Yapı Mekaniği Laboratuvarı


Yapı Mekaniği Laboratuvarımız 2017 yılında aktif olarak faaliyete geçmiş olup bugüne kadar Uluslararası ve Ulusal düzeyde 4 adet Bilimsel Proje tamamlanmış ve halen 3 adet Bilimsel Proje devam etmektedir. 2017 yılından bu yana pek çok akademik yayın ve tez çalışması yapılmıştır.

Araştırma Olanakları

•    Yapı Mekaniği Lisans Eğitim Çerçevesi
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 1
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 2
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 3
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 4
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 5
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 6
•    Su Terazisi Tip 1
•    Su Terazisi Tip 2
•    Su Terazisi Tip 3
•    Su Terazisi Tip 4
•    Elektronik Vinç Tipi Kantar
•    Dolu Takım Dolabı
•    Örs
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 2
•    Matkap
•    Matkap Uçları
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 2
•    Kürek
•    Betonyer
•    Portatif Projektör
•    Ara Kablo
•    Şerit Metre
•    Metal Gönye Tip 1
•    Metal Gönye Tip 2
•    Donatı Makası Tip 1
•    Donatı Makası Tip 2
•    Vibratör
•    Örs
•    İşkence Tip 1
•    İşkence Tip 2
•    İşkence Tip 3
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 2
•    Matkap
•    Matkap Uçları
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 2
•    Kaynak Makinesi
•    Kaynak Elektrodu
•    Şarjlı Vidalama
•    Şarjlı Vidalama Uç Takımı
•    Tilki Kuyruğu
•    Multimetre
•    Taşlama Aleti
•    Avuç Taşlama Aleti
•    El Testeresi Tip 1
•    El Testeresi Tip 2
•    Mengene
•    Donatı Bükme Makinası
•    Şerit Testere Tezgâhı
•    Mapa
•    Lenko
•    Carazkal Tip 1
•    Carazkal Tip 2
•    Carazkal Tip 3
•    Motorlu Carazkal
•    Hidrolik Kaplin Set
•    Hidrolik Hortum Tip 1
•    Hidrolik Hortum Tip 2
•    Hidrolik Piston Tip 1
•    Hidrolik Piston Tip 2
•    Hidrolik Pompa Tip 1
•    Hidrolik Pompa Tip 2
•    LVDT Tip 1
•    LVDT Tip 2
•    LVDT Tip 3
•    LVDT Tip 4
•    LVDT Tip 5
•    LVDT Tip 6
•    Yassı Tip Yük Hücresi 3
•    Yassı Tip Yük Hücresi 4
•    Yassı Tip Yük Hücresi 5
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 1
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 2
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 3
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 4
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 5


•    Doç. Dr. Baki Öztürk
•    Doç. Dr. Alper Aldemir
•    Dr. Burcu Güldür Erkal
•    Şaban Akduman
•    Rafet Aktepe
•    Öznur Kocaer
•    Özge Gizem Akikol
•    Gamze Mütevelli Özkan (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Abdulkadir Özalp (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Ali Erhan Yılmaz (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Onur Coşkun (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Ömer Faruk Çınar (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Can Kurt (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Faysal Nori (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Zeynel Altay Şahin (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Ali Akgöz (YL Öğrencisi)
•    Muhammed Furkan Erdoğan (YL Öğrencisi)
•    Muhammed Alankuş (YL Öğrencisi)
•    Sertaç Uçak (YL Öğrencisi)

Devam Eden Projeler

•    Hafif Çelik Elemanlardaki Şekilsel Kusurların Üç Boyutlu Veri Bulutlarından Tespit Edilmesi Ve Nümerik Modellemede Kullanılması, TÜBİTAK, 217M513,
•    Lego Construction System of “Green” Structural Components for Low-cost Housing, Newton-Katip Çelebi Fonu, 218M102.
•    ICEBERG: Innovative Circular Economy Based solutions demonstrating the Efficient recovery of valuable material Resources from the Generation of representative End-of-Life building materials, Horizon 2020.

Tamamlanan Projeler

•    “İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Yapı Mekaniği ve Yapı Malzemesi Laboratuvarları Makine-Teçhizat Alımı” (FAY-2015-6559), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAP Projesi, Yürütücü: Baki ÖZTÜRK.

•    "Sismik Hasar Görebilirlik Endeksi Çerçevesinin Geliştirilmesi için Prensiplerin Belirlenmesi" (1059B), TÜBİTAK Projesi, Yürütücü: Baki ÖZTÜRK.

•    “Beton barajlar için boş rezervuar durumunda periyot tahmin denklemi geliştirme, Alper Aldemir, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, FBB-2017-16271.
•    “Dolu Rezervuar Durumdaki Beton Ağırlık Barajlar için Baraj-Zemin-Rezervuar Etkilerini ve Vadi Geometrisini Üç Boyutlu olarak Dikkate Alan Periyot Tahmin Denklemi Geliştirilmesi”, Alper Aldemir, TÜBİTAK, 217M410. 


• Ozturk, B., H Cetin, E Aydin, "Optimum vertical location and design of multiple tuned mass dampers under seismic excitations", Structures 41, 1141-1163 (2022).
• Kassem, M.M., FM Nazri, EN Farsangi, B Ozturk, "Development of A Uniform Seismic Vulnerability Index Framework for Reinforced Concrete Building Typology", Journal of Building Engineering, 47 (2022). 
• Arada, AH, B Ozturk, MM Kassem, FM Nazri, CG Tan, "Optimization of Sky-Bridge location at coupled high-rise buildings considering seismic vulnerability functions", Structural Engineering and Mechanics 82 (3), 385-400 (2022).
• Cetin, H., B Ozturk, M Dutkiewicz, E Aydin, "Design of an Optimum Tuned Mass Damper for Cantilever Beam Response Reduction", 16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021), Lodz, Poland.
• Cetin, H., E Aydin, B Ozturk, "Optimum Parameters and Location of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers Under Seismic Excitation", 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE) , Sendai, Japan (2021).
• Kassem, M.M., FM Nazri, EN Farsangi, B Ozturk, "Improved Vulnerability Index Methodology to Quantify Seismic Risk and Loss Assessment in Reinforced Concrete Buildings", Journal of Earthquake Engineering 25, (2021).

•    ALDEMİR, Alper, Barış Binici, Erdem Canbay, “Cyclic Testing of Reinforced Concrete Double Walls”, ACI Structural Journal, 114(2), 2017, 11s.
•    ÇOBANOĞLU, Baran, Alper Aldemir, İsmail Ozan Demirel, Barış Binici, Erdem Canbay, Ahmet Yakut, “Investigation of Material Properties for Masonry Buildings”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31(4), 2017, 31(4), 12s.
•    ALDEMİR, Alper, Barış Binici, Erdem Canbay, Ahmet Yakut, “Lateral Load Testing of an Existing Two Story Masonry Building  up to Near Collapse”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 15(8), 18s.
•    Aldemir Çift Oluklu Betonarme Kiriş Sistemlerinde Boşluk Derinliğinin Davranışa Etkisi, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 33, 2, 2018, 659-669, SCI-Exp
•    B. Binici, F. Gokmen, E. Canbay, A. Aldemir, M.K. Ogdu, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, G. Ozdemir In situ seismic testing of a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete building: Seismische In‐situ‐Prüfung eines Gebäudes aus bewehrtem Porenbeton, Mauerwerk 22, 5, 2018, Emerging Science Citation Index (WOS)
•    A. Aldemir Prediction Equations for the Fundamental Period and Mode Shape of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams considering Three Dimensional Geometry Effects, Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2018, SCI-Exp (on-line publihed)
•    A. Aldemir, B. Binici, E. Canbay, A. Yakut In situ lateral load testing of a two-story solid clay brick masonry building, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), 21,5, 2018, SCI-Exp.
•    Aldemir, A. (2018), “Prediction Equations for the Fundamental Period and Mode Shape of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams considering Three Dimensional Geometry Effects”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1532357
•    Gokmen, F., Binici, B., Aldemir, A., Taghipour, A. and Canbay, E. (2019), “Seismic behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete low rise buildings with reinforced wall panels”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17, 3933–3957. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-019-00630-3
•    Binici, B., Canbay, E., Aldemir, A., Demirel, I.O., Uzgan, E., Eryurtlu, Z., Bulbul, K. and Yakut, A. (2019), “Seismic behavior and improvement of autoclaved aerated concrete infill walls”, Engineering Structures, 193, 68-81. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.05.032
•    Gharibdoust, A., Aldemir, A. and Binici, B., “Effect of Base Roughness on the Seismic Response of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams”, Stucture and Infrastructure Engineering, (published on-line). DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2019.1661500
•    Coskun, O., Aldemir, A. and Sahmaran, M., “Rapid screening method for the determination of seismic vulnerability assessment of RC building stocks”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (published on-line). DOI: 10.1007/s10518-019-00751-9
•    Aldemir, A., Guvenir, E. and Sahmaran, M., “Rapid screening method for the determination of regional risk distribution of masonry structures”, Structural Safety 85, 101959. DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2020.101959
•    Yildirim, G., Kul, A., Ozcelikci, E., Sahmaran, M., Aldemir, A., Figueira, D. and Ashour, A.F., “Development of Alkali-Activated Binders for Recycled Mixed Masonry-originated Waste”, Journal Of Building Engineering. 33: 101690. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101690
•    Ulugöl, H., Kul, A., Yıldırım, G., Şahmaran, M., Aldemir, A., Figueira, D. and Ashour, A. “Mechanical and microstructural characterization of geopolymers from assorted construction and demolition waste-based masonry and glass”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 280.
•    Aldemir, A. “Prediction Equation for the Fundamental Vibration Period of Concrete Gravity Dams with Impounded Water”, Earthquake Spectra.
•    A. Aldemir Beton Ağırlık Barajların Sismik Performanslarına Seçilen Kesit Geometrisinin Etkisi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 2018, ULAKBİM.
•    Aldemir, A. (2019), “Dolu Rezervuar Durumdaki Barajların Sismik Davranış Tahminlerine Seçilen Numerik Model Tipinin Etkisi”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(2), 81-92.
•    BİNİCİ, Barış (Prof.Dr.), Alper Aldemir (Dr.), Ali Gharibdoust (Yük.Müh.), “Effect of Base Roughness on Seismic Response of Gravity Dams”, 10th ICOLD European Club Symposium, Antalya, Türkiye, 25 – 30 October 2016.
•    ALDEMİR, Alper (Dr.), Barış Binici (Prof.Dr.), Erdem Canbay (Prof.Dr.), Ahmet Yakut (Prof.Dr.), “Testing of an Existing Two Story Masonry Building under Lateral Loads”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017.
•    ALDEMİR, Alper (Dr.), Beyazıt Bestami Aydın (Yük.Müh.), “Effect of Double-Slotted Beams on the Frame Behavior”, XVII. International Scientific Conference (VSU2017), Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9 June 2017.
•    A. Aldemir, “Çift oluklu betonarme kirişlerde oluk derinliği ve süneklik ilişkisi”, 4. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
•    A. Aldemir, “Beton ağırlık barajların sismik özelliklerine farklı rezervuar modelleme tekniklerinin etkisi”, 4. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
•    A. Aldemir, “Period Prediction Equation for Concrete Gravity Dams”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September 2018, Izmir/TURKEY.
•    B. Binici, E. Canbay, A. Aldemir, I.O. Demirel, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, K. Bulbul, A. Yakut, “Behavior of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Infill Walls under combined In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Actions”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September 2018, Izmir/TURKEY.
•    F. Gokmen, B. Binici, E. Canbay, A. Aldemir, M.K. Ogdu, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, G. Ozdemir, “In situ seismic testing of a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete building”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    A. Taghipour, E. Canbay, B. Binici, A. Aldemir, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, “Seismic behavior of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete wall panels”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    E. Canbay, B. Binici, I.O. Demirel, A. Aldemir, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, K. Bulbul, “DEGAS: An innovative earthquake‐proof AAC wall system”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    B. Binici, E. Canbay, I.O. Demirel, A. Aldemir, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, A. Yakut, “Seismic response of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry infill walls under in‐plane and out‐of‐plane seismic demands”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    Aldemir, A. (2018), “Çift Oluklu Betonarme Kirişlerde Oluk Derinliği ve Süneklik İlişkisi”, 4. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, 11-13 Ekim, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
•    Aldemir, A. (2018), “Beton Ağırlık Barajların Sismik Özelliklerine Farklı Rezervuar Modelleme Tekniklerinin Etkisi”, 3. Uluslararası Mühendislik Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 04-05 Mayıs, Kocaeli, Türkiye.
•    Binici, B. And Aldemir, A. (2019), “Structural Module Which can Store Energy”, European Patent (under Patent Cooperation Treaty), Patent No: EP 3 309 493B1.   
•    Öztürk, B., “Seismic Behavior of Two Monumental Buildings in Historical Cappadocia Region of Turkey Considering Displacement-Based Approach”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 7, pp 3103–3123 (2017).
•    Hessabi, R.M., Mercan,O. ve B. Öztürk, “Exploring the effects of tuned mass dampers on the seismic performance of structures with nonlinear base isolation systems”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol.12, Issue 3, pp 285-296 (2017).
•    Çetin, H., Aydın, E. ve B. Öztürk, “Optimal Damper Allocation in Shear Buildings with Tuned Mass Dampers and Viscous Damper”, International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp 1-24 (2017).
•    Aydın, E., Öztürk, B. ve M. Dutkiewicz, “Analysis of efficiency of passive dampers in multistorey buildings”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.439, pp 17-28 (2019).
•    Çetin, H., Aydın, E. ve B. Öztürk, “Optimal Design and Distribution of Viscous Dampers for Shear Building Structures under Seismic Excitations”, Frontiers in Built Environment, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2019.00090 (2019).
•    Aydın, E., Dutkiewicz, M., Öztürk, B. ve M. Sönmez, “Optimization of Elastic Spring Supports for Cantilever Beams”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Volume 62, Pages 55-81 (2020).
•    Aydın, E., Öztürk, B., Farsangi, E.N. ve A. Bogdanovic, “Editorial: New Trends and Developments on Structural Control & Health Monitoring”, Frontiers in Built Environment (2020).
•    Aydın, E., Öztürk, B., Bogdanovic, A. ve E. Noroozinejad, “Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Optimum Design of Passive Damping Devices”, Structures, Volume 28, Pages 847-862 (2020).
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, H. Çetin, O. Okkay, U. Ohancan and Y.E. Şirin, “Experiments of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) on the Reduced Shear Frame Model under Harmonic Loads”, Experimental Fluid Mechanics (EFM) 2016 Conference, Czech Republic, November 2016.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, H. Çetin and T. Simsek, “Application of Viscous Dampers for Prevention of Pounding in Adjacent Reinforced Concrete Buildings”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile, January 2017.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, “Optimal Passive Control of Shear Buildings”, 23rd International Conference on Engineering Mechanics 2017, May 2017, Svratka, Czechia.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, “Control of vibrations of multistorey buildings with use of passive dampers”, 14th International Conference, Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, December 2017, Lodz, Poland.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, H. Çetin, O. Okkay, U. Ohancan, Y. E. Şirin, “Experiments of Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD) on the Reduced Shear Frames under Harmonic Loads”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), June 2018, Selanik, Greece.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, “Determination of Optimal Elastic Springs for Cantilever Beams Supported by Elastic Foundation”, 24th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics 2018, Svratka, Czechia, May 2018.
•    Aydın, E., O. Sivrikaya, B. Öztürk, “Comparison of Optimal Damper Distributions in Shear Frames in Terms of Soil Conditions”, The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), July 2018, Qingdao, China.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, H. Çetin, M. Gasır, “Strengthening Plane Frames with Steel Plates”, The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), July 2018, Qingdao, China.
•    Çetin, H., E. Aydin, B. Öztürk, “Design of a Viscous Damper Based on Minimization of First Floor Interstorey Drift (IDR)”, The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), July 2018, Qingdao, China.
•    Aydın, E., A. Bogdanovic, B. Öztürk, “Viscous Damper Design Considering Soil-Structure Interaction”, The 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, September 2018, Malta.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, H. Çetin, M. Tanrıkulu, F.S. Gür, “Application of Viscous Fluid Dampers to Rehabilitate Structural Vibrations”, ASCE-EMI 2019 International Conference, July 2019, Lyon, France.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Batı, Y. Kavaz, B. Kılıç, “Effects of Tuned Liquid Column Damper Properties on The Dynamic Response of Structures”, ASCE-EMI 2019 International Conference, July 2019, Lyon, France.
•    Çetin, H., E. Aydin, B. Öztürk, “Optimum Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) Design for The Cantilever Beam Response Reduction”, 4th Polish Congress of Mechanics and 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics PCM-CMM-2019, Kraków, Poland.
•    Coşkun, S.B. and B. Öztürk, “Analysis of Nanobeam Vibration Using Homotopy Perturbation Method”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2019), Istanbul.
•    Coşkun, S.B. and B. Öztürk, “Stability of Nanobeams Via Homotopy Perturbation Method”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2019), Istanbul.
•    Coşkun, S.B. and B. Öztürk, “Analysis of Longitudinal Vibration of Nanorods Via Homotopy Perturbation Method”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2019), Istanbul.
•    Aydin, E., Öztürk, B. and O Sivrikaya, “Optimal Damper Distributions in Shear Frames Considering Soil Conditions”, EuroDyn 2020 (XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics), Athens, Greece.
•    Çetin, H., Öztürk, B. and E Aydin, “Optimal Viscous Damper Placement to Prevent Pounding of Adjacent Buildings”, EuroDyn 2020 (XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics), Athens, Greece.
•    Çetin, H., Aydın, E. and B Öztürk, “Optimum Parameters and Location of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers Under Seismic Excitation”, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan.
•    Doğan-Sağlamtimur, N., A. Bilgil and B. Öztürk, “Reusability of Ashes for The Building Sector to Strengthen The Sustainability of Waste Management," Handbook of Research on Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Development, Pages 265-281, IGI Global Publications, U.S.A. (2018).
•    Aydın, E., E.N. Farsangi, B. Öztürk, A. Bogdanovic, M. Dutkiewicz, “Improvement of Building Resilience by Viscous Dampers”, Resilient Structures and Infrastructure, Pages  105-128, Springer, Germany (2019).
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk and M. Dikmen, “Optimal Damper Placement to Prevent Pounding of Adjacent Structures Considering a Target Damping Ratio and Relative Displacement”, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 581-592 (2018).
•    Çetin, H., E. Aydın and B. Öztürk, “Application of a Mixed Passive Control in Structures with Tuned Mass Dampers and Viscous Dampers”, 20TUMTMK Mekanik Konferansı, Bursa (2017).
•    Coşkun, S.B., S. Memis, B. Öztürk, “Eğilme Rijitliği Üslü Değişen Kolonların Kritik Burkulma Yüklerinin Diferansiyel Dönüşüm Yöntemi ile Elde Edilmesi”, 21TUMTMK Mekanik Konferansı, Niğde (2019).



Yapı Mekaniği Laboratuvarımız 2017 yılında aktif olarak faaliyete geçmiş olup bugüne kadar Uluslararası ve Ulusal düzeyde 4 adet Bilimsel Proje tamamlanmış ve halen 3 adet Bilimsel Proje devam etmektedir. 2017 yılından bu yana pek çok akademik yayın ve tez çalışması yapılmıştır.

Araştırma Olanakları

•    Yapı Mekaniği Lisans Eğitim Çerçevesi
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 1
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 2
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 3
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 4
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 5
•    Polyester Sapan Tip 6
•    Su Terazisi Tip 1
•    Su Terazisi Tip 2
•    Su Terazisi Tip 3
•    Su Terazisi Tip 4
•    Elektronik Vinç Tipi Kantar
•    Dolu Takım Dolabı
•    Örs
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 2
•    Matkap
•    Matkap Uçları
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 2
•    Kürek
•    Betonyer
•    Portatif Projektör
•    Ara Kablo
•    Şerit Metre
•    Metal Gönye Tip 1
•    Metal Gönye Tip 2
•    Donatı Makası Tip 1
•    Donatı Makası Tip 2
•    Vibratör
•    Örs
•    İşkence Tip 1
•    İşkence Tip 2
•    İşkence Tip 3
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Tip 2
•    Matkap
•    Matkap Uçları
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 1
•    Delici Kırıcı Uçları Tip 2
•    Kaynak Makinesi
•    Kaynak Elektrodu
•    Şarjlı Vidalama
•    Şarjlı Vidalama Uç Takımı
•    Tilki Kuyruğu
•    Multimetre
•    Taşlama Aleti
•    Avuç Taşlama Aleti
•    El Testeresi Tip 1
•    El Testeresi Tip 2
•    Mengene
•    Donatı Bükme Makinası
•    Şerit Testere Tezgâhı
•    Mapa
•    Lenko
•    Carazkal Tip 1
•    Carazkal Tip 2
•    Carazkal Tip 3
•    Motorlu Carazkal
•    Hidrolik Kaplin Set
•    Hidrolik Hortum Tip 1
•    Hidrolik Hortum Tip 2
•    Hidrolik Piston Tip 1
•    Hidrolik Piston Tip 2
•    Hidrolik Pompa Tip 1
•    Hidrolik Pompa Tip 2
•    LVDT Tip 1
•    LVDT Tip 2
•    LVDT Tip 3
•    LVDT Tip 4
•    LVDT Tip 5
•    LVDT Tip 6
•    Yassı Tip Yük Hücresi 3
•    Yassı Tip Yük Hücresi 4
•    Yassı Tip Yük Hücresi 5
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 1
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 2
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 3
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 4
•    Lineer Potansiyometrik Deplasman Sensörü Tip 5


•    Doç. Dr. Baki Öztürk
•    Doç. Dr. Alper Aldemir
•    Dr. Burcu Güldür Erkal
•    Şaban Akduman
•    Rafet Aktepe
•    Öznur Kocaer
•    Özge Gizem Akikol
•    Gamze Mütevelli Özkan (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Abdulkadir Özalp (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Ali Erhan Yılmaz (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Onur Coşkun (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Ömer Faruk Çınar (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Can Kurt (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Faysal Nori (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Zeynel Altay Şahin (Doktora Öğrencisi)
•    Ali Akgöz (YL Öğrencisi)
•    Muhammed Furkan Erdoğan (YL Öğrencisi)
•    Muhammed Alankuş (YL Öğrencisi)
•    Sertaç Uçak (YL Öğrencisi)

Devam Eden Projeler

•    Hafif Çelik Elemanlardaki Şekilsel Kusurların Üç Boyutlu Veri Bulutlarından Tespit Edilmesi Ve Nümerik Modellemede Kullanılması, TÜBİTAK, 217M513,
•    Lego Construction System of “Green” Structural Components for Low-cost Housing, Newton-Katip Çelebi Fonu, 218M102.
•    ICEBERG: Innovative Circular Economy Based solutions demonstrating the Efficient recovery of valuable material Resources from the Generation of representative End-of-Life building materials, Horizon 2020.

Tamamlanan Projeler

•    “İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Yapı Mekaniği ve Yapı Malzemesi Laboratuvarları Makine-Teçhizat Alımı” (FAY-2015-6559), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAP Projesi, Yürütücü: Baki ÖZTÜRK.

•    "Sismik Hasar Görebilirlik Endeksi Çerçevesinin Geliştirilmesi için Prensiplerin Belirlenmesi" (1059B), TÜBİTAK Projesi, Yürütücü: Baki ÖZTÜRK.

•    “Beton barajlar için boş rezervuar durumunda periyot tahmin denklemi geliştirme, Alper Aldemir, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, FBB-2017-16271.
•    “Dolu Rezervuar Durumdaki Beton Ağırlık Barajlar için Baraj-Zemin-Rezervuar Etkilerini ve Vadi Geometrisini Üç Boyutlu olarak Dikkate Alan Periyot Tahmin Denklemi Geliştirilmesi”, Alper Aldemir, TÜBİTAK, 217M410. 


• Ozturk, B., H Cetin, E Aydin, "Optimum vertical location and design of multiple tuned mass dampers under seismic excitations", Structures 41, 1141-1163 (2022).
• Kassem, M.M., FM Nazri, EN Farsangi, B Ozturk, "Development of A Uniform Seismic Vulnerability Index Framework for Reinforced Concrete Building Typology", Journal of Building Engineering, 47 (2022). 
• Arada, AH, B Ozturk, MM Kassem, FM Nazri, CG Tan, "Optimization of Sky-Bridge location at coupled high-rise buildings considering seismic vulnerability functions", Structural Engineering and Mechanics 82 (3), 385-400 (2022).
• Cetin, H., B Ozturk, M Dutkiewicz, E Aydin, "Design of an Optimum Tuned Mass Damper for Cantilever Beam Response Reduction", 16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021), Lodz, Poland.
• Cetin, H., E Aydin, B Ozturk, "Optimum Parameters and Location of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers Under Seismic Excitation", 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE) , Sendai, Japan (2021).
• Kassem, M.M., FM Nazri, EN Farsangi, B Ozturk, "Improved Vulnerability Index Methodology to Quantify Seismic Risk and Loss Assessment in Reinforced Concrete Buildings", Journal of Earthquake Engineering 25, (2021).

•    ALDEMİR, Alper, Barış Binici, Erdem Canbay, “Cyclic Testing of Reinforced Concrete Double Walls”, ACI Structural Journal, 114(2), 2017, 11s.
•    ÇOBANOĞLU, Baran, Alper Aldemir, İsmail Ozan Demirel, Barış Binici, Erdem Canbay, Ahmet Yakut, “Investigation of Material Properties for Masonry Buildings”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31(4), 2017, 31(4), 12s.
•    ALDEMİR, Alper, Barış Binici, Erdem Canbay, Ahmet Yakut, “Lateral Load Testing of an Existing Two Story Masonry Building  up to Near Collapse”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 15(8), 18s.
•    Aldemir Çift Oluklu Betonarme Kiriş Sistemlerinde Boşluk Derinliğinin Davranışa Etkisi, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 33, 2, 2018, 659-669, SCI-Exp
•    B. Binici, F. Gokmen, E. Canbay, A. Aldemir, M.K. Ogdu, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, G. Ozdemir In situ seismic testing of a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete building: Seismische In‐situ‐Prüfung eines Gebäudes aus bewehrtem Porenbeton, Mauerwerk 22, 5, 2018, Emerging Science Citation Index (WOS)
•    A. Aldemir Prediction Equations for the Fundamental Period and Mode Shape of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams considering Three Dimensional Geometry Effects, Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2018, SCI-Exp (on-line publihed)
•    A. Aldemir, B. Binici, E. Canbay, A. Yakut In situ lateral load testing of a two-story solid clay brick masonry building, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), 21,5, 2018, SCI-Exp.
•    Aldemir, A. (2018), “Prediction Equations for the Fundamental Period and Mode Shape of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams considering Three Dimensional Geometry Effects”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1532357
•    Gokmen, F., Binici, B., Aldemir, A., Taghipour, A. and Canbay, E. (2019), “Seismic behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete low rise buildings with reinforced wall panels”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17, 3933–3957. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-019-00630-3
•    Binici, B., Canbay, E., Aldemir, A., Demirel, I.O., Uzgan, E., Eryurtlu, Z., Bulbul, K. and Yakut, A. (2019), “Seismic behavior and improvement of autoclaved aerated concrete infill walls”, Engineering Structures, 193, 68-81. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.05.032
•    Gharibdoust, A., Aldemir, A. and Binici, B., “Effect of Base Roughness on the Seismic Response of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams”, Stucture and Infrastructure Engineering, (published on-line). DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2019.1661500
•    Coskun, O., Aldemir, A. and Sahmaran, M., “Rapid screening method for the determination of seismic vulnerability assessment of RC building stocks”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (published on-line). DOI: 10.1007/s10518-019-00751-9
•    Aldemir, A., Guvenir, E. and Sahmaran, M., “Rapid screening method for the determination of regional risk distribution of masonry structures”, Structural Safety 85, 101959. DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2020.101959
•    Yildirim, G., Kul, A., Ozcelikci, E., Sahmaran, M., Aldemir, A., Figueira, D. and Ashour, A.F., “Development of Alkali-Activated Binders for Recycled Mixed Masonry-originated Waste”, Journal Of Building Engineering. 33: 101690. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101690
•    Ulugöl, H., Kul, A., Yıldırım, G., Şahmaran, M., Aldemir, A., Figueira, D. and Ashour, A. “Mechanical and microstructural characterization of geopolymers from assorted construction and demolition waste-based masonry and glass”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 280.
•    Aldemir, A. “Prediction Equation for the Fundamental Vibration Period of Concrete Gravity Dams with Impounded Water”, Earthquake Spectra.
•    A. Aldemir Beton Ağırlık Barajların Sismik Performanslarına Seçilen Kesit Geometrisinin Etkisi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 2018, ULAKBİM.
•    Aldemir, A. (2019), “Dolu Rezervuar Durumdaki Barajların Sismik Davranış Tahminlerine Seçilen Numerik Model Tipinin Etkisi”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(2), 81-92.
•    BİNİCİ, Barış (Prof.Dr.), Alper Aldemir (Dr.), Ali Gharibdoust (Yük.Müh.), “Effect of Base Roughness on Seismic Response of Gravity Dams”, 10th ICOLD European Club Symposium, Antalya, Türkiye, 25 – 30 October 2016.
•    ALDEMİR, Alper (Dr.), Barış Binici (Prof.Dr.), Erdem Canbay (Prof.Dr.), Ahmet Yakut (Prof.Dr.), “Testing of an Existing Two Story Masonry Building under Lateral Loads”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017.
•    ALDEMİR, Alper (Dr.), Beyazıt Bestami Aydın (Yük.Müh.), “Effect of Double-Slotted Beams on the Frame Behavior”, XVII. International Scientific Conference (VSU2017), Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9 June 2017.
•    A. Aldemir, “Çift oluklu betonarme kirişlerde oluk derinliği ve süneklik ilişkisi”, 4. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
•    A. Aldemir, “Beton ağırlık barajların sismik özelliklerine farklı rezervuar modelleme tekniklerinin etkisi”, 4. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
•    A. Aldemir, “Period Prediction Equation for Concrete Gravity Dams”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September 2018, Izmir/TURKEY.
•    B. Binici, E. Canbay, A. Aldemir, I.O. Demirel, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, K. Bulbul, A. Yakut, “Behavior of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Infill Walls under combined In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Actions”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September 2018, Izmir/TURKEY.
•    F. Gokmen, B. Binici, E. Canbay, A. Aldemir, M.K. Ogdu, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, G. Ozdemir, “In situ seismic testing of a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete building”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    A. Taghipour, E. Canbay, B. Binici, A. Aldemir, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, “Seismic behavior of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete wall panels”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    E. Canbay, B. Binici, I.O. Demirel, A. Aldemir, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, K. Bulbul, “DEGAS: An innovative earthquake‐proof AAC wall system”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    B. Binici, E. Canbay, I.O. Demirel, A. Aldemir, U. Uzgan, Z. Eryurtlu, A. Yakut, “Seismic response of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry infill walls under in‐plane and out‐of‐plane seismic demands”, 6th International Conference on AAC, CE Papers 2, 3, September 2018.
•    Aldemir, A. (2018), “Çift Oluklu Betonarme Kirişlerde Oluk Derinliği ve Süneklik İlişkisi”, 4. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, 11-13 Ekim, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
•    Aldemir, A. (2018), “Beton Ağırlık Barajların Sismik Özelliklerine Farklı Rezervuar Modelleme Tekniklerinin Etkisi”, 3. Uluslararası Mühendislik Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 04-05 Mayıs, Kocaeli, Türkiye.
•    Binici, B. And Aldemir, A. (2019), “Structural Module Which can Store Energy”, European Patent (under Patent Cooperation Treaty), Patent No: EP 3 309 493B1.   
•    Öztürk, B., “Seismic Behavior of Two Monumental Buildings in Historical Cappadocia Region of Turkey Considering Displacement-Based Approach”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 7, pp 3103–3123 (2017).
•    Hessabi, R.M., Mercan,O. ve B. Öztürk, “Exploring the effects of tuned mass dampers on the seismic performance of structures with nonlinear base isolation systems”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol.12, Issue 3, pp 285-296 (2017).
•    Çetin, H., Aydın, E. ve B. Öztürk, “Optimal Damper Allocation in Shear Buildings with Tuned Mass Dampers and Viscous Damper”, International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp 1-24 (2017).
•    Aydın, E., Öztürk, B. ve M. Dutkiewicz, “Analysis of efficiency of passive dampers in multistorey buildings”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.439, pp 17-28 (2019).
•    Çetin, H., Aydın, E. ve B. Öztürk, “Optimal Design and Distribution of Viscous Dampers for Shear Building Structures under Seismic Excitations”, Frontiers in Built Environment, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2019.00090 (2019).
•    Aydın, E., Dutkiewicz, M., Öztürk, B. ve M. Sönmez, “Optimization of Elastic Spring Supports for Cantilever Beams”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Volume 62, Pages 55-81 (2020).
•    Aydın, E., Öztürk, B., Farsangi, E.N. ve A. Bogdanovic, “Editorial: New Trends and Developments on Structural Control & Health Monitoring”, Frontiers in Built Environment (2020).
•    Aydın, E., Öztürk, B., Bogdanovic, A. ve E. Noroozinejad, “Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Optimum Design of Passive Damping Devices”, Structures, Volume 28, Pages 847-862 (2020).
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, H. Çetin, O. Okkay, U. Ohancan and Y.E. Şirin, “Experiments of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) on the Reduced Shear Frame Model under Harmonic Loads”, Experimental Fluid Mechanics (EFM) 2016 Conference, Czech Republic, November 2016.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, H. Çetin and T. Simsek, “Application of Viscous Dampers for Prevention of Pounding in Adjacent Reinforced Concrete Buildings”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile, January 2017.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, “Optimal Passive Control of Shear Buildings”, 23rd International Conference on Engineering Mechanics 2017, May 2017, Svratka, Czechia.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, “Control of vibrations of multistorey buildings with use of passive dampers”, 14th International Conference, Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, December 2017, Lodz, Poland.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, H. Çetin, O. Okkay, U. Ohancan, Y. E. Şirin, “Experiments of Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD) on the Reduced Shear Frames under Harmonic Loads”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), June 2018, Selanik, Greece.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Dutkiewicz, “Determination of Optimal Elastic Springs for Cantilever Beams Supported by Elastic Foundation”, 24th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics 2018, Svratka, Czechia, May 2018.
•    Aydın, E., O. Sivrikaya, B. Öztürk, “Comparison of Optimal Damper Distributions in Shear Frames in Terms of Soil Conditions”, The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), July 2018, Qingdao, China.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, H. Çetin, M. Gasır, “Strengthening Plane Frames with Steel Plates”, The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), July 2018, Qingdao, China.
•    Çetin, H., E. Aydin, B. Öztürk, “Design of a Viscous Damper Based on Minimization of First Floor Interstorey Drift (IDR)”, The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), July 2018, Qingdao, China.
•    Aydın, E., A. Bogdanovic, B. Öztürk, “Viscous Damper Design Considering Soil-Structure Interaction”, The 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, September 2018, Malta.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, H. Çetin, M. Tanrıkulu, F.S. Gür, “Application of Viscous Fluid Dampers to Rehabilitate Structural Vibrations”, ASCE-EMI 2019 International Conference, July 2019, Lyon, France.
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk, M. Batı, Y. Kavaz, B. Kılıç, “Effects of Tuned Liquid Column Damper Properties on The Dynamic Response of Structures”, ASCE-EMI 2019 International Conference, July 2019, Lyon, France.
•    Çetin, H., E. Aydin, B. Öztürk, “Optimum Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) Design for The Cantilever Beam Response Reduction”, 4th Polish Congress of Mechanics and 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics PCM-CMM-2019, Kraków, Poland.
•    Coşkun, S.B. and B. Öztürk, “Analysis of Nanobeam Vibration Using Homotopy Perturbation Method”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2019), Istanbul.
•    Coşkun, S.B. and B. Öztürk, “Stability of Nanobeams Via Homotopy Perturbation Method”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2019), Istanbul.
•    Coşkun, S.B. and B. Öztürk, “Analysis of Longitudinal Vibration of Nanorods Via Homotopy Perturbation Method”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2019), Istanbul.
•    Aydin, E., Öztürk, B. and O Sivrikaya, “Optimal Damper Distributions in Shear Frames Considering Soil Conditions”, EuroDyn 2020 (XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics), Athens, Greece.
•    Çetin, H., Öztürk, B. and E Aydin, “Optimal Viscous Damper Placement to Prevent Pounding of Adjacent Buildings”, EuroDyn 2020 (XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics), Athens, Greece.
•    Çetin, H., Aydın, E. and B Öztürk, “Optimum Parameters and Location of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers Under Seismic Excitation”, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan.
•    Doğan-Sağlamtimur, N., A. Bilgil and B. Öztürk, “Reusability of Ashes for The Building Sector to Strengthen The Sustainability of Waste Management," Handbook of Research on Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Development, Pages 265-281, IGI Global Publications, U.S.A. (2018).
•    Aydın, E., E.N. Farsangi, B. Öztürk, A. Bogdanovic, M. Dutkiewicz, “Improvement of Building Resilience by Viscous Dampers”, Resilient Structures and Infrastructure, Pages  105-128, Springer, Germany (2019).
•    Aydın, E., B. Öztürk and M. Dikmen, “Optimal Damper Placement to Prevent Pounding of Adjacent Structures Considering a Target Damping Ratio and Relative Displacement”, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 581-592 (2018).
•    Çetin, H., E. Aydın and B. Öztürk, “Application of a Mixed Passive Control in Structures with Tuned Mass Dampers and Viscous Dampers”, 20TUMTMK Mekanik Konferansı, Bursa (2017).
•    Coşkun, S.B., S. Memis, B. Öztürk, “Eğilme Rijitliği Üslü Değişen Kolonların Kritik Burkulma Yüklerinin Diferansiyel Dönüşüm Yöntemi ile Elde Edilmesi”, 21TUMTMK Mekanik Konferansı, Niğde (2019).
