Gökay Savan, Çağlar Başlamışlı, Selis Önel, Yol Pürüzlülük Ölçümü İçin Profilometre Tasarımı (Profilometer Design for Measuring Road Roughness), Hacettepe University R&D Project Exhibit HÜ-ARGEPP’10, 10-11 May 2010, Ankara, Turkey, http://www.huargepatent.org/images/stories/katilimcilar/ hu_muhendislik_fakultesi.pdf, p 15
- Akay Akça, Çağlar Başlamışlı, Selis Önel, RC Model Araçta Malzeme Modifikasyonu (Material Modification in RC Model Car), A.K.M.B.B.’09 Ankara Chemical Engineering Departments Meeting, 29 May 2009, Ankara, Turkey
- Seda Hayta, Emrah Ural, Selis Önel, Aşırı Soğutulmuş Eriyiklerde Dendrit Nanokristal Büyümesinin Denge Dışı Modellemesi (Nonequilibrium Modeling of Dendritic Nanocrystal Growth in Supercooled Melts), A.K.M.B.B.’09 Ankara Chemical Engineering Departments Meeting, 29 May 2009, Ankara, Turkey
- Selis Önel and Teiichi Ando, Computation of Ag-Cu Metastable Phase Equilibria and Interfacial Driving Force for Nonequilibrium Solidification Problems, TASSA Annual Conference, 11-13 Apr 2008, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
- Selis Önel, Calculation of the Metastable Phase Boundaries in the Ag-Cu Phase Diagram and Its Application to Rapid Solidification Problems, Student Poster Session, TMS 2004 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Charlotte, NC, USA
- A. Güniz Gürüz, Akın S. Toppare, Selis Önel, The Energy Analysis and the Multivariable Energy Optimization of a Yankee Hood Dryer, 2001 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Book, Reno, Nevada, USA, p 267k
Refereed Conference Abstracts
- Elif Gokcen Dilci, Anil Hatiboglu, Selis Önel*, Stochastic Analysis of Cell Encapsulation in Picoliter Droplets in a Microfluidic System Designed for 3D Cell Culture, TERMC 2023 3rd Edition of International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, London, UK, 21-23 Aug 2023, p 98
- Elif Gokcen Dilci, Selis Önel*, Optimization of Cell Encapsulation in Picoliter Capsules in a Droplet Based Microfluidic System Towards 3D Cell Culture for Monitoring Drug Effects, NANOTR-17 17th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), Izmir, 27-29 Aug 2023, p 122
- Buse Parlak, Selis Önel*, Optimization of Flow Conditions in a Microfluidic System for Various Viscosities of Silicone Oil Towards Synthesis of Metal Organic Framework Structures, NANOTR-17 17th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), Izmir, 27-29 Aug 2023, p 36
- Gaye Korkmaz, Selis Önel*, Investigation of the Solubility of DMF in Silicone Oil in a Droplet Based Microfluidic System for Synthesis of MOF Nanoparticles, NANOTR-17 17th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), Izmir, 27-29 Aug 2023, p 149
- Anıl Hatiboğlu, Selis Önel*, Investigation and Comparison of Conventional and Droplet Based Microfluidic Approaches to the Solvothermal Synthesis of Ti-MOFs (MIL-125), NANOTR-17 17th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), Izmir, 27-29 Aug 2023, p 164
- Anıl Hatiboğlu, Tijani Ahmed Ahmed, Selis Önel*, Investigation of Nucleation Kinetics in Supersaturated Solutions in a Droplet based Microfluidic System (Damlacık Temelli Mikroakışkan Sistemde Aşırı Doygun Çözeltilerde Çekirdeklenme Kinetiklerinin İncelenmesi), NANOTR-16 16th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, METU Culture and Congress Center, 5-8 Sep 2022, p 368
- Selis Onel*, Ufuk Okumus, Mehmet Toner, Dissolution Modeling of Uniform Aqueous Droplets in Two-Phase Flow in a Microfluidic Device, COMSOL Conference Boston, 3-5 Oct 2018, Newton, MA, USA, p. https://www.comsol.com/conference2018/download-abstract/65321
- Selis Onel, Can the Meta-Stable Phase Boundaries in the Ag-Cu Phase Diagram Required in Nonequilibrium Solidification Problems Be Predicted With a Temperature Dependent Non-Ideal Simple Solution Model? (Sıcaklığa Bağlı İdeal Olmayan Basit Bir Çözelti Modeli ile Ag-Cu Faz Diyagramında Dengedışı Katılaşma Problemlerinde Gerekli Yarı-Kararlı Faz Sınırları Tahmin Edilebilir mi?), 7th Condensed Matter Physics Izmir Meeting, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), 13 Apr 2018, Izmir, Turkey, p 21
- Selis Onel and Mehmet Toner, Mono-Disperse Picoliter Droplets for Cell Encapsulation and CPA Loading in a Micro-Fluidic Device, IMSMATEC The International Conference on Materials Science, Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Technology, 10-12 Apr 2018, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, p 571
- Zeynep Çağıl Süngü and Selis Önel, Encapsulation of Cells in Uniform Picoliter Droplets in a Micro-Fluidic System (Hücrelerin Mikro-Akışkan Bir Sistemde Eş Boyutlu Pikolitre Damlacıklarda Hapsedilmesi), UKMK12 12th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 24-26 Aug 2016, Izmir, Turkey, p 396
- Nazlı Küçükosman and Selis Önel, What is the Proper Electrolyte in the Manufacturing of Ti6Al4V alloy with the Method of Electrochemical Machining? (Ti6Al4V Alaşımının Elektrokimyasal İşleme Yöntemiyle Üretiminde Uygun Elektrolit Nedir?), UKMK12 12th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 24-26 Aug 2016, Izmir, Turkey, p 119
- Yasemin Okur and Selis Önel, Investigation of Bread Wheat Quality Based on Chemical and Physical Analysis (Ekmeklik Buğday Kalitesinin Kimyasal ve Fiziksel Analizlere Bağlı İncelenmesi), UKMK12 12th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 24-26 Aug 2016, Izmir, Turkey, p 418
- Yasemin Okur and Selis Önel, Investigation of Bread Wheat Quality Based on Chemical and Physical Analysis, 15th International Cereal and Bread Congress, 18-21 Apr 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, p 333-334
- Selis Önel, Advances in Biopreservation and Preconcentration Methods, NANOMED 2015 4th Nanomedicine World Congress and NANOBIOTECH 2015 2nd International NanoBioTechnology Symposium, 10-12 Sept 2015, Koycegiz, Mugla, Turkey, p 396
- Ufuk Okumuş and Selis Önel, Uniform Aqueous Droplets in a Thermal Micro-Fluidic System Designed for Biopreservation, TERMIS-EU 2013 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Meeting, 17-20 Jun 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, p 83
- Yunus Kocabozdoğan, Mirzahan Hızal, and Selis Önel, Optimization Studies in Electrochemical Machining (Elektrokimyasal İşleme Yönteminde Eniyileme Çalışmaları), UKMK10 10th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 3-6 Sep 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p 405-406
- Selis Önel, Mathematical Optimization of an Industrial-Scale Engineering System, EURO2012 25th European Conference on Operations Research, 8-11 Jul 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania, p 151
- Selis Önel and Mirzahan Hızal, Implementation of Automatic Controlled Electrochemical Machining, ECM9 9th International Electrochemistry Meeting, 25-29 Sep 2011, Çeşme-İzmir, Turkey, p 268
- Seda Hayta, Gözde Ergin, Selis Önel, Trehaloz Çözeltisinin Mikrokanallarda Kuruma Kinetiklerinin Modellenmesi (Modeling of the Drying Kinetics of Trehalose Solutions in Microchannels), UKMK9 9th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 22-25 Jun 2010, Ankara, Turkey, p 31-32
- Selis Önel, Seda Hayta, Emrah Ural and Teiichi Ando, Modeling Nonequilibrium Dendritic Growth of Nanocrystals in Supercooled Melts, 5th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference NanoTr5, 8-12 Jun 2009, Eskişehir, Turkey, p 44
- Selis Önel, Seda Hayta and Teiichi Ando, Hızlı Katılaşmaya Uygun Dendritsel Büyüme Modellerinin Geliştirilmesi ve Kıyaslamalı Uygulaması (Improvement and Comparative Application of Dendritic Growth Models Appropriate for Rapid Solidification), UKMK8 8th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 26-29 Aug 2008, Malatya, Turkey, p 546-547
- Selis Önel, A. Güniz Gürüz, Yankee Hood Kurutucusunda Enerji Optimizasyonu (Energy Optimization on the Yankee Hood Dryer), UKMK4 4th National Chemical Engineering Conference, 4-7 Sept 2000, Istanbul, Turkey (ISBN 975-404-614-X), p 655-662
- Selis Önel, A. Güniz Gürüz, Energy Optimization of the Yankee Hood Dryer, Proceedings of ITSS 2000 ASME International Thermal Science Seminar, 11-14 Jun 2000, Bled, Slovenia (ISSN 961-91393-0-5), v 2, p 61-67
Refereed Publications in Web-of-Science Proceedings
- Selis Önel*, Anıl Hatiboğlu, Tijani Ahmed Ahmed, Investigation of Kinetics of Crystallization from a Concentration Controlled Supersaturated Solution in a Two-Phase Microfluidic System, Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2023, 29 Oct-2 Nov 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Selis Önel*, Buse Parlak, Gaye Korkmaz, Elif Gökçen Dilci, Effect of Miniaturization Usin, g Droplet Based Micro Fluidic Systems on the Synthesis of UiO-66 MOF Nanoparticles, Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2023, 29 Oct-2 Nov 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Daver Ali and Selis Önel, Effect of Blood Viscosity on Pressure and Shear Stress on the Walls of an Artery with Stenosis (Kan Viskozitesinin Stenozlu Damar Çeperlerinde Basınç ve Kayma Gerilmesine Etkisi), 2018 Medical Technologies National Congress TIPTEKNO2018 (ISBN 978-1-5386-6852-8), 8-10 Nov 2018, Gazimagusa, Northern Cyprus, p 167-170 WOS:000467637600080
- S. Çağlar Başlamışlı and Selis Önel, Entropy Based Classification of Road-Profiles, Proceedings of ESDA10 ASME 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Session K 11 Design Engineering 1 (ISBN 978-0-7918-4918-7), 12-14 Jul 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Paper no ESDA2010-24448, v 4, p 401-408 WOS:000290977500049
Yönetilen Tezler:
PhD Thesis
- Mehmet Albaşkara, (Advisors: Dr. Eyyup Gerçekcioğlu, Dr. Selis Önel), Investigation of the machinability of 17-4 PH stainless steel by electro erosion and electrochemical machining methods and investigation of corrosion behavior on machining surfaces, PhD thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, Completed Sept. 2022
- Gonca Sağlam, Development of Laser Driven Flyer Plate Detonator And Determination of Shock Based Detonation Performance of Insensitive Explosives, PhD thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Completed Jun. 2022
- Yasemin Okur, Determination of the Relation Between Mechanical Properties and Chemical and Physical Quality Parameters of Bread Wheat Using Standard Mechanical Tests, PhD thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Çağıl Zeynep Süngü Akdoğan, (Advisors: Dr. Selis Önel, Dr. S. Ali Tuncel), Synthesis and Characterization of Polydopamine Coated Inorganic Particles for Photothermal, Photodynamic, and Chemodynamic Therapy, PhD thesis, Bioengineering Graduate Program, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Mohamed Elmugtaba Elsiddig Suliman Markhi, Investigation of The Shrinkage of Gaseous Emboli in Cerebral Blood Flow via Computational Simulation and a Microfluidic System, PhD thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Artuğ Türkmenoğlu, Reduction of the Minimum Miscibility Pressure of Crude Oil-Gas Systems Using Various Chemicals and its Analysis on a Lab-on-Chip System, PhD thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
Master’s Thesis
- Gaye Korkmaz, Comparative Study of The Solubility of DMF in Silicone Oil for Use in a Droplet-Based Microfluidic System Towards Synthesis of MOF Nanoparticles (Damlacık Bazlı Mikroakışkan Sistemde MOF Nanopartiküllerinin Sentezine Yönelik Kullanım için Silikon Yağında DMF Çözünürlüğünün Karşılaştırılmalı Çalışması), M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 20 Sept. 2023
- Hülya Esen, (Advisors: Dr. Selis Onel, Dr. Rauf Terzi), Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant Based on the Temperature of Cooling Water, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 14 June 2023, Completed
- Tijani Ahmed Ahmed, Optimization of Flow Conditions and Investigation of Crystallization Kinetics from a Supersaturated Solution in a Two-Phase Microfluidic System, M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 18 Aug. 2022, Completed
- Anıl Hatipoğlu, (Advisors: Dr. Haluk Kulah, Dr. Selis Onel), Investigation of the Permeability of the Cell Membrane for Different Cryoprotectant Agents in a Continuous Thermo-Fluidic Micro-Channel System, M.S. Thesis, Micro and Nanotechnology Program, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Sept. 2021
- Bahar Gözden, Optimization of Two-Phase Flow Operating Parameters for Making Droplets in Microchannel Devices, M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2021
- Gülnur Şehnaz Korkmaz, Optimum Electrochemical Machining Parameters and Electrolyte for the Al-6061 Alloy, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2018
- Nazlı Küçükosman Hanlıoğlu, Optimization of the Operating Parameters in a Novel Electrochemical Machining Device for Titanium Alloys, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2018
- Pınar Aka Kızıltaş, Mathematical Modeling of Behaviour of Gaseous Emboli in Cerebrovascular Flow, M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2018
- Yasemin Okur, Investigation of Bread Wheat Quality Based on Chemical and Physical Analysis, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Jan 2017
- Ufuk Okumuş, Examination and Mathematical Modeling of Shrinkage Rate of Uniform Droplets in a Microfluidic System Designed for Biopreservation, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2015
- Gözde (Ergin) Bitlislioğlu, Removal of Heavy Metal Ions in the Waste Electrolyte and Its Recycle in an Electrochemical Application, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, May 2012
- Buse Parlak, Optimization of Flow Conditions and Synthesis of Vanadium Based MIL-47 Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Crystals in a Two-Phase Microfluidic System, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Gökçen Dilci, Optimization of flow conditions in a droplet based microfluidic system for cell encapsulation and stochastic analysis of cell distribution, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Feryal Sunar, (Advisors: Dr. Selis Onel, Dr. Oznur Çakmak), Investigation of the Effects of Bioactive Ceramic Powders Including Boron, Zinc, Magnesium, and Calsium on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Acrylic Bone Cement, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Cansu Tuygun, Rheological Optimization of a Castable Plastic Bonded Explosive and Investigation of Its Mechanical Properties, M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Samet Yıldız, Investigation of the Thermal Properties, the Changes in the Micro Structural and Mechanical Properties with Temperature, and Their Effects on the Quality of Triticum Aestivum L. (Bread Wheat) Types, M.S. thesis, Bioengineering Graduate Program, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Ongoing
- Yunus Kocabozdoğan, Optimization of Working Parameters on Electrochemical Machining (ECM), M.S. thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, ongoing
PhD Thesis Committee Member
- Alberto Olmo Fernández (Advisor: Dr. Ramon Risco), Vitrification by Means of Microcapilleries, Ultrasounds and Bioimpedance Measurements, Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria, Cryobiotech Lab, Seville, Spain, 29 Nov 2010
- Ariadna Corral Sousa (Advisor: Dr. Ramon Risco), X-ray Computed Tomography as a method of cryoprotectant concentration measurement and ice detection. Application to organ cryopreservation, Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria, Cryobiotech Lab, Seville, Spain, 24 Feb 2014
- Tuğrul Koyuncu (Advisor: Dr. Ahmet Özdural), Performance Prediction of Thermal Cells by Electrochemical and Thermal Modelling, Hacettepe University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering Program, Ankara, Turkey, 27 Apr 2015
- Sezin Galioğlu Özaltuğ (Advisor: Dr. Burcu Akata Kurç), Optical and Electrical Characterization of Titanosilicate ETS-10 Thin Films: Photochromism and Ionic Conductivity, Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Micro and Nanotechnology Program, Ankara, Turkey, 16 Jun 2015
- Duygu Kuzyaka (Advisor: Dr. Burcu Akata Kurç), Synthesis and Investigation of Optical and Magnetic Properties of Vanadosilicate AM-6 Thin Films, Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Biochemistry Program, Ankara, Turkey, 18 Nov 2019
- Selin Gerçekçi Yeşilyurt (Advisor: Dr. Can Özen), Association of FLT3 and NPM1 Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients With Metabolomic Patterns Determined by Mass Spectrometry, Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Micro and Nanotechnology Program, Ankara, Turkey, 29 Aug 2022
- Ramona Davoudnezhad, (Advisor: Dr. Burcu Akata Kurç), Production and Improvement of Humidity Sensors From Microporous Titanosilicate & Vanadosilicate Thin Films, Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Micro and Nanotechnology Program, Ankara, Turkey, 22 Dec 2022
- Muhammad Saqib, (Advisor: Dr. Yegan Erdem), Synthesis of Janus Microparticles by Droplet-Based Microfluidics, Bilkent University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, 2023