PAXIS Lab Araştırma Grubu


Araştırma Olanakları

•    Etüv (Statik/Çalkalamalı)
•    Hassas Terazi
•    Ph Metre
•    Termoshaker
•    Hassas Terazi
•    Sıcak Su Banyosu
•    Buzdolabı
•    Vorteks
•    Santrifuj
•    Homojenizatör
•    Sonikatör
•    Kül Fırını


  • Doç. Dr. Gözde KOŞARSOY AĞÇELİ
  • Sıla HOŞOĞLU (Yüksek Lisans)
  • Lara AKAY (Yüksek Lisans)
  • Eftalya İnci BALIKÇI (Lisans)
  • Gizem ŞİMŞEK (Lisans)
  • Selin Betül CİHAN (Lisans)
  • Muhammed Tahsin OKUR (Lisans)
  • Berkay Tarık GÜNÜÇ (Lisans)

Devam Eden Projeler

•    Termofilik mikroorganizmalardan levan eldesine yeşil sentez nanopartiküllerin etkisi: Karakterizasyon ve biyoaktivite (HACETTEPE ÜNİVERSİTESİ BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİ KOORDİNASYON BİRİMİ, Devam ediyor.)
•    Aspir Carthamus tinctorius L Bitkisinde Fullerenol ve Yeşil Sentez Demir Nanopartikülü Uygulaması ile Kuraklığa Dayanım Düzeyinin Fotokimyasal Ve Antioksidan Savunma Cevaplarla Ortaya Konulması (HACETTEPE ÜNİVERSİTESİ BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİ KOORDİNASYON BİRİMİ, Devam ediyor.)

Tamamlanan Projeler

•    Mikrobiyal Yöntemlerle Üretilen ZnO Nanopartikülleri ve Curdlan Biyopolimerinden Polimer Nanokompozit Malzeme Geliştirilmesi
•    Melaslı besiyerinde Fe3O4 nanopartiküllerine immobilize edilen mikroorganizmalardan levan üretimi ve üretilen levanın biyoaktivitesinin belirlenmesi
•    Kuantum Noktalarının (Quantum Dots) Mikrobiyal Olarak Sentezlenmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve Biyouyumluluklarının İn-vitro Çalışmalarla Belirlenmesi
•    Mikrobiyal Yolla Elde Edilen Biyopolimerik Hidrojel Yapılı Taşıyıcı Sistem Geliştirilmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve in-vivo ve in-vitro Çalışmalarının İncelenmesi
•    Farklı Esansiyel Yağlarla Zenginleştirilmiş Mikrobiyal Biyopolimer Esaslı Filmlerin Antimikrobiyal Etkisinin Belirlenmesi
•    Biyolojik yollarla sentezlenen nanopartiküllerin biyoaktivitelerinin belirlenmesi
•    Mikrobiyal biyopolimer üretimi ve antimikrobiyal yüzey olarak kullanımının araştırılması
•    Fizikokimyasal özelikleri olan yeni tasarım polimer-metal temelli malzemelerin yapısal değişimlerinin ve biyoaktivitelerinin araştırılması


1.    Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Chauhan, P., Jasrotia, R., Chauhan, P. K., & Ighalo, J. O. (2022). Multifunctional CuO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic dye degradation and antibacterial activity. Sustainable Environment Research, 32, 1-15.
2.    Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., & Günan Yücel, H. (2023). Levan production by Paenibacillus polymyxa immobilized on Fe3O4@ SiO2 nanoparticles using molasses medium with emphasis on the bioactivity. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 31(12), 5355-5370.
3.    Ağçeli, G. K. (2023). Similarities and differences of nano-sized levan synthesized by Bacillus haynesii at low and high temperatures: Characterization and bioactivity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 253, 126804
4.    Ağçeli, G. K., Hammamchi, H., Cihangir, N., & Aksu, Z. (2023). Biosynthesis of Zirconium dioxide nanoparticles by Streptomyces sp. HC1: Characterization and Bioactivity. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 16(1), 224-238.
5.    Aracagök, Y. D., Ağçeli, G. K., & Kabalak, M. (2022). A New Approach for Dye Removal with a Polymer: Removal of Acid Orange 12 from Aqueous Solution with Shrimp Chitin. Commagene Journal of Biology, 6(2), 172-177
6.    Dulta, K., Khongthaw, B., Singh, S., Thakur, A., Ağçeli, G. K., & Thakur, K. (2023). Stropharia rugosoannulata Farlow ex Murrill (Wine Cap Stropharia or Garden Giant).
7.    Ağçeli, G. K. (2024). Polymer and its nanocomposites as an antimicrobial coating for medical devices and implants. In Next-Generation Antimicrobial Nanocoatings for Medical Devices and Implants (pp. 161-180). Woodhead Publishing.
8.    Dulta, K., Ağçeli, G. K., Tangariya, P., Awasthi, Y. K., Sharma, R. B., Negi, T., ... & Negi, D. (2024). Potential of Nanotechnology for Improving Nutrient Efficiency of Temperate Horticulture Crops. In Novel Approach to Sustainable Temperate Horticulture (pp. 85-115). CRC Press.
9.    Dulta, K., Kumar, K., Thakur, A., Singh, S., Ağçeli, G. K., & Singh, D. (2024). 171Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill. In Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of the Himalayas (pp. 171-187). CRC Press.
10.    Ağçeli, G. K., Prakash, J., Dulta, K., & Chauhan, P. K. (2023). Silver-substituted nanoferrite-based composites for biomedical applications. In Magnetic Nanoferrites and their Composites (pp. 193-205). Woodhead Publishing.
11.    A Novel Approach to Synthesize TiO2 Nanoparticles: Biosynthesis by Using Streptomyces sp. HC1, Ağçeli G., Hammachi H., Kodal S. P. , Cihangir N., Aksu Z. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2020.
12.    A Novel Approach of Synthesis Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles by Bergenia ciliata Rhizome Extract: Antibacterial and Anticancer Potential, Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Chauhan, P. et al., J Inorg Organomet Polym, 2020.
13.    Ecofriendly Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles by Carica papaya Leaf Extract and Their Applications, Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Chauhan, P et al., Journal of Cluster Science, 2020.
14.    Biogenic Production and Characterization of CuO Nanoparticles by Carica papaya Leaves and Its Biocompatibility Applications, Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Chauhan, P et al., J Inorg Organomet Polym, 2021.
15.    Development of Alginate-Chitosan Based Coating Enriched with ZnO Nanoparticles for Increasing the Shelf Life of Orange Fruits (Citrus sinensis L.), Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Thakur, A et al., Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2022.
16.    Novel levan/bentonite/essential oil films: characterization and antimicrobial activity, Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Hammamchi, H., Cihangir, N., J Food Sci Technol, 2021.
17.    Nano-sized biopolymer levan:Its antimicrobial,anti-biofilm and anti effects, Koşarsoy Ağçeli G., Cihangir N., Carbohydrate Research, 2020.
18.    Development of ostrich eggshell and nano-levan-based edible biopolymer composite films: characterization and bioactivity, Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Polymer Bulletin, 2022.
19.    Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial performance of novel nanostructured biopolymer film based on levan/clay/LL-37 antimicrobial peptide, Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G., Cihangir, N., Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 23, January 2020, 101421,
20.    Mucormycosis: A Double Threat to COVID-19 Patients, Dulta, K., Kumar, K.,  Koşarsoy Ağçeli, G. P.K. Chauhan, Vinod Kumar, Pharmacologyonline, 2021.
21.    Koşarsoy Ağçeli G., Dulta K., Chauhan P., Chauhan P.K., Pal K. (2021) Progress in Nanomaterial Self-Assembly for Bio-scaffolds: Exclusive Biomedical Applications. In: Pal K. (eds) Bio-manufactured Nanomaterials. Springer, Cham.
22.    Koşarsoy Ağçeli G., Dulta K., Chauhan P., Chauhan P.K., Biological Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Their Advantages, Nanomaterials in Bionanotechnology, Taylor and Francis, eBook Published 18 August 2021,
23.    Orujalipoor Ilghar,Polat Kinyas,Huang Yeng Chih, İde Semra,SEN MURAT,JENG U SER,KOSARSOY AGÇELI GÖZDE,CIHANGIR NILÜFER (2019). Partially sulfonated styrene-(ethylene-butylene)-styrene copolymers: Nanostructures, bio and electro-active properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 225, 399-405.,


Araştırma Olanakları

<p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Et&uuml;v (Statik/&Ccedil;alkalamalı)<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hassas Terazi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ph Metre<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Termoshaker<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hassas Terazi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sıcak Su Banyosu<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Buzdolabı<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vorteks<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Santrifuj<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Homojenizat&ouml;r<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sonikat&ouml;r<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; K&uuml;l Fırını</p>


<ul> <li>Do&ccedil;. Dr. G&ouml;zde KOŞARSOY AĞ&Ccedil;ELİ</li> <li>Sıla HOŞOĞLU (Y&uuml;ksek Lisans)</li> <li>Lara AKAY (Y&uuml;ksek Lisans)</li> <li>Eftalya İnci BALIK&Ccedil;I (Lisans)</li> <li>Gizem ŞİMŞEK&nbsp;(Lisans)</li> <li>Selin Bet&uuml;l CİHAN (Lisans)</li> <li>Muhammed Tahsin OKUR (Lisans)</li> <li>Berkay Tarık G&Uuml;N&Uuml;&Ccedil; (Lisans)</li> </ul>

Devam Eden Projeler

<p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Termofilik mikroorganizmalardan levan eldesine yeşil sentez nanopartik&uuml;llerin etkisi: Karakterizasyon ve biyoaktivite (HACETTEPE &Uuml;NİVERSİTESİ BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİ KOORDİNASYON BİRİMİ, Devam ediyor.)<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Aspir Carthamus tinctorius L Bitkisinde Fullerenol ve Yeşil Sentez Demir Nanopartik&uuml;l&uuml; Uygulaması ile Kuraklığa Dayanım D&uuml;zeyinin Fotokimyasal Ve Antioksidan Savunma Cevaplarla Ortaya Konulması (HACETTEPE &Uuml;NİVERSİTESİ BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİ KOORDİNASYON BİRİMİ, Devam ediyor.)</p>

Tamamlanan Projeler

<p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mikrobiyal Y&ouml;ntemlerle &Uuml;retilen ZnO Nanopartik&uuml;lleri ve Curdlan Biyopolimerinden Polimer Nanokompozit Malzeme Geliştirilmesi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Melaslı besiyerinde Fe3O4 nanopartik&uuml;llerine immobilize edilen mikroorganizmalardan levan &uuml;retimi ve &uuml;retilen levanın biyoaktivitesinin belirlenmesi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kuantum Noktalarının (Quantum Dots) Mikrobiyal Olarak Sentezlenmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve Biyouyumluluklarının İn-vitro &Ccedil;alışmalarla Belirlenmesi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mikrobiyal Yolla Elde Edilen Biyopolimerik Hidrojel Yapılı Taşıyıcı Sistem Geliştirilmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve in-vivo ve in-vitro &Ccedil;alışmalarının İncelenmesi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Farklı Esansiyel Yağlarla Zenginleştirilmiş Mikrobiyal Biyopolimer Esaslı Filmlerin Antimikrobiyal Etkisinin Belirlenmesi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Biyolojik yollarla sentezlenen nanopartik&uuml;llerin biyoaktivitelerinin belirlenmesi<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mikrobiyal biyopolimer &uuml;retimi ve antimikrobiyal y&uuml;zey olarak kullanımının araştırılması<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fizikokimyasal &ouml;zelikleri olan yeni tasarım polimer-metal temelli malzemelerin yapısal değişimlerinin ve biyoaktivitelerinin araştırılması</p>


<p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Chauhan, P., Jasrotia, R., Chauhan, P. K., &amp; Ighalo, J. O. (2022). Multifunctional CuO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic dye degradation and antibacterial activity. Sustainable Environment Research, 32, 1-15.<br /> 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., &amp; G&uuml;nan Y&uuml;cel, H. (2023). Levan production by Paenibacillus polymyxa immobilized on Fe3O4@ SiO2 nanoparticles using molasses medium with emphasis on the bioactivity. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 31(12), 5355-5370.<br /> 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K. (2023). Similarities and differences of nano-sized levan synthesized by Bacillus haynesii at low and high temperatures: Characterization and bioactivity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 253, 126804<br /> 4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K., Hammamchi, H., Cihangir, N., &amp; Aksu, Z. (2023). Biosynthesis of Zirconium dioxide nanoparticles by Streptomyces sp. HC1: Characterization and Bioactivity. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 16(1), 224-238.<br /> 5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Aracag&ouml;k, Y. D., Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K., &amp; Kabalak, M. (2022). A New Approach for Dye Removal with a Polymer: Removal of Acid Orange 12 from Aqueous Solution with Shrimp Chitin. Commagene Journal of Biology, 6(2), 172-177<br /> 6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dulta, K., Khongthaw, B., Singh, S., Thakur, A., Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K., &amp; Thakur, K. (2023). Stropharia rugosoannulata Farlow ex Murrill (Wine Cap Stropharia or Garden Giant).<br /> 7.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K. (2024). Polymer and its nanocomposites as an antimicrobial coating for medical devices and implants. In Next-Generation Antimicrobial Nanocoatings for Medical Devices and Implants (pp. 161-180). Woodhead Publishing.<br /> 8.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dulta, K., Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K., Tangariya, P., Awasthi, Y. K., Sharma, R. B., Negi, T., ... &amp; Negi, D. (2024). Potential of Nanotechnology for Improving Nutrient Efficiency of Temperate Horticulture Crops. In Novel Approach to Sustainable Temperate Horticulture (pp. 85-115). CRC Press.<br /> 9.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dulta, K., Kumar, K., Thakur, A., Singh, S., Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K., &amp; Singh, D. (2024). 171Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill. In Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of the Himalayas (pp. 171-187). CRC Press.<br /> 10.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. K., Prakash, J., Dulta, K., &amp; Chauhan, P. K. (2023). Silver-substituted nanoferrite-based composites for biomedical applications. In Magnetic Nanoferrites and their Composites (pp. 193-205). Woodhead Publishing.<br /> 11.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A Novel Approach to Synthesize TiO2 Nanoparticles: Biosynthesis by Using Streptomyces sp. HC1, Ağ&ccedil;eli G., Hammachi H., Kodal S. P. , Cihangir N., Aksu Z. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2020.<br /> 12.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A Novel Approach of Synthesis Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles by Bergenia ciliata Rhizome Extract: Antibacterial and Anticancer Potential, Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Chauhan, P. et al., J Inorg Organomet Polym, 2020.<br /> 13.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ecofriendly Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles by Carica papaya Leaf Extract and Their Applications, Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Chauhan, P et al., Journal of Cluster Science, 2020.<br /> 14.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Biogenic Production and Characterization of CuO Nanoparticles by Carica papaya Leaves and Its Biocompatibility Applications, Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Chauhan, P et al., J Inorg Organomet Polym, 2021.<br /> 15.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Development of Alginate-Chitosan Based Coating Enriched with ZnO Nanoparticles for Increasing the Shelf Life of Orange Fruits (Citrus sinensis L.), Dulta, K., Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Thakur, A et al., Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2022.<br /> 16.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Novel levan/bentonite/essential oil films: characterization and antimicrobial activity, Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Hammamchi, H., Cihangir, N., J Food Sci Technol, 2021.<br /> 17.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nano-sized biopolymer levan:Its antimicrobial,anti-biofilm and anti effects, Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli G., Cihangir N., Carbohydrate Research, 2020.<br /> 18.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Development of ostrich eggshell and nano-levan-based edible biopolymer composite films: characterization and bioactivity, Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Polymer Bulletin, 2022.<br /> 19.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial performance of novel nanostructured biopolymer film based on levan/clay/LL-37 antimicrobial peptide, Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G., Cihangir, N., Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 23, January 2020, 101421,<br /> 20.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mucormycosis: A Double Threat to COVID-19 Patients, Dulta, K., Kumar, K.,&nbsp; Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli, G. P.K. Chauhan, Vinod Kumar, Pharmacologyonline, 2021.<br /> 21.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli G., Dulta K., Chauhan P., Chauhan P.K., Pal K. (2021) Progress in Nanomaterial Self-Assembly for Bio-scaffolds: Exclusive Biomedical Applications. In: Pal K. (eds) Bio-manufactured Nanomaterials. Springer, Cham.<br /> 22.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Koşarsoy Ağ&ccedil;eli G., Dulta K., Chauhan P., Chauhan P.K., Biological Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Their Advantages, Nanomaterials in Bionanotechnology, Taylor and Francis, eBook Published 18 August 2021,<br /> 23.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Orujalipoor Ilghar,Polat Kinyas,Huang Yeng Chih, İde Semra,SEN MURAT,JENG U SER,KOSARSOY AG&Ccedil;ELI G&Ouml;ZDE,CIHANGIR NIL&Uuml;FER (2019). Partially sulfonated styrene-(ethylene-butylene)-styrene copolymers: Nanostructures, bio and electro-active properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 225, 399-405.,</p>